Nixon released his returns under audit. Why doesnt tRump?


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During the Watergate scandal, Nixon released his tax returns while they were under audit, so why doesn't tRump?
Actually, that is more of a rhetorical question since a good many of us know why. If you were as corrupt as tRump is and had as many "shady" dealings as he has had, you wouldn't want tax experts looking at your returns either.
Now, if you were as honest as tRump claims to be, you would gladly allow your returns to be viewed to validate your claims. Since he still refuses to release them, it's a safe bet that he has significant things to hide. So, what could they be?
* Russian money
* Inflated personal wealth
Just to name a couple of things that our resident " chimps" are afraid of being revealed.
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When your religion results in you demonizing other people, find a different religion. Either that, or remove biblical quotes from your signature line that make you look like the worst kind of hipocrit.
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Because Trump has no intention of releasing his taxes and he never did. He bitched at Romney when he balked at releasing his, saying he would if he were running. Trump lied. Trump said he would several times. Does anyone believe he ever intended to? Hillary released 30 years. The only one who did not is in office.
Trump has a lot to hide. Hillary had nothing to hide.
Hello Tacomaman,

During the Watergate scandal, Nixon released his tax returns while they were under audit, so why doesn't tRump?
Actually, that is more of a rhetorical question since a good many of us know why. If you were as corrupt as tRump is and had as many "shady" dealing as he has had, you wouldn't want tax experts looking at your returns either.
Now, if you were as honest as tRump claims to be, you would gladly allow your returns to be viewed to validate your claims. Since he still refuses to release them, it's a safe bet that he has significant things to hide. So, what could they be?
* Russian money
* Inflated personal wealth
Just to name a couple of things that our resident " chimps" are afraid of being revealed.

He can call for the release of President Obama's Birth Certificate, demand it loudly and publicly, but even after publicly stating he would release his own tax returns, and the public has demanded it to the point of the people's House ordering it, he has refused. Instead he has his lawyers make a big stink about it and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court. They have heard the arguments in the case and are now about to make their decision public.

Let us all just hope he is ordered to release those returns!

Cohen said when DT goes down, it will be on dirty money dealings.

He said DT always inflated the values of his property to investors and undervalued his properties to the tax man.

Let the records be shown...

The decision could come any day.
Trump simply doesn't have to. It's as simple as that. But, since we know the IRS has audited Trump's returns every year for decades, you'd think by now they'd have found something if there was something to find.

Personally, I still want to see Obama's college transcripts. Some of the ones that have been released are very interesting.

Bush did much better in college than his opponent in the election, Al Gore. Gore was a truly mediocre student.

In fact, many of our so-called leaders did poorly in school and college.
During the Watergate scandal, Nixon released his tax returns while they were under audit, so why doesn't tRump?
Actually, that is more of a rhetorical question since a good many of us know why. If you were as corrupt as tRump is and had as many "shady" dealing as he has had, you wouldn't want tax experts looking at your returns either.
Now, if you were as honest as tRump claims to be, you would gladly allow your returns to be viewed to validate your claims. Since he still refuses to release them, it's a safe bet that he has significant things to hide. So, what could they be?
* Russian money
* Inflated personal wealth
Just to name a couple of things that our resident " chimps" are afraid of being revealed.

Obviously Trump is hiding something. Not from the IRS or FBI since they already know, but from public review. Same for Hillary's full medical history (and Trump's) or transcripts.
Trump simply doesn't have to. It's as simple as that. But, since we know the IRS has audited Trump's returns every year for decades, you'd think by now they'd have found something if there was something to find.

Personally, I still want to see Obama's college transcripts. Some of the ones that have been released are very interesting.

Bush did much better in college than his opponent in the election, Al Gore. Gore was a truly mediocre student.

In fact, many of our so-called leaders did poorly in school and college.

If tRump had nothing to hide, he wouldnt fight so hard to keep his tax records from being released.
As much of a loud mouthed braggart as tRump is, he would never lose an opportunity to flaunt "clean" tax records. As such, the question isnt if he is hiding something, but what it is that he is hiding.
If tRump had nothing to hide, he wouldnt fight so hard to keep his tax records from being released.
As much of a loud mouthed braggart as tRump is, he would never lose an opportunity to flaunt "clean" tax records. As such, the question isnt if he is hiding something, but what it is that he is hiding.

That's just a major tautological fallacy. It's a variant of If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear... It in essence is arguing that your Right to privacy is really meaningless and that you don't really need it and shouldn't exercise it. It is a logical fallacy called appeal to motive.

