No Money for the Wall

No. Paul Ryan is a globalist who believes in open borders

Many of us realize that we not only have to defeat you but we have to defeat the Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake types

We have run them off. We will run the rest off as well. America supports reducing illegal immigration. It isn't even close
No. Paul Ryan is a globalist who believes in open borders

Many of us realize that we not only have to defeat you but we have to defeat the Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake types

We have run them off. We will run the rest off as well. America supports reducing illegal immigration. It isn't even close

Flake and Ryan are but 2 of hundreds of members of congress. Are you saying that no one wants the wall, that all republicans are globalists and want open borders?
A majority dont want the wall so it aint gonna happen skippy.

That article is a pile of crap snowflake. The wall is getting built no matter how much you whiny little asshats cry and stomp your little feet.

No. Paul Ryan is a globalist who believes in open borders

Many of us realize that we not only have to defeat you but we have to defeat the Paul Ryan and Jeff Flake types

We have run them off. We will run the rest off as well. America supports reducing illegal immigration. It isn't even close

America has net zero immigration pard, join objective reality.

I take it Nieto's check hasn't showed up?
America has net zero immigration pard, join objective reality.

I take it Nieto's check hasn't showed up?

You're not only a liar; but a moron on steroids who can't do basic research before you bloviate.

Approximately 264 thousand aliens obtained lawful permanent resident (LPR) status in the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18 Q1). They represent an almost nine percent decrease from the same quarter in FY 2017.
That article is a pile of crap snowflake. The wall is getting built no matter how much you whiny little asshats cry and stomp your little feet.


If thats the case, my dear, why hasn't any money been allocated for it, after all this time. It was a priority and should have happened long ago.
That article is a pile of crap snowflake. The wall is getting built no matter how much you whiny little asshats cry and stomp your little feet.

Trump's Wall is never happening

Just simple facts, the Federal Gov't only owns something like fifty percent of the property needed to complete a border Wall, and eminent domain will tie any plans up in the Courts for decades not to mention the total legal costs

And above and beyond it all, Mexico ain't paying

Not our fault you fell for the demagoguery
Trump's Wall is never happening

Just simple facts, the Federal Gov't only owns something like fifty percent of the property needed to complete a border Wall, and eminent domain will tie any plans up in the Courts for decades not to mention the total legal costs

And above and beyond it all, Mexico ain't paying

Not our fault you fell for the demagoguery

If thats the case, my dear, why hasn't any money been allocated for it, after all this time. It was a priority and should have happened long ago.

After all this time?? Snowflake, things in Washington take time....our founders designed it that way. Trump has gotten a LOT done in a very short time. But he has only been in office for 20 months. He still has 28 months to get the rest of his agenda through....assuming of course the do-nothing Obstructionists from the Democratic Party of the Jackass lose their bid to control Congress....which I think they will lose.