Nifty's question for the weekend.

Football and pie!

No pie, but might watch some deadskins football trying to forgo that SCOTUS Fourth Reich Bicentennial & July 9/11 Mohammed Valhalla [Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post]
Thanksgiving turkey pie cranberry sauce family love warmth gratitude happiness gravy laughter football veggies whipped cream togetherness
Christiananality pedophilia martyrdom of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists turkey day......
No pie, but might watch some deadskins football trying to forgo that SCOTUS Fourth Reich Bicentennial & July 9/11 Mohammed Valhalla [Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post]
Thanksgiving turkey pie cranberry sauce family love warmth gratitude happiness gravy laughter football veggies whipped cream togetherness
Christiananality pedophilia martyrdom of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists turkey day......

Indigestion belch meat coma blood sugar fun fart need a new bathroom scale URP!
yes. you're a mindless gluttonous idiot, entertained by moronic sportsball.

And a happy Turkey Day to you, too, Mr. Asshat. You may have our football and gladly. Haven't watched it in years.
No pie, but might watch some deadskins football trying to forgo that SCOTUS Fourth Reich Bicentennial & July 9/11 Mohammed Valhalla [Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post]
Thanksgiving turkey pie cranberry sauce family love warmth gratitude happiness gravy laughter football veggies whipped cream togetherness

Indigestion belch meat coma blood sugar fun fart need a new bathroom scale URP!

So still giving thanks in that traditional suicidal super ego Christian Nation "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Mohammed Valhalla Christiananality pedophilia martyrdom of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists to celebrate another fabricated human reproduction virgin Mary son of Allah immaculate Jesus the Christ conception daily in survival of the fittest fascists pyramid scheme national religion....
No pie, but might watch some deadskins football trying to forgo that SCOTUS Fourth Reich Bicentennial & July 9/11 Mohammed Valhalla [Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post]
Thanksgiving turkey pie cranberry sauce family love warmth gratitude happiness gravy laughter football veggies whipped cream togetherness

Indigestion belch meat coma blood sugar fun fart need a new bathroom scale URP!

For over 50 years since giving thanks to SCOTUS Christian Nation Fourth Reich July Bicentennial & then 9/11 gluttony of Christiananality pedophilia cross conditioning to kill Jews pseudoscience of fabricated human reproduction immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception pseudoscience of forgiveness would think more would be belching & farting fire towards Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom .....
Is hypersensitive righteous indignation any less deplorable than
outright violent anti-social behavior?

I find myself disrespecting them both pretty much equally.

I've often found that punks
are actually easier with whom to deal
than panty-waist Pollyannas.

Actually, most of the time the former is far more dangerous and deplorable than the latter. Thuggish behavior can be met on equal terms or by using existing law enforcement and laws to stop it. Hypersensitive, righteous, indignation usually moves towards getting the force of government to outlaw the source causing that indignation. Thus, it moves society towards a dictatorship where thuggish behavior generally results in the thugs getting beaten and sent to jail.
Actually, most of the time the former is far more dangerous and deplorable than the latter. Thuggish behavior can be met on equal terms or by using existing law enforcement and laws to stop it. Hypersensitive, righteous, indignation usually moves towards getting the force of government to outlaw the source causing that indignation. Thus, it moves society towards a dictatorship where thuggish behavior generally results in the thugs getting beaten and sent to jail.

So another Thanksgiving of Christian Nation SCOTUS giving themselves reinforcement for suicidal super ego killings with self-anointed forgiveness in that Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom jihad crusade of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" national religion where it's thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists are insignificant as Christiananality pedophilia......
For over 50 years since giving thanks to SCOTUS Christian Nation Fourth Reich July Bicentennial & then 9/11 gluttony of Christiananality pedophilia cross conditioning to kill Jews pseudoscience of fabricated human reproduction immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception pseudoscience of forgiveness would think more would be belching & farting fire towards Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom .....

turkey pie coma zzzzzz.
turkey pie coma zzzzzz.

It was turkey day when this Christian Nation gives thanks for being able to preach & pray killing their medical pseudoscience human reproduction immaculate virgin Mary fabricated son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception along with gluttony of killing any of one nation under God while being forgiven profiting their suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming cross conditioned way beyond therapy behavioral avoidance - acceptance as "one nation under God with equal justice under law".
It was turkey day when this Christian Nation gives thanks for being able to preach & pray killing their medical pseudoscience human reproduction immaculate virgin Mary fabricated son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception along with gluttony of killing any of one nation under God while being forgiven profiting their suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming cross conditioned way beyond therapy behavioral avoidance - acceptance as "one nation under God with equal justice under law".

Okay, you win. Even though you forgot to add "pedophilia" to your word stew. :laugh:
The fact is wealthier and more educated people are less religious. But they are not above using religion to fool the rubes. Trump is absolutely not religious. He is the first atheist president in a long time. But the evangelicals are seeking more money and power. They want more tax exemptions for the millionaires leading their religions So Trump and the plutocrats are using the religions by telling the followers lies that they desperately want to believe. They have been trained to follow authority figures. So they are easy to lead.
Barebacker Trump says he is against abortion. He has likely paid for many of them. But the words the religious want to hear are spoken and they drop to their knees in servitude.
Okay, you win. Even though you forgot to add "pedophilia" to your word stew. :laugh:

Nothing to lose other than Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial malice aforethought Freudian slip of George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam in Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement kidnapping for SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom suicidal super egos crusade jihad as one nation under God with equal justice under color of law where once is an accident; twice is a coincidence as there are no coincidences while thrice is just business as usual in survival of the fittest fascists thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists pyramid scheme....
The fact is wealthier and more educated people are less religious. But they are not above using religion to fool the rubes. Trump is absolutely not religious. He is the first atheist president in a long time. But the evangelicals are seeking more money and power. They want more tax exemptions for the millionaires leading their religions So Trump and the plutocrats are using the religions by telling the followers lies that they desperately want to believe. They have been trained to follow authority figures. So they are easy to lead.
Barebacker Trump says he is against abortion. He has likely paid for many of them. But the words the religious want to hear are spoken and they drop to their knees in servitude.

They truly do not care about #TRE45ON's moral or legal failings, or even that he's about as Christian as a garden slug. One of my SILs is a RW fundie. She posted this in 2016 to illustrate how they see Trump. It's appalling.

Okay, you win. Even though you forgot to add "pedophilia" to your word stew. :laugh:

Guessing giving thanks for Christian Nation SCOTUS Christiananality pedophilia "one nation under God with equal justice under law" diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam tautology Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom has satisfied their gluttony of suicidal super egos until rewarded with Christmas...
Guessing giving thanks for Christian Nation SCOTUS Christiananality pedophilia "one nation under God with equal justice under law" diatribe George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam tautology Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom has satisfied their gluttony of suicidal super egos until rewarded with Christmas...


So a day late & a dollar short of celebrating Christian Nation SCOTUS giving thanks for the "one nation under God with equal justice under law" national religion Fourth Reich July Bicentennial 9/11 Christiananality pedophilia more perfect union to Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom tautology George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam diatribe suicidal super egos not so master race not so master plan sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming attempts to prove George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam.......