No one is excluded dance party

Well good for Yaya. He actually didn't ban anyone from his copycat discussion. I do have a serious question though Yaya. Do you actually want to take part in these types of discussions? I don't mind giving you a second chance trial run, if you do. However, if your only reasoning of it is to try and be obnoxious, than I don't care to even entertain you.
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Well good for Yaya. He actually didn't ban anyone from his copycat discussion. I do have a serious question though Yaya. Do you actually want to take part in these types of discussions? I don't mind giving you a second chance trial run, if you do. However, if your only reasoning of it is to try and be obnoxious, than I don't care to even entertain you.

You're simply beyond belief. This is not a copycat thread you lying bitch. Mason (I think it was him or some other liberal friend of yours) started an identical thread he was banned from and you praised him.

Number 1, you don't start a peace offering with an insulting post.

Number 2, I obviously like these kind of discussions, else I would not have made a thread about it. Grinds story is priceless and I would not have known about it but for this thread.

Number 3, you're not even on topic and are doing exactly as you complain I do to your threads.

Number 4, you so happy I didn't ban anyone, yet so proud of your massive ban list. You're sick one the head.

Number 5, I won't ask to have you retro banned like you so love to do, however, I will ask you abide by your own standards and posts on topic. And please, stop trying to turn every thread into all about you.

Some people are enjoying this thread, stop messing it up.
I never do clubs as I am super introverted but this can be fixed with *LOTS OF ALCOHOL* and it was my friends birthday and we all pitched in and got a vip booth with bottle service and very quickly I was very well inebriated. later on in the night I was trying to get to some of my friends and this place had like a separate stage in the middle with a bunch of hot stripper like chicks dancing but it jutted out into the main floor and it was a pain in the ass to move around so I was like fuck it and climbed up on the stage weaving my way in and out and between these super hot chicks to get to my buds then jumped off the other side, bouncers were mad and lined me up in the back about to kick me the fuck out and the BOOM lights came on, place was closing anyway so I was like BYEEEE you RAN OUT OF TIME TO KICK ME OUT BITCH! This was the same night took a very public leak at the christian science center. I shared that story and probably all of this before. Can't remember. Then security chased me away and I bolted the fuck down huntington avenue, tripped on the brick walk way and gouged the fuck up out of my hands. Last moment a few of my friends pull up in a taxi and take me away to safety.


Tall building upper right is where I relieved myself with the most satisfying piss of all time, the trees to the right of the reflecting pool is my escape route.

Liquid courage.