Newtown: Now We Know Why It Happened!

Sez christ-y nutball Huckabee about the massacre:
It’s an interesting thing. We ask why there’s violence in our schools but we’ve systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage? Because we’ve made it a place where we do not want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability. That we’re not just going to have to be accountable to the police, if they catch us, but we stand one day before a holy God in judgment… Maybe we ought to let [God] in on the front end and we would not have to call him to show up when it’s all said and done at the back end.

Fuck him and anyone who agrees with this steaming pile of horseshit.
You guys should let people have guns, but subject gun owners to monthly/random inspections of their weapons and their storage facilities. Treat gun ownership like you treat small business. Require liability insurance and massive penalties for insecure storage or firearms.

Require combination locks and thumbprint recognition to open gun safes.
Have fines that can bankrupt the average person for violations of safety code.

Make having a gun not worth the headache and you'll see the numbers of gun owners plummet

Are you okay with doing the same thing regarding voting? How about political speech? How about just basic property rights? No? Not okay for us to unreasonably restrict those rights? Then shut the fuck up! We have the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms, and it's inalienable. You can have reasonable regulations, but I've not heard a single regulation yet that would have prevented this tragedy. The perpetrator didn't abide by the regulations in place, he didn't obey the laws, he wasn't even a responsible legal gun owner.

Why is no one talking about the fact that this punk spent most of his waking hours entranced in a video game where you shoot and kill people for points? Seems to me, the 'desensitization' of something like that, might have more to do with how someone could do such a thing. We don't hear calls for banning violent video games, but that would do just as much to prevent another tragedy like this, than any gun regulation you could enact on law-abiding gun owners.
Sez christ-y nutball Huckabee about the massacre:

Fuck him and anyone who agrees with this steaming pile of horseshit.

i don't agree with what he is saying, but what is about what he said that makes you so angry? he believes in god and believes that if we all did, people wouldn't commit atrocious acts like this.

you really have a low tolerance for other peoples beliefs. makes me wonder why you even post on a political messageboard.
You guys should let people have guns, but subject gun owners to monthly/random inspections of their weapons and their storage facilities. Treat gun ownership like you treat small business. Require liability insurance and massive penalties for insecure storage or firearms.

Require combination locks and thumbprint recognition to open gun safes.
Have fines that can bankrupt the average person for violations of safety code.

Make having a gun not worth the headache and you'll see the numbers of gun owners plummet

We should also denamd that women carry liability insurance, incase of an accidental pregnance that they are going to abort.
No insurance and it's against the law to have sex.
Coroner: Columbia Man Killed in Accidental Shooting

Jerry Marsh, III, 62, died after his gun accidentally discharged at a gun store and shooting range in West Columbia.

West Columbia Police are investigating a shooting accident that left a 62-year-old Columbia man dead Thursday night.

Jerry Marsh, III was at Shooter's Choice, a gun store and shooting range in West Columbia, dismantling his 40-caliber Glock semi-automatic handgun when it accidentally discharged around 7 p.m., Lexington County Coroner Harry Harman said. A bullet struck him in the chest.

Marsh was taken to Palmetto Health Richland where he was prounounced dead, Harman said.

The coroner's office is also investigating the incident.