No One Knows the Value of a College Degree Like Someone Without One

First, I am not the author of the article.

Second, all research proves college graduates earn more over a lifetime than non college graduates.

The "article" is pure propaganda, because the scam of the educational industrial complex is starting to unravel.

{Almost one quarter of all college programs (10,000) produce graduates who fail to earn enough to pay off their educational costs within 20 years after they’ve completed their studies.
And about 6,000 of these programs - many of which are at the sub-baccalaureate level - don’t show any economic premium over a high school diploma. That means that more than 350,000 students enrolled, paid all their educational costs often by taking on considerable debt, and graduated from these programs but realized little or no economic gain from doing so.}

The "article" is pure propaganda, because the scam of the educational industrial complex is starting to unravel.

{Almost one quarter of all college programs (10,000) produce graduates who fail to earn enough to pay off their educational costs within 20 years after they’ve completed their studies.
And about 6,000 of these programs - many of which are at the sub-baccalaureate level - don’t show any economic premium over a high school diploma. That means that more than 350,000 students enrolled, paid all their educational costs often by taking on considerable debt, and graduated from these programs but realized little or no economic gain from doing so.}


The article is written by a journalist about his personal experiences.

In fact, he does not have a college degree.
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Colleges found out from online schools, that they could increase their tuition by multiples. They could not resist it. When I started college it was 16 bucks a credit hour. It was manageable with a part-time job. Those days are gone.
Colleges found out from online schools, that they could increase their tuition by multiples. They could not resist it. When I started college it was 16 bucks a credit hour. It was manageable with a part-time job. Those days are gone.

Yes. Federal and state money helped us pay tuition before. Not now.
Colleges found out from online schools, that they could increase their tuition by multiples. They could not resist it. When I started college it was 16 bucks a credit hour. It was manageable with a part-time job. Those days are gone.

What are you yapping about "online schools?"

What major institution does NOT offer online classes?
The fact remains that confusing fascism with communism is extreme and possibly willful ignorance.

Agreed! Far right totalitarian is not the same as far left totalitarian. If there is a similarity it's in some of their methods, not their beliefs. But not everyone on this forum would go along with that. No doubt they have their reasons. :rolleyes:

I am impressed that you can divine Stalin's personal thoughts, however.

Thanks, but I can't claim credit for that. After a burst of frantic activity following the Nazi invasion, Stalin disappeared (Molotov had to make the public announcement that the country was being invaded). Senior Politburo members went to Stalin's dacha to find him and propose forming a wartime government.

"And who will lead it?" Stalin asked.

Mikoyan, who was present, inferred that Stalin thought they had come to arrest him.
I posted two different articles. You did not make clear which you were referring to.

The scam is unraveling.

No more than 10% of the population has any use for a baccalaureate or greater education.

The Universities are fleecing the nation.

I have a friend who is a professor at the University of California, Riverside. He lives in a mansion, has a collection of 6 Corvettes, and goes to the campus maybe 2 days a month.

THAT is the reality of our Universities. Pay a half million for a degree, and the graduate students teach the classes. Tenured professors collect million dollar salaries while we pretend the institutions are "non-profit" while the government pours billions into the pockets of these diploma mills.

Now, full disclosure - my education has paid off in spades. First off, Lockheed paid for most of it. Both the MBA and Sc.D. were entirely paid for, I had no debt to pay off. The Bachelors was far enough back that it wasn't the expense that they are now.

BUT I majored in areas that are in demand. A BS in CIS, MBA, and the Sc.D. in Logistics all feed manufacturing making my skills highly marketable. For those following such a path, higher education is useful.

Those in ethnic studies, or majoring in art or history walk away with debt, and no marketable skills.
Agreed! Far right totalitarian is not the same as far left totalitarian. If there is a similarity it's in some of their methods, not their beliefs. But not everyone on this forum would go along with that. No doubt they have their reasons. :rolleyes:

Thanks, but I can't claim credit for that. After a burst of frantic activity following the Nazi invasion, Stalin disappeared (Molotov had to make the public announcement that the country was being invaded). Senior Politburo members went to Stalin's dacha to find him and propose forming a wartime government.

"And who will lead it?" Stalin asked.

Mikoyan, who was present, inferred that Stalin thought they had come to arrest him.

Please do not troll my threads. Stay on topic or you will be banned.
The scam is unraveling.

