No More Sex For Republican Men


Apparently, Jack is groaning over the fact that women have no interest in him and would rather "handle it" themselves.

It is an unfortunate side effect of the quote function. But I have become an expert with my scroller, and I have developed a sixth sense of being able to scroll past dunces, bigots, racists, and sociopaths! This board has pretty much trained me to be an expert scroller!

That and the consequences of cyber stalking.
I'm pro-abortion, and I'm always disappointed by "pro-choice" women who don't exercise their freedom and agency over their own bodies by getting abortions and killing the baby that isn't their body, but is just within their body. I wish the parents of every lib had practiced their freedom.
Admittedly I had not heard of this woman prior to coming across this tweet but it looks like she ran for the Senate in Florida in 2016. Tweets like this are just a big softball and many respondents did not disappoint.

I'm not a conservative but I'm now boycotting all women who are boycotting men they politically disagree with. I'm married so I don't think my boycott means much.
Seems women have already detached themselves from males when it comes to sex. For a reliable 'Partner', more and more are turning to their trusty Vibrator for complete satisfaction.

Leftists calling for abstinence is a good thing

Oh and I didn’t thank your post. Hit it by accident on Tapatalk
Leftists calling for abstinence is a good thing

Oh and I didn’t thank your post. Hit it by accident on Tapatalk

I don't think using a Vibrator (masturbation) is 'Abstinence'.

"The Surgeon General Who Was Fired For Saying Masturbation Was A-OK"
“I think masturbation is something that is a part of human sexuality and it’s a part of something that perhaps should be taught. But we’ve not even taught our children the very basics.”
Joycelyn Elders
So what you are saying is that it is only leftist men having all of this unprotected sex leading to unintended pregnancies?

Cool story bro

I didn't say they were always responsible. I guess that's why it's good we have right-wing guys. It keeps the population from getting too large.
It is an unfortunate side effect of the quote function. But I have become an expert with my scroller, and I have developed a sixth sense of being able to scroll past dunces, bigots, racists, and sociopaths! This board has pretty much trained me to be an expert scroller!

awww you're a very special boy cypress! good job! we're all so proud of you! you are THE BEST scroller on JPP!