Nihilism isn't enlightenment.

I'm intrigued now. So you think nihilism is the same as enlightenment? I can't really figure out your position, but since you didn't fight against it I will assume this must be your position.

Why would that be the case? Is it not possible to be a nihilist without any sort of enlightenment? And is enlightenment ALWAYS guaranteed to lead to a form of nihilism? Speaking as a nihilist myself I tend to assume that if I am seeing things more clearly I am probably not going to be seeing a world in which my most intense fantasies are controlling. In fact quite the opposite. But I am only one person so my hypothesis may very well be in error.

If I am in error then it would make no sense for Enlightenment to lead to Nihilism. It could be that when one is enlightened one sees that which was previously hidden. Like how someone can simultaneously be the ONLY PERSON DISCUSSING THE OP and a "troll", while another poster NEVER discusses the OP and ONLY ever posts "troll" and yet they are not a troll.

The world is a mystery worthy of investigation I suppose.

Obviously I disagree. But I'm still working on the Enlightenment/Nihilism question.

I strenuously feel that enlightenment leads to seeing things either in a different way or in an improved way (or seeing that which was hidden before) so it is possible that I may lack enlightenment and that I cannot know the proper answer until I achieve enlightenment to know whether nihilism is the necessary and only outcome of said enlightenment.

Your position is still unclear to me. Perhaps there is another option?
Obviously I disagree. But I'm still working on the Enlightenment/Nihilism question.

I strenuously feel that enlightenment leads to seeing things either in a different way or in an improved way (or seeing that which was hidden before) so it is possible that I may lack enlightenment and that I cannot know the proper answer until I achieve enlightenment to know whether nihilism is the necessary and only outcome of said enlightenment.

Your position is still unclear to me. Perhaps there is another option?

That isn't very helpful to establishing a position. If you didn't have any interest in discussing this topic why did you post the OP? I had assumed that you would have a position to take on the subject but of course there's always the chance you just posted so someone would reply so that you might start calling them names.

This seems like a particularly unenlightened position, but certainly nihilistic in that clearly nothing in this thread actually matters and I'm literally the only person who has put any thought into it.

That's sad.
That isn't very helpful to establishing a position. If you didn't have any interest in discussing this topic why did you post the OP? I had assumed that you would have a position to take on the subject but of course there's always the chance you just posted so someone would reply so that you might start calling them names.

This seems like a particularly unenlightened position, but certainly nihilistic in that clearly nothing in this thread actually matters and I'm literally the only person who has put any thought into it.

That's sad.
bye asshole
bye asshole

OK. So you clearly don't have a position on this. I have and I have explained it at great length. At the end of this thread it will be quite clear who was discussing the topic and who was merely on here trolling.

I discussed the topic from a detailed and technical position and I explained my assumptions as well as my potential errors. I can do no more. It was fun winning this debate (as usual) but it was also kind of unsatisfactory because you seem to despise the topic so much it appears all you wanted to do was troll people.

That's a truly sad way to live. The dark side of nihilism and the antithesis of enlightenment.

Here, try this: nihilism is not enlightenment per se. It makes lesser intellects feel like they are enlightened when they can cast off the constraints of everyone around them and be "contrarian", but it does not mean it is necessarily an elightened position.

Perhaps one can say that enlightenment may lead to nihilism, but nihilism is not enlightenment.


they think nihilism is enlightenment.

their intellect ends with a dime store "moral relativism" and a Nazi "might makes right" pro genocide ideology.

they're Nazi fuckwits.
Obviously.....enlightenment is the flowering of the human condition....nihilism is the death of the human condition.....the walking dead this is called in Zen.
Obviously.....enlightenment is the flowering of the human condition....nihilism is the death of the human condition.....the walking dead this is called in Zen.
yes. and all these nazi "sciencers" believe the opposite.

they believe mass murder of others is their sacred duty.
No, Nihilism isn't enlightenment. It's just another belief system.
it's a full fledged belief system?

is being an asshole a religion?

people who practice nihilism DO believe it's enlightenment.

you made my case. thanks.
Who are these nihilists you keep referring to?
Like no tax on serve the Pope or death & taxes of Christian Nation SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glorys - old testaments arsonists of "in God we trust" Islamidiotocracy "death to the infidels" of those crooks on Capital Hill no taxation without representation nihilism......