This is a very dangerous mindset to have. In US constitutional terms it negates the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments. It argues that you are guilty until proven innocent. After all, If you are not guilty, you have nothing to hide... The reverse is that You are guilty because you are hiding things.

Lawyers will tell you when dealing with police to keep your mouth shut and say nothing. They will use anything you say, however benign you might think it is, against you. Of late, the charge of obstruction of justice and or perjury is often leveled on someone because their testimony under oath over several months varies slightly or is otherwise not identical each time it is given.

There could be any number of reasons Trump doesn't want to release his tax forms. These could go from simply not wanting to because he is not legally required to, to they could contain information that could be used by business rivals to their advantage, or anything in between.
So, Trump has the Right to not release them, and whatever his reasons, those should be respected. You, and I for that matter, may not like it, but that is a legal and just position for him to take if he chooses.
Hello and welcome T. A. Gardner,

I am glad you found us. Your posts so far indicate you should have no problem with a requirement to post politely, even when conversing with an individual of opposing viewpoint. The site has no such requirement and the moderation is minimal. That leaves only self-moderation, an endeavor in which I do so actively engage that my rules are more strict than the site rules. I normally acquaint all newcomers with them in the hopes that they are acceptable. So stated:

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.

Hopefully that should be no problem, and we can have some interesting discussions. Do you concur?

That's just a major tautological fallacy. It's a variant of If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear... It in essence is arguing that your Right to privacy is really meaningless and that you don't really need it and shouldn't exercise it. It is a logical fallacy called appeal to motive.

This is a very dangerous mindset to have. In US constitutional terms it negates the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments. It argues that you are guilty until proven innocent. After all, If you are not guilty, you have nothing to hide... The reverse is that You are guilty because you are hiding things.

Lawyers will tell you when dealing with police to keep your mouth shut and say nothing. They will use anything you say, however benign you might think it is, against you. Of late, the charge of obstruction of justice and or perjury is often leveled on someone because their testimony under oath over several months varies slightly or is otherwise not identical each time it is given.

There could be any number of reasons Trump doesn't want to release his tax forms. These could go from simply not wanting to because he is not legally required to, to they could contain information that could be used by business rivals to their advantage, or anything in between.
So, Trump has the Right to not release them, and whatever his reasons, those should be respected. You, and I for that matter, may not like it, but that is a legal and just position for him to take if he chooses.

DT placed the public obligation to release them upon himself when he publicly stated that he would. By reneging on this he solicits the following two responses:

1. He is a liar to people who refuse to overlook lying.

2. He is excused by his enablers who thus become conned into giving him a big fat free pass, which sets in place a pattern of increasing social infractions until it reaches the point that many of his enablers look the other way when he totally botches a leadership role in an international pandemic, which results in over a hundred thousand Americans killed.
During the Watergate scandal, Nixon released his tax returns while they were under audit, so why doesn't tRump?
Actually, that is more of a rhetorical question since a good many of us know why. If you were as corrupt as tRump is and had as many "shady" dealings as he has had, you wouldn't want tax experts looking at your returns either.
Now, if you were as honest as tRump claims to be, you would gladly allow your returns to be viewed to validate your claims. Since he still refuses to release them, it's a safe bet that he has significant things to hide. So, what could they be?
* Russian money
* Inflated personal wealth
Just to name a couple of things that our resident " chimps" are afraid of being revealed.

Why not release your personal information to the mocking bird Marxist left wing media? 1. The rule of law is still applicable for include the POTUS. The IRS is prohibited from releasing private tax information to 3rd parties.....UNLESS there is "evidence" of criminal activity. Thus far THE LEFT has been unable to obtain this information because they have no evidence that would require disclosure of this information. As hard as they have tired, at every level of government...local, state, and federal.....the rule of law has protected Mr. Trump from this invasion of privacy.

2. This information is used to "trigger" left wing conspiracy nuts. :bigthink:
I concur. Polite, civil discourse is always best. As to your two points:

The first, Trump might be a liar, or he might have changed his mind on releasing them. Either way, he's also now a politician so lying would seem to be part of the job description if you ask me. If, instead, he changed his mind, that's his Right as it is with anyone else.

The second is something of a smear as it paints with a very broad brush. Personally, I could care less about Trump's tax returns. I'd rather see his college transcripts, as I would with Obama. Anyway this point, as you have made it, makes something of a logical fallacy in itself. It is a fallacy of composition in that it makes a premise and then connects it to a larger group or pattern without proof.
To make this claim first, you would have to be able to show that a majority--at a minimum-- of Trump "enablers" hold such a position regarding his taxes and then how that is carried over to other areas.
I see Trump's handling of the COVID-19 thing as a separate issue in this case since arguing that he "totally botch(ed)" it is essentially Proof of a Negative demand since we really don't know what the alternative outcomes would have been.
I concur. Polite, civil discourse is always best. As to your two points:

The first, Trump might be a liar, or he might have changed his mind on releasing them. Either way, he's also now a politician so lying would seem to be part of the job description if you ask me. If, instead, he changed his mind, that's his Right as it is with anyone else.

