No one has a right to healthcare

Yeah, you run with that "every man for himself" "I got mine you all can go f*ck yourselves" attitude and see how far it gets you.

You have it all wrong. It's I EARNED mine now you get off your ass and earn yours. It's done well for me. I have insurance and don't have to rely on the government, taxpayers, or anyone else to subsidize it for me. I'm not expecting any more of anyone that I do for myself. You, on the other hand, support someone that doesn't earn something getting it for nothing because they want it. Freeloader.
Really? That's your take?

A friend of mine, who lives in upstate New York, couldn't afford insurance. He and his wife both work two jobs. They have no children.

Before the Affordable Care Act, they had two options: A roof over their head, electricity and food in the fridge, or healthcare (because their employers didn't offer it).

What do you say about people like that, who actually are working long hours in two jobs to make ends meet, but couldn't afford the outrageous costs of healthcare?

Are you really THAT isolated and blind that you're not aware there are people in that kind of situation?


CFM's got his...that couple in NY can go "f*ck" themselves.

CFM's got his...that couple in NY can go "f*ck" themselves.

Apparently that couple's friend said that to them. I don't know them but the person that does won't even help them yet you have no problem with that.

ANYONE that demands another person be forced to help them through mandate can go fuck themselves. I don't owe them a dime.
Apparently that couple's friend said that to them. I don't know them but the person that does won't even help them yet you have no problem with that.

ANYONE that demands another person be forced to help them through mandate can go fuck themselves. I don't owe them a dime.

Correct, you don't OWE them anything. A fact I am sure Jesus will point out to you...right before he denies you admittance.

It's not about "owing" anyone anything.

It's about doing what's right for your fellow human being.
How do I benefit from someone not supporting their own kids or their own family? I'll be grateful when the freeloaders who demand everything they want as a right start doing for themselves what they should be doing for themselves.

They aren't freeloaders, that is where you are grossly misinformed, but nothing will change your mind, I know your type.
I know of one who recently died of cancer and at the end he was relying on the compassion of others, he became what he condemned, but so did Ayn Rand.
Correct, you don't OWE them anything. A fact I am sure Jesus will point out to you...right before he denies you admittance.

It's not about "owing" anyone anything.

It's about doing what's right for your fellow human being.

Jesus didn't use the government to mandate it like you would have done.

Being forced to hand someone something they should be doing for themselves isn't right.

If it's such a right thing, why couldn't the friend of the people help? They wouldn't help their own friends but thought others should be mandated to do it.
They aren't freeloaders, that is where you are grossly misinformed, but nothing will change your mind, I know your type.
I know of one who recently died of cancer and at the end he was relying on the compassion of others, he became what he condemned, but so did Ayn Rand.

Someone that, as a result of a mandate to provide them something they should be providing themselves, has it handed to them, they are a freeloader.

If you knew him, why didn't you pay for his coverage?
Really? That's your take?

A friend of mine, who lives in upstate New York, couldn't afford insurance. He and his wife both work two jobs. They have no children.

Before the Affordable Care Act, they had two options: A roof over their head, electricity and food in the fridge, or healthcare (because their employers didn't offer it).

What do you say about people like that, who actually are working long hours in two jobs to make ends meet, but couldn't afford the outrageous costs of healthcare?

Are you really THAT isolated and blind that you're not aware there are people in that kind of situation?

They STILL don't have health care. Just wait until they have to use it.
They STILL don't have health care. Just wait until they have to use it.

The only reason they have it is because someone else is paying a subsidy. Stelakh, someone that says they were his friend, wouldn't provide it to them. So much for Stelakh's compassion.
You're not digging yourself out of a hole with that one.

And what if I couldn't afford to pay their premiums but a couple million people could?

I mind people who want handouts but are freeloading. I have no trouble, however, helping those who NEED help and are NOT freeloading.

Let's say there's a diabetic who can't afford insulin (because despite it having been used for a VERY long time the cost is kept high by manufacturers (my sister's is $343.00 a vial and she goes through a vial every 2 days and fortunately has damned good insurance)). They can't afford the high cost, but a group of people who would wind up giving pennies per paycheck could help ensure that person has the insulin they need to survive.

I have no trouble helping that person even though I never spoke to them, laid eyes on them, or know who they are. Because we all need help at some point, some time, somewhere. And who am I to damn someone to a life of illness and misery if I can afford to help without killing my own financial bottom line?

If THAT is your definition of "bleeding heart," I'll gladly accept it - because I believe people are more important.

Except YOU aren't really helping them. You are outsourcing your so called compassion and using the force of government to administer it. Do you be.iebe in private property rights
He says it will be amazing, you don't need proof, you must have faith!

Since you say it's amazing prove it. I already have and have had good coverage. Unlike Stelakh's friends, you know the ones he won't help himself but expect the taxpayers to help, I don't rely on someone else being forced to fund mine.

Proof or not?
Except YOU aren't really helping them. You are outsourcing your so called compassion and using the force of government to administer it. Do you be.iebe in private property rights

That's how people like Stelakh operate. They think compassion comes from that outsourcing then take credit because they WANTED to help someone.