Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
You sure do; you prove what a dumb motherfucker you are every damned day.
have another drink you old decrepit geezer goy
You sure do; you prove what a dumb motherfucker you are every damned day.
And just who is the demographic dying off and being replaced ?
I love to ignore whos dick I'm sucking; because that way I can deny being with them.
we don't need to replace America.....we just have to replace demmycrats.....
Interesting point, but I'm not talking about what takes's America's role on the world stage.
I'm talking about what will replace the United States of America right here in North America
once the Republic has been dismantled.
There's not much left of it right now.
My guess is it will tend toward Balkanization...rather than dictatorship.
Trump is not anywhere near smart enough to actually be a dictator. He will always be a wanna-be dictator.
It is not inconceivable that the US will break down into separate constituencies...with a confederacy as a pretense.
Which we'll be able to start working on, once Ginsberg kicks the bucket and President Trump will be able to nominate his THIRD appointee to the SCOTUS.
OH SHIT, did I just let the proverbial cat out of the bag??
GOP might lose the House though....
I agree with much of what Nifty had to say.
I think the great American experiment is coming to an end.
I expect "the replacement" will not be a country...but an area.
Asia, probably with China predominant, will replace the United States as the leader of the world.
We Americans living now...the fucking jerk-off assholes of the right and those of us who oppose them...will have presided over the demise of the US.
The entire of the west is under siege of the far-right trilobites...and I am convince it cannot withstand the onslaught. The fucking scum of the far-right will win in the west...
...and they and all the rest of us will LOSE.
Time to play A World Turned Upside Down again.
Indeed.....THE LEFT has been attempting to dismantle this Constitutional Republic since the turn of the last century...….when Wilson gave us the Banks to regulate the economy (THE FEDERAL RESERVE, run by the elite banking families that have made trillions simply by bilking the working stiffs of this nation....on the Jewish practice of charging INTERST, making money from the practice has gone from simple interest to bank and credit card fees for accessing your own damn deposited money....while giving the predator credit card banks the right to charge as much as 30% interest ….mob rate loans to the gullible people like welfare kings and queens, the working poor, and especially the ILLEGAL workers within the work force of the US.
Not to mention the number of wars the left has engaged, WW1 "Wilson", WW2 Roosevelt, KOREA Truman, Vietnam Kennedy/Johnson, War on Terror Mr. Peanut and BJ BILL....etc.,
And must we forget just what party instigated and supported SLAVERY, JIM CROW, the KKK, while attempting to stop women and minorities from voting or owning property by denying the passage of the civil rights acts prior to the magic event in the 60s where they purchased the BLACK VOTES through welfare payoff (the great society programs)…..
But its the Republicans who fought against this evil fascist practice....that today will the destroy the Republic? Really? What party just declared that due process was dead and all it takes is an accusation to make the RULE OF LAW null and void?
What kind of idiots do you assume the American Voters to be? SOCIALISM = Communism.....its not rocket science.