Nine Inch Nails


Will work for Scooby snacks

Head Like a Hole

Bow down before the one you serve.
Youre going to get what you deserve.
Bow down before the one you serve.
Youre going to get what you deserve.

God money's not looking for the cure.
God money's not concerned with the sick among the pure.
God money lets go dancing on the backs of the bruised.
God money's not one to choose
No you cant take it
No you cant take it
No you cant take that away from me
No you cant take it
No you cant take it
No you cant take that away from me

Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
Id rather die than give you control.
Head like a hole.
Black as your soul.
I'd rather die than give you control.

That's not even one of their better songs.

Its allright. But as a whole, Reznor is trying to be deeper than he is. A harvard graduate put through school on daddy's dime crying about the unfairness of the world doesn't cut it with me.
Its allright. But as a whole, Reznor is trying to be deeper than he is. A harvard graduate put through school on daddy's dime crying about the unfairness of the world doesn't cut it with me.

I read it with the music going through my mind, and I'm like, why the fuck would anyone put this stuff together?
Of all the irrelevant silly crap that gets posted on the board, Nine Inch Nails inspires you all to scold like elderly school-marms?

How dare you cap on the mighty NIN! :)
Reznor is likewise shittier these days (even if you ignore that he has nothing to whine about) since he sobered up--- as a rule, if you start making music and are always fucked up, getting sober will ruin your career.
Reznor is likewise shittier these days (even if you ignore that he has nothing to whine about) since he sobered up--- as a rule, if you start making music and are always fucked up, getting sober will ruin your career.

It seems one can't be a good song writer, unless one is f*cked up on alchohol and/or drugs. The Stones pretty much sucked after Keith Richards quit heroin, what has Ozzy done since he got sober?, and don't tell me that Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters and the great old bluesmen weren't f*cked up on marijuana and booze. :)
Its allright. But as a whole, Reznor is trying to be deeper than he is. A harvard graduate put through school on daddy's dime crying about the unfairness of the world doesn't cut it with me.

Damn dude did Cypress turn you down for a date or something?

There seems to be this wierd thread to the "insults" you line up here?

Deeper than he is? how is that even possible? when a person delves into the world of "deepness" as if its a competition then they have definately shallowed out.

Treating a parent planning and working to put their child through college (and a good one at that) as a negative gift to a child is kinda against all the self reliance and take care of your own philosophy you seem to be part of.

Then to talk about one class of people caring about another class of people as if is some horrible affliction to be shunned?

Dude who pissed in your pina colada this morning?:pke::p
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He is saying that Reznor has nothing to be all depressed about.

Yeah but maybe hes "deep" enough to understand the depression of others.

Its pretty human to feel momments of depression and to sugest others are inhuman because they have known the kindness of others already is pretty "shallow" dont you think?:pke::p
Yeah but maybe hes "deep" enough to understand the depression of others.

Its pretty human to feel momments of depression and to sugest others are inhuman because they have known the kindness of others already is pretty "shallow" dont you think?:pke::p

Are you really trying to argue that Reznor feels some sort of empathy for the population as a whole?
Midlife crisis is more like it.

Regrowing a mullet, posting songs from when he was in his late 20s, hitting on cawacko.....

It all spells midlifer.

Interesting fact about mid life crisis's:

I read this study (don't have it on hand but if you really think im bullshitting I'll go search for it) that states that mid life crises in men have little to do with being triggered by their age, rather, it has to do with the age of their spouse.

When the woman starts going through menopause (ew) the man has some instinctual reaction because he knows that his ability to procreate with her is coming to an end. As such he may start buying a new flashy car or trying to look younger... in order on a sub conscious level to become more attractive to younger females.

The study also noticed a significant trend in men in their 40's-50's that were lucky enough to marry some 20ish year old girl - not going through a midlife crisis at the time that many of their other friends were.

Anyway that's the correlation.