Nine Inch Nails

Interesting fact about mid life crisis's:

I read this study (don't have it on hand but if you really think im bullshitting I'll go search for it) that states that mid life crises in men have little to do with being triggered by their age, rather, it has to do with the age of their spouse.

When the woman starts going through menopause (ew) the man has some instinctual reaction because he knows that his ability to procreate with her is coming to an end. As such he may start buying a new flashy car or trying to look younger... in order on a sub conscious level to become more attractive to younger females.

The study also noticed a significant trend in men in their 40's-50's that were lucky enough to marry some 20ish year old girl - not going through a midlife crisis at the time that many of their other friends were.

Anyway that's the correlation.

I’ve seen them up close, and I don’t believe this – it doesn’t track with the facts in the cases I’ve seen.

I believe it’s usually a fear of death, and the inability to face one’s mortality that brings this on. But, that’s just my opinion. I’ve seen these kinds of situations spurred on by a death, and never by the onset of a mate’s menopause. They have all happened long before menopause.
Are you really trying to argue that Reznor feels some sort of empathy for the population as a whole?

Umm, I just like some of NIN's songs. They have a dark energy, and interesting melodies and instrumentation that are unique.

I have no idea what all this psychobabble talk is about.
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He is saying that Reznor has nothing to be all depressed about.

There is a large kind of middle class depression in America. It's odd that the countries with the greatest poverty and distress usually have such low depression rates, and America and all the upper-class societies are depressed as hell. I really think there's something about the way we're living that's just screwing up our brain. We live in comfort all the time, and the animal brain in us just wasn't designed to reward that. So we either turn to drugs or become zombies. We get depressed as hell, specifically because there's nothing to be depressed about.
There is a large kind of middle class depression in America. It's odd that the countries with the greatest poverty and distress usually have such low depression rates, and America and all the upper-class societies are depressed as hell. I really think there's something about the way we're living that's just screwing up our brain. We live in comfort all the time, and the animal brain in us just wasn't designed to reward that. So we either turn to drugs or become zombies. We get depressed as hell, specifically because there's nothing to be depressed about.

It is because we have enough economic security to actually worry about things besides is sort of a paradox.
It is because we have enough economic security to actually worry about things besides is sort of a paradox.

This is sort of a tangeant on a point I was trying to make a while back - we don't get happy because we succeed, our happiness is caused by our struggle to succeed. Without struggle, the human brain stops rewarding itself.

Think about guys like Bill Gates, who don't need to work. They work anyway, because they know that sitting around all day in their mansion, or going to parties, wouldn't be fulfilling.
We are designed to problem solve. When there are no problems left to solve to secure your safety in life you seek other problems to solve. Some look arround and go well how can I get power over others and some look arround and go how can I help ohters solve their problems.

Who would you rather reward?
It is because we have enough economic security to actually worry about things besides is sort of a paradox.

I've heard enough Hair Bands, and Britney Spears pop tunes to know phony, affected lyrics when I hear them.

Whatever you think of Trent Reznor or his upbringing, his lyrics don't strike me as contrived or affected. The dude had some dark, deep-seated issues and conflicts he wrote about. Which makes for interesting song writing, and art.

I don't care what his background was. Some of those NIN songs are great pieces of unique song writing and instrumental creation.

And you're right: that song "Hurt" is awesome. I think that's why Johny Cash covered it.
Head like a whole is basically the same the chord structure - except this time A, D, and E - put into a different format. 90% of popular music revolves around three chords and their relative minors.
The only time you ever get something than the I - IV - V chord structure is in indie rock where they take off the third chord to make it even simpler and obviously (purposefully) repetitive.
Damn dude did Cypress turn you down for a date or something?

There seems to be this wierd thread to the "insults" you line up here?

Deeper than he is? how is that even possible? when a person delves into the world of "deepness" as if its a competition then they have definately shallowed out.

Treating a parent planning and working to put their child through college (and a good one at that) as a negative gift to a child is kinda against all the self reliance and take care of your own philosophy you seem to be part of.

Then to talk about one class of people caring about another class of people as if is some horrible affliction to be shunned?

Dude who pissed in your pina colada this morning?:pke::p

Desh, he didn't go to Harvard. According to Wiki, Trent Reznor grew up in a small pennsylvania town, lived with his grandparents, and went to a community college for one year before dropping out.

I don't know who started the Harvard story.
I couldn't afford Harvard, even if I wanted to get in! LOL

I had to pay for college out of my own pocket. Like a lot of other people do.

State university for me. :)
I think beefy's just pissed that I'm going fishing in the eastern sierra next month, and he's stuck on an island with no freshwater sports fishing.

Plus, he's going to miss out on Schatt's Bakery in Bishop.

Sucks to be you, Beefy. ;)
I think beefy's just pissed that I'm going fishing in the eastern sierra next month, and he's stuck on an island with no freshwater sports fishing.

Plus, he's going to miss out on Schatt's Bakery in Bishop.

Sucks to be you, Beefy. ;)


Where are you going? Its awful late in the season, aren't the trout relatively inactive up there this time of year?

The goldens will still be around, but the browns, good luck.
So beefy was just making it up as he went along?

He must have just been feeling frisky.

I was talking about trent Reznor, not Cypress.

I heard that Reznor had gone to Harvard.

He's still trying to be deeper than he is.
I'm actually just passing through bishop, on my way to Mammoth Lakes for some skiing. The city stocks the owens river in the winter months, but I'm not f*cking around with that. I just wanted to rub it in, since you're stuck on that island. :)

Let me know when your back in cali, and up for a trip out to bishop
I'm actually just passing through bishop, on my way to Mammoth Lakes for some skiing. The city stocks the owens river in the winter months, but I'm not f*cking around with that. I just wanted to rub it in, since you're stuck on that island. :)

Let me know when your back in cali, and up for a trip out to bishop

Enjoy. Try not to get skewered out there. Last time Superfreak went skiing, he managed to do so.