Interesting fact about mid life crisis's:
I read this study (don't have it on hand but if you really think im bullshitting I'll go search for it) that states that mid life crises in men have little to do with being triggered by their age, rather, it has to do with the age of their spouse.
When the woman starts going through menopause (ew) the man has some instinctual reaction because he knows that his ability to procreate with her is coming to an end. As such he may start buying a new flashy car or trying to look younger... in order on a sub conscious level to become more attractive to younger females.
The study also noticed a significant trend in men in their 40's-50's that were lucky enough to marry some 20ish year old girl - not going through a midlife crisis at the time that many of their other friends were.
Anyway that's the correlation.
I’ve seen them up close, and I don’t believe this – it doesn’t track with the facts in the cases I’ve seen.
I believe it’s usually a fear of death, and the inability to face one’s mortality that brings this on. But, that’s just my opinion. I’ve seen these kinds of situations spurred on by a death, and never by the onset of a mate’s menopause. They have all happened long before menopause.