The second is something of a smear as it paints with a very broad brush. Personally, I could care less about Trump's tax returns. I'd rather see his college transcripts, as I would with Obama. Anyway this point, as you have made it, makes something of a logical fallacy in itself. It is a fallacy of composition in that it makes a premise and then connects it to a larger group or pattern without proof.
To make this claim first, you would have to be able to show that a majority--at a minimum-- of Trump "enablers" hold such a position regarding his taxes and then how that is carried over to other areas.
I see Trump's handling of the COVID-19 thing as a separate issue in this case since arguing that he "totally botch(ed)" it is essentially Proof of a Negative demand since we really don't know what the alternative outcomes would have been.

Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude. That shows up on the graduation literature. Trump escaped with no honors and no mention. Does that give you a clue?
Personally, Trump taxes are more important than any other since he has had international deals with some seen as unfriendly to the US. His son said Trump's company gets all the financing it needs from Russia. His taxes are screaming to be shown.
You must have heard them both speak. That should also inform you off their mental differences. Trump is embarrassing.
Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude. That shows up on the graduation literature. Trump escaped with no honors and no mention. Does that give you a clue?

Personally, Trump taxes are more important than any other since he has had international deals with some seen as unfriendly to the US. His son said Trump's company gets all the financing it needs from Russia. His taxes are screaming to be shown.
You must have heard them both speak. That should also inform you off their mental differences. Trump is embarrassing.

No. I want to see the transcripts. If, for sake of argument, Obama took all "fluff" courses and the easy stuff while Trump took nuclear engineering with physics and calculus then I'd argue that Obama is probably the less intelligent and mentally capable. Of course, that's an obvious exaggeration but it makes the point.
When I went to college many decades ago, in engineering there was a joke going around. It had an integration where the gpa went from 4.0 to 0 as a function of Major that went from Engineering and Science to Business to Liberal Arts to Fine Arts. Us engineering and science students thought of the liberal arts / fine arts side of campus as a sort of kindergarten where the stupid hung out.

As for law school, I contemptuously call that a "Simple liberal arts graduate degree." The best and brightest are not usually lawyers.

Yes, I have heard both speak.

Obama sounds like one of those travelling Southern revival tent preachers working the crowd. He's a slick talker who you shouldn't believe a word coming out of his mouth but be concerned about his hand on your wallet. Obama was just a scammer.

Trump comes of as a salesman. He's got a pitch for a product that isn't nearly as good as he claims and shouldn't cost what it does but at least you're getting something for your money other than just talk mostly because he knows that if it were just talk he'd be arrested for a scam. Trump is one of those barely scrupulous businessmen you just sometimes have to deal with.
No. I want to see the transcripts. If, for sake of argument, Obama took all "fluff" courses and the easy stuff while Trump took nuclear engineering with physics and calculus then I'd argue that Obama is probably the less intelligent and mentally capable. Of course, that's an obvious exaggeration but it makes the point.
When I went to college many decades ago, in engineering there was a joke going around. It had an integration where the gpa went from 4.0 to 0 as a function of Major that went from Engineering and Science to Business to Liberal Arts to Fine Arts. Us engineering and science students thought of the liberal arts / fine arts side of campus as a sort of kindergarten where the stupid hung out.

As for law school, I contemptuously call that a "Simple liberal arts graduate degree." The best and brightest are not usually lawyers.

Yes, I have heard both speak.

Obama sounds like one of those travelling Southern revival tent preachers working the crowd. He's a slick talker who you shouldn't believe a word coming out of his mouth but be concerned about his hand on your wallet. Obama was just a scammer.

Trump comes of as a salesman. He's got a pitch for a product that isn't nearly as good as he claims and shouldn't cost what it does but at least you're getting something for your money other than just talk mostly because he knows that if it were just talk he'd be arrested for a scam. Trump is one of those barely scrupulous businessmen you just sometimes have to deal with.
Obama graduated with a law degree and was a Constitutional professor. He was head of the Harvard law review. Some of Trumps profs said he was the dumbest student they ever had.
Trump is a great conman. He was shocked to see his con worked on a national scale, and he recognized it immediately.. That is when he said " I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes'. That was a horrible recognition.