APP - No Lesson Plans, No Quotes, Just A Talk to Students.

that isn't at all ironic now, is it? i've seen you defend several left wing lunatic bullshit fauxrage shitstorms and all without batting an eye.
Like what? The "war" in Iraq? The use of questionable if not downright illegal methods of interrogation on people that we were not even sure were the enemy? Of what do you speak?
Firstly, I apologize but I could not remember the title of the thread that brought this up and I was sufficiently perturbed by the subject so I started a new one. Damo or Grind, if you want you can put this as an attachment to the original thread.


On Friday, my step-daughter brought home a permission slip for the Presidential address that is going to happen in schools all over the country. I was a bit concerned because of the things I had read here. I voted for Obama but if his speech was going to include a lesson plan and quotes for the class room I was not sure I wanted her to be present because I don't want any sort of indoctrination, even if it is coming from the guy I voted for. No, check that, ESPECIALLY if it comes from the guy I voted for. So, my wife called her mom and finally they talked today. Her mother is a teacher in Kalama Washington. She teaches 6th and 7th grade english. She wanted to know what her mom knew, as a teacher, about this. Her mother told her that there was NEVER a lesson plan sent, nor were there quotes or anything else. The ONLY thing they were told was that when the speech was over, there would be a class assignment where the kids would write a short blub on what they thought was the most important thing the president said. When I heard this, I called my brother. He and my sister in law are teachers in Hatch, NM, a small farming community that grows the best green chile in the world. He confirmed this for me. No lesson plans, no talking points, no quotes. Nada, just the same thing; kids write what they think was the most important thing the president said. The teachers, both here and in Washington were also told they were to not comment positively or negatively on what was said, and they were not to bring politics into the discussion at all.

What my mother in law said was the most interesting to me. Her school ALSO required kids to sign a permission slip to be able to sit in class and listen to the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES. When Bush spoke, wasn't required. They just turned on the TV and let him speak. So... what I have deduced from all this is that we have allowed the Obama haters, the people that lost and how, to push this to the point that kids have to have PERMISSION to listen to the leader of the free world speak to them. Conservatives have SOOOOO mired this is their own losing politics, that kids can't just come into the class and listen. Good job right wingers. You all should be proud. This is a crowning moment in your whinning and sobbing over your party screwing things up so badly inside their own movement that parents have to approve of their kids listening to the president of the united states. Job well done!

Who could have possibly predicted that Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and NewsMax would have promoted a faux outrage story that had their message board parrots scrambling for the smelling salts and fainting couches?
Who could have possibly predicted that Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and NewsMax would have promoted a faux outrage story that had their message board parrots scrambling for the smelling salts and fainting couches?

Oh yea right, cause conservative parents surely can't think on their own, that be only a liberal who can do that..
you look like a parrot with this post of yours and don't even realize it..and I might say not a very bright one either.
Bullshit. You can project all you like and pretend to know what I would do "if" but we know for sure what you would do when - you'd embrace the knuckleheads and give them a big wet kiss. As I said some time ago, for a guy that likes to pretend he has an independent streak you are a remarkably typical Republican.

The President is speaking to school children. It's a remarkably unremarkable thing for a head of state to do. The idea that giving out optional lesson plans for teachers and providing some activities for student is "a bit too far" is hysterical.

"Projection" seems to have become the newest means of faux argument, if you say somebody is "projecting" then you think you've made some salient point.

So far all you have done is defend what you would have attacked if the President had an R next to the name. Amazingly I would have joined with you in such an attack. I am stunned at the amount of hypocritical apologists we have who used to get upset if I didn't word my rebuke of Bush strongly enough.

I mentioned that the President speaking to children is unremarkable, because it is several different Presidents have done it. What is remarkable was the published lesson plans with aggrandizement for the current sitting President. I don't give a crap who the President is, making posters of how awesome the President is as a school assignment is always going to be wrong. Just the fact that they thought it was a good idea to provide these awesome "lesson plans" is enough to make any sane person who isn't a total apologist pause. It did with Socrtease.

The optional lesson plans were repugnant, and would have been to you as well if it didn't have a D next to the name it aggrandized.

We checked to find out whether anybody at our kids' schools were going to be following any of these "suggestions" because that would be reason to say, "Um... no. That is just a bit too far."
Many of us are, esp in red rural areas.
Just becuase we are not members of the KKK and such does not mean we are not rascist.
I admit to having prejudicial views about blacks.
I grew up in a rural area and did not see a live black person till I was about 16 or so.
I work on my issues though.
And no I will not go into details of what my prejudicial views are either.

You won't have to now. Allthe usual Rightie RaceBaiters will make up a whole slew of prejudices for you all on their own.
Socrtease;512578[/QUOTE said:
Your side is so fucking bitter about losing that they are willing to have their children be used as pawns to disrespect the president of the united states.

And you are nothing short of hysterical. Get a grip on yourself.

I could give a shit about losing. What I care about is unhinged followers such as yourself are let loose on the streets.