No more than 10% of the population has any use for a baccalaureate or greater education.

The Universities are fleecing the nation.

I have a friend who is a professor at the University of California, Riverside. He lives in a mansion, has a collection of 6 Corvettes, and goes to the campus maybe 2 days a month.

THAT is the reality of our Universities. Pay a half million for a degree, and the graduate students teach the classes. Tenured professors collect million dollar salaries while we pretend the institutions are "non-profit" while the government pours billions into the pockets of these diploma mills.

Now, full disclosure - my education has paid off in spades. First off, Lockheed paid for most of it. Both the MBA and Sc.D. were entirely paid for, I had no debt to pay off. The Bachelors was far enough back that it wasn't the expense that they are now.

BUT I majored in areas that are in demand. A BS in CIS, MBA, and the Sc.D. in Logistics all feed manufacturing making my skills highly marketable. For those following such a path, higher education is useful.

Those in ethnic studies, or majoring in art or history walk away with debt, and no marketable skills.

What scam.

All research shows college graduates earn more over a lifetime than non-college graduates.
What scam.

All research shows college graduates earn more over a lifetime than non-college graduates.

You didn't bother to read the Forbes article I posted.

68% of programs pay off in 10 or less years,

32% do not.

The difference is the major, or program the student is involved in. Not the institution. A bachelors in IT from University of Phoenix will provide a payback. A bachelors from Harvard in African Studies will not. The real scam is in convincing those who go into jobs that don't need a college education that they do. Often they will get useless degrees. A history degree qualifies one to work a starbucks.
You didn't bother to read the Forbes article I posted.

68% of programs pay off in 10 or less years,

32% do not.

The difference is the major, or program the student is involved in. Not the institution. A bachelors in IT from University of Phoenix will provide a payback. A bachelors from Harvard in African Studies will not. The real scam is in convincing those who go into jobs that don't need a college education that they do. Often they will get useless degrees. A history degree qualifies one to work a starbucks.

I do not care what Forbes says about anything.
And you know that somebody does not have a degree when they start telling you that college graduates have no common sense, just "book knowledge."

Bingo. As though you can't have common sense if you have higher education.

I'd like to see trade schools given more funding and more respect, along with unions. That would go a long way toward raising people's standard of living, as well as erasing one of the reasons for grievance politics and politicians who, like #TRE45ON, exploit them.
Colleges found out from online schools, that they could increase their tuition by multiples. They could not resist it. When I started college it was 16 bucks a credit hour. It was manageable with a part-time job. Those days are gone.

You're so right. Mr. Owl made it through a BS in industrial engineering and a masters in finance/economics with no debt at all. He paid for the first degree by working summers. His employer reimbursed him for the second. You're right; we will never see those days again, not when we let Republicans run the place.
If you are so clueless that you think you will find an education at our very expensive universities then you are a fucking moron, you deserve what you get.
If you want an education then stay away from the mind warpers at the universities..
I believe you have misstated the problem. One can get an excellent education from an expensive university. The fallacy is the implication that merely graduating from an expensive university guarantees one a competitive edge in life, and that one somehow cannot acquire that competitive edge without graduating from an expensive university.

Universities overcharge students for the privilege of being told what courses they must take to earn the piece of paper (diploma). Hence students screw themselves. They attend the university fully aware that they are enrolled for entirely the wrong reason, i.e. to get a piece of paper, not to get any sort of education. Students register in the blissful erroneous belief that the magical piece of paper at the end of the journey is what gives them the education. This is why students overpay tuition just so they can cheat. They are cheating themselves out of the education they seek in the name of securing the piece of paper that imparts the divine knowledge, for which they are overpaying for the privilege of being told what courses they must take.

I went through all that, through expensive undergrad and post grad, but fortunately, I was in it for the education and not for any pieces of paper, and it turns out that I made a good decision. I found that nobody gave a shit about which universities I attended or what I studied, any more than BidenPresident gives a shit about making a coherent point. All anyone wanted to know was whether I had the skills to perform a particular job and whether I would be a good fit for "the team." Consequently, I told my children that after high school, they could either go to a trade school, join the military, or go to a community college where they would choose the specific courses they believed they needed for the education they wanted and as an eventual stepping stone to a four-year degree if that was what was desired. They chose the community college route and paid 20% of the regular tuition rates of four-year universities without receiving the leftist indoctrination.