No More Missions!

You sound like you were an officer BB. In that you have no idea what the troops do. I've run well over 200 missions in the 7 months I've been here and can easily hold just about any billet in a convoy (except driver because I'm not licensed for any military vehicals). I'm an expert on the three crew served machine guns and can work any of the comm gear we have. And this isn't even a job I'm trained for.

Now all that being said, I can say the same goes for everyone in my squad, so I certainly dont stand out. However I do work my ass off and feel that the time I get off should be spent relaxing. This of course doesn't account for ALL my spare time. I still need to eat, go to the gym, talk to my wife, etc.

In regards to the surge in what sense do you see it as working? Fewer IED attacks against American forces? Yes thats caused by a far greater route presenace than previous years. Fewer casualties are of course related as well. However those statements only apply to Anbar province, Not Iraq as a whole. For example the town right outside of the base used to be very friendly towards us. In the last two months however that has changed drastically. It's no longer considered a safe city. So overall, no the sruge doesnt work. Fewer short term casualties does not stack well agasint greater long term ones.

You sound like you were an officer BB. In that you have no idea what the troops do. I've run well over 200 missions in the 7 months I've been here and can easily hold just about any billet in a convoy (except driver because I'm not licensed for any military vehicals). I'm an expert on the three crew served machine guns and can work any of the comm gear we have. And this isn't even a job I'm trained for.

Now all that being said, I can say the same goes for everyone in my squad, so I certainly dont stand out. However I do work my ass off and feel that the time I get off should be spent relaxing. This of course doesn't account for ALL my spare time. I still need to eat, go to the gym, talk to my wife, etc.

In regards to the surge in what sense do you see it as working? Fewer IED attacks against American forces? Yes thats caused by a far greater route presenace than previous years. Fewer casualties are of course related as well. However those statements only apply to Anbar province, Not Iraq as a whole. For example the town right outside of the base used to be very friendly towards us. In the last two months however that has changed drastically. It's no longer considered a safe city. So overall, no the sruge doesnt work. Fewer short term casualties does not stack well agasint greater long term ones.

For your comment above yes I was an officer however a Jr.Officer and a Buck I do know what the troops do...Also why are you not licensed for Military Vehicles?Thats odd recalling my military experience... everyone was licensed in a vehicle in their MOS...most licensed in many vehicles!
At any rate thank you for taking the time to give your take on the surge and your experience in some 200 missions...I was just jerking your chain about sleeping as the photos you posted were mostly of dudes sleeping!:D
You sound like you were an officer BB. In that you have no idea what the troops do. I've run well over 200 missions in the 7 months I've been here and can easily hold just about any billet in a convoy (except driver because I'm not licensed for any military vehicals). I'm an expert on the three crew served machine guns and can work any of the comm gear we have. And this isn't even a job I'm trained for.

Now all that being said, I can say the same goes for everyone in my squad, so I certainly dont stand out. However I do work my ass off and feel that the time I get off should be spent relaxing. This of course doesn't account for ALL my spare time. I still need to eat, go to the gym, talk to my wife, etc.

In regards to the surge in what sense do you see it as working? Fewer IED attacks against American forces? Yes thats caused by a far greater route presenace than previous years. Fewer casualties are of course related as well. However those statements only apply to Anbar province, Not Iraq as a whole. For example the town right outside of the base used to be very friendly towards us. In the last two months however that has changed drastically. It's no longer considered a safe city. So overall, no the sruge doesnt work. Fewer short term casualties does not stack well agasint greater long term ones.

The guy who is checking you out by his count has done virtually every thing possible in the Milirary and in law enforcement

but the thing about him that really sticks out, is his claim that he was released from the service as a Secnd Leutenant.

Doesn't that strike you as a bit strange? No promotions, and discharged in the same rank in which he joined the officer corp. I have never ever heard of another officer being released as a 2nd Luei. I dont' think it happens, either he is demoted to enlisted rank for cause, or discharged in grade. and how long does it take a 2nd luei to be promoted If he didn't screw up???

The guy who is checking you out by his count has done virtually every thing possible in the Milirary and in law enforcement

but the thing about him that really sticks out, is his claim that he was released from the service as a Secnd Leutenant.

Doesn't that strike you as a bit strange? No promotions, and discharged in the same rank in which he joined the officer corp. I have never ever heard of another officer being released as a 2nd Luei. I dont' think it happens, either he is demoted to enlisted rank for cause, or discharged in grade. and how long does it take a 2nd luei to be promoted If he didn't screw up???

