No More Sex For Republican Men

Seems women have already detached themselves from males when it comes to sex. For a reliable 'Partner', more and more are turning to their trusty Vibrator for complete satisfaction.
Seems women have already detached themselves from males when it comes to sex. For a reliable 'Partner', more and more are turning to their trusty Vibrator for complete satisfaction. offense buddy but if I was a woman and the men were all like you...I’d use toys too. ;) offense buddy but if I was a woman and the men were all like you...I’d use toys too. ;)

Seems women have already detached themselves from males when it comes to sex. For a reliable 'Partner', more and more are turning to their trusty Vibrator for complete satisfaction.

Twenty years from now women will be redundant, AI doesn't just mean Artificial Insemination!!
We're already seeing Society become alienated from each other. Everyone is more involved with their 'virtual world' than 'reality'.

I think in time,men will be aborted for the most part,a few kept around for sperm donors,
But 99% of the population will be women.
I wish you’d quit quoting him so I don’t have to see his swill.

It is an unfortunate side effect of the quote function. But I have become an expert with my scroller, and I have developed a sixth sense of being able to scroll past dunces, bigots, racists, and sociopaths! This board has pretty much trained me to be an expert scroller!
This is why conservatives support rape and executing women who refuse to give birth to their rape seed. They know there's no other chance for them to reproduce than through rape.