Look in the mirror.
so now anyone who questions this Presidents motives is not only a Racist, but also bitter sore losers..

how bout that..:rolleyes:

Like a lot of the lefties who hated Bush and showed no RESPECT for him, yet we are beat down for even questioning this man and "VISIONS" for us...screw that.
Last edited: pre k-6 7-12

Firstly, I apologize but I could not remember the title of the thread that brought this up and I was sufficiently perturbed by the subject so I started a new one. Damo or Grind, if you want you can put this as an attachment to the original thread.


On Friday, my step-daughter brought home a permission slip for the Presidential address that is going to happen in schools all over the country. I was a bit concerned because of the things I had read here. I voted for Obama but if his speech was going to include a lesson plan and quotes for the class room I was not sure I wanted her to be present because I don't want any sort of indoctrination, even if it is coming from the guy I voted for. No, check that, ESPECIALLY if it comes from the guy I voted for. So, my wife called her mom and finally they talked today. Her mother is a teacher in Kalama Washington. She teaches 6th and 7th grade english. She wanted to know what her mom knew, as a teacher, about this. Her mother told her that there was NEVER a lesson plan sent, nor were there quotes or anything else. The ONLY thing they were told was that when the speech was over, there would be a class assignment where the kids would write a short blub on what they thought was the most important thing the president said. When I heard this, I called my brother. He and my sister in law are teachers in Hatch, NM, a small farming community that grows the best green chile in the world. He confirmed this for me. No lesson plans, no talking points, no quotes. Nada, just the same thing; kids write what they think was the most important thing the president said. The teachers, both here and in Washington were also told they were to not comment positively or negatively on what was said, and they were not to bring politics into the discussion at all.

What my mother in law said was the most interesting to me. Her school ALSO required kids to sign a permission slip to be able to sit in class and listen to the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES. When Bush spoke, wasn't required. They just turned on the TV and let him speak. So... what I have deduced from all this is that we have allowed the Obama haters, the people that lost and how, to push this to the point that kids have to have PERMISSION to listen to the leader of the free world speak to them. Conservatives have SOOOOO mired this is their own losing politics, that kids can't just come into the class and listen. Good job right wingers. You all should be proud. This is a crowning moment in your whinning and sobbing over your party screwing things up so badly inside their own movement that parents have to approve of their kids listening to the president of the united states. Job well done!
Firstly, I apologize but I could not remember the title of the thread that brought this up and I was sufficiently perturbed by the subject so I started a new one. Damo or Grind, if you want you can put this as an attachment to the original thread.


On Friday, my step-daughter brought home a permission slip for the Presidential address that is going to happen in schools all over the country. I was a bit concerned because of the things I had read here. I voted for Obama but if his speech was going to include a lesson plan and quotes for the class room I was not sure I wanted her to be present because I don't want any sort of indoctrination, even if it is coming from the guy I voted for. No, check that, ESPECIALLY if it comes from the guy I voted for. So, my wife called her mom and finally they talked today. Her mother is a teacher in Kalama Washington. She teaches 6th and 7th grade english. She wanted to know what her mom knew, as a teacher, about this. Her mother told her that there was NEVER a lesson plan sent, nor were there quotes or anything else. The ONLY thing they were told was that when the speech was over, there would be a class assignment where the kids would write a short blub on what they thought was the most important thing the president said. When I heard this, I called my brother. He and my sister in law are teachers in Hatch, NM, a small farming community that grows the best green chile in the world. He confirmed this for me. No lesson plans, no talking points, no quotes. Nada, just the same thing; kids write what they think was the most important thing the president said. The teachers, both here and in Washington were also told they were to not comment positively or negatively on what was said, and they were not to bring politics into the discussion at all.

What my mother in law said was the most interesting to me. Her school ALSO required kids to sign a permission slip to be able to sit in class and listen to the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES. When Bush spoke, wasn't required. They just turned on the TV and let him speak. So... what I have deduced from all this is that we have allowed the Obama haters, the people that lost and how, to push this to the point that kids have to have PERMISSION to listen to the leader of the free world speak to them. Conservatives have SOOOOO mired this is their own losing politics, that kids can't just come into the class and listen. Good job right wingers. You all should be proud. This is a crowning moment in your whinning and sobbing over your party screwing things up so badly inside their own movement that parents have to approve of their kids listening to the president of the united states. Job well done!
The far right in the Republican party is certainly distancing it self further and further from the American mainstream. Thats' for sure. Much ado about nothing.
Who was Turd Ferguson anyway?
It's an SNL skit where they are spoofing "Celebrity Jeopardy"... Burt Reynolds is the guy they are spoofing on that one, he puts that his name is "Turd Ferguson" and wears the hat because he thinks it is funny.
Firstly, I apologize but I could not remember the title of the thread that brought this up and I was sufficiently perturbed by the subject so I started a new one. Damo or Grind, if you want you can put this as an attachment to the original thread.

you know you're a mod too O_O
Well the speech is over I guess. Our children are now programmed into Socialists :shock:

This day will go down in history as the day America turned socialist :usflag:
I can already feel the change, all of our school children are out joining the Communist party.

I can seen the senate hearings now,

"Mr. Jones, did you or did you not allow your children to listen to President Obama's speech to school children?"

"Mr. Jones, are you now or have you ever been a member of the Democratic party?"