No One Wants To Talk About It Because It Was A United Nations War

Millions of Americans have fought for multi-national alliances, including the UN.

To Walt: Asshole! Americans fight for their country. When they are lied to, and tricked into fighting for the U.N. they are fighting against their own country.

For your edification, the League of Nations’ and the U.N.’s governing political philosophy are identical:

The Covenant of the League of Nations
(Including Amendments adopted to December, 1924)


United Nations Charter (full text)

Both International ORGANIZATIONS give governing authority to unelected ruling classes and their bureaucrats.

NOTE: The New World Order crowd could not get the League of Nations ratified. They succeeded in 1945 with another name. Three years later International parasites got:

The ugliest document ever written, the U.N.’s 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is the most devious compendium of institutional morality ever devised. That is why Obama preached positive Rights for the United Nations as opposed to “negative” Rights in our Bill of Rights. His positive Rights is nothing more than justifying tax dollars being collected by government Good Samaritans, while not one negative Right in the Bill of Rights forces someone else to pay —— as the U.’N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights aimed for.

If there is any truth to your crap the American people would insist on repealing the Connally Reservation:

Before the U.S. Senate became a full-blown nest of traitors Senator Tom Connally (D-Texas) insisted on putting these six words in the U.N. Charter:


Those six words are known as the "Connally Reservation" and are the only words that prevents the U.N.’s World Court from interfering in America’s internal affairs on the pretext that tariffs, immigration laws, school curriculums, etc., affect U.S. relations with other countries and are therefore "foreign" and not "domestic."

The battle over repealing the Connally Reservation from the U.N. Charter has been ongoing since 1946 —— most of it below the public’s radar screen. Connally’s Amendment protected Americans from more than an average person like me could ever cover; not the least of those protections was shielding our Second Amendment from U.N. gun grabbers.

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty
Ratification 'will not happen so long as I am breathing in the U.S. Senate'
Published: 04/13/2013 at 9:14 PM

Should you research it I think you will be surprised, and maybe disappointed, in some of the people who supported repealing the Connally Reservation.

Unfortunately, the Connally Reservation does not protect against U.N. treaties so long as the traitor’s work is built upon the U.N.’s foundation. I doubt if more than a small handful of Americans saw U.N. treaties coming their way; and certainly did not see the attacks on sovereignty built into today’s U.N. treaties.

The worst of it is that signed, but unratified, United Nations treaties have a shelf life longer than the half-life of radiation from a detonated nuclear bomb. A U.N. treaty’s shelf life is so long I once suggested that American presidents should be required to at least make an effort to ratify treaties signed in their administration. Congress should pass a law stating that whenever a president fails to get one of his treaties ratified before leaving office, or two years after leaving, that treaty is automatically rejected for all time.

Incidentally, a traitor was the U.N.’s first Secretary General:

My point is that the things Patton was saying would have derailed the New World Order’s plans. Assassinating Patton to keep their plan on track makes more sense to me than did killing him simply because he might embarrass people in FDR’s inner circle like Alger Hiss. At the very least, the United Nations might never have gotten off the ground if Hiss, who was spying for Stalin, was tarred by Patton. Hiss became the Secretary General presiding over the U.N. Charter Conference.