cancel2 2022
Is it going to be on PBS in the USA?
It has been on already maybe they will repeat it.
Is it going to be on PBS in the USA?
Get out of Iraq, and Afghanistan, if we can afford to be there, we can afford health care for 45 million people!
No, actually that was pointed out when Bush's pill bill was approved that it was unsustainable and unless new sources of reveniew were found to pay for it that it could potentially add 20 to 30 billion to the national debt within the next 15 years. Solving the problem of funding medicare/medicaid is probably the biggest aspect of solving America's solvency problem. How can that be done without health care reform?yeah, that's the new fear mongering scream of the progressives..
if we only need health care for 45 million, why are we undertaking health care for 320 million....
Simply not true though. The costs aren't even remotely comparable.
if we only need health care for 45 million, why are we undertaking health care for 320 million....
Some people's insurance sucks.
..but most are satisfied with what they have.
..but most are satisfied with what they have.
Thanks Tom, I subscribed to it on YouTube.I recommend his series shown on the BBC a while back entitled The War of the World, it is absolutely compelling viewing.
You have proof of this?