Damo I figured out Bush's sales pitch long before the MSM said anything in that direction.
You, me, and the vast majority of planet earth.
All this bullshit about "democracy" is sheer garbage.
This administration doesn't give a fuck about democracy in America and most certainly don't give a fuck about setting up a democracy anywhere else.
The goal was PROFIT and POWER .. and we attacked Afghanistan for the very same reasons without any concern about a domino effect .. which by the way, is playing itself out now in Pakistan.
Damo is reaching for the bottom of the barrel trying for dig up some rational semi-intelligent excuse to cover for the all-too obvious.
If they were trying to set up a democracy, why didn't they even try to restore normallacy to the lives of the Iraq people?
Why did they seize control of the Oil Ministry as soon as they could?
Why are they demanding that the Iraqi's give up more than 90% of the control of their oilfields in a piece of shit made up in Wshington Iraqi Oil Law?
Who would be dumb enough not to know that the majority of Iraqis share the same religion as Iran, thus any "democracy" would have to go through Iran?
The goal of cowboy-pirates was to enrich their pockets .. which they did with corporations they work for seizing more profits than any corporations in history.