For the last time donny...this was already explained in a few other threads you also questioned me just to get it through your thick head...I was discharged as a Sgt E-5 after 4yrs 2 months and twenty nine days...I resigned my reserve commission as OCS only gets you a reserve commission!
I had decided to get out of the Army as I was not a career soldier at heart...I went on to other civilian career opportunities...and my discharge was 'Honorable' without any negative entries or reduction in stuff your BS somewhere else...kay! I resigned my commission and went back to Sgt E-5 as I did not want the obligation of serving as a reserve officer upon ETS from active duty!
I know you were fuckin around. My comments were half jest at most. I just have a natural dislike of modern officers and take it out (tounge in cheek) on their older counter parts. As for licensing I have a forklift license but thats it. Ammo techs (my offical MOS) dont typically do alot of driving.
10 days to go!

I cant wait to know this swashbuckler is home with his beautiful young wife.

Spetember 5th is either a travel day or home day but either way there will be one less arrgher in Iraq.

happy day coming.
For the last time donny...this was already explained in a few other threads you also questioned me just to get it through your thick head...I was discharged as a Sgt E-5 after 4yrs 2 months and twenty nine days...I resigned my reserve commission as OCS only gets you a reserve commission!
I had decided to get out of the Army as I was not a career soldier at heart...I went on to other civilian career opportunities...and my discharge was 'Honorable' without any negative entries or reduction in stuff your BS somewhere else...kay! I resigned my commission and went back to Sgt E-5 as I did not want the obligation of serving as a reserve officer upon ETS from active duty!

You did NOt explain that in the past, or I would have recalled, (tho i wouldn't have beleived you then either.) My doubt is hereby redoubled.) as more proof,you still insist that an E-5 is a Buck Sgt. it is not, it is a staff sgt.

I wouldn't even put you in charge of a laterine--- cause you obviously don't know shit.
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You get dumber....

You did NOt explain that in the past, or I would have recalled, (tho i wouldn't have beleived you then either.) My doubt is hereby redoubled.) as more proof,you still insist that an E-5 is a Buck Sgt. it is not, it is a staff sgt.

I wouldn't even put you in charge of a laterine--- cause you don't know shit.

with each and every post...a staff sgt is E-6 moron!

side note: and yes this stupid diatribe was addressed with you on several threads in the answered then with the same stupid BS...Iam smarter than you cause I was a Army AF E-3/E-4 sgt...are you suffering from alzheimers or just demented?
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E-1 = Private
E-2 = Private E2
E-3 = PFC
E-4 = Corporal or Specialist
E-5 = Sergeant (What y'all are calling Buck Sergeant)
E-6 = Staff Sergeant
E-7 = Sergeant First Class
E-8 = Master Sergeant (With a star it is First Sergeant)
E-9 = Sergeant Major, Command Sergeant Major
Then the Senior Enlisted Person in the Army is: Sergeant Major of the Army
Thank you damo........

E-1 = Private
E-2 = Private E2
E-3 = PFC
E-4 = Corporal or Specialist
E-5 = Sergeant (What y'all are calling Buck Sergeant)
E-6 = Staff Sergeant
E-7 = Sergeant First Class
E-8 = Master Sergeant (With a star it is First Sergeant)
E-9 = Sergeant Major, Command Sergeant Major
Then the Senior Enlisted Person in the Army is: Sergeant Major of the Army

I was just too lazy to post a link to rank!
Or for Marines its
E3-Lcpl (me)
E8-Msgt or 1stSgt
E9-Msgysgt or Sgtmaj or Sgtmajmc (SgtMaj of the Marine Corps).

And since you were in the army BB, how does it feel to know that Marines two pay grades lower are billeted the same (or higher in some cases) as you were? ;)
Or for Marines its
E3-Lcpl (me)
E8-Msgt or 1stSgt
E9-Msgysgt or Sgtmaj or Sgtmajmc (SgtMaj of the Marine Corps).

And since you were in the army BB, how does it feel to know that Marines two pay grades lower are billeted the same (or higher in some cases) as you were? ;)

Makes no diff to me...I did my time along time ago...only diff was mine was in Germany and a silly wet,slimy,buggie,snakey,fireworks kinda place(yours hot and full of sand the states I lived off base...:tongout: