No proof of election fraud?

Judicial Watch Study: 1.8 Million Extra Registered Voters
What no DEMOCRAT "fact-checker" will tell you

Gwinnett County in suburban Atlanta had to mail out absentee ballots with information in both English and Spanish in 2018.

The result was chaos. The county accommodated the increased text by printing it in 6.5-point font, making each letter smaller than a sesame seed. Many voters were confused by the instructions — in particular, that they had to sign the back of the yellow envelope before returning it or their votes wouldn’t count.

Gwinnett rejected 595 absentee ballots, a third of all those tossed in Georgia, often without notifying the spurned voters. Only a hurried lawsuit by the ACLU forced the county to reexamine the discarded ballots.

The debacle caused in Gwinnett by this relatively minor tweak presents a cautionary lesson for election administrators amid a pandemic-driven flurry of calls for a massive expansion of voting by mail.

DEMOCRATS Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Ron Wyden, D-Ore., introduced legislation this month to promote and help fund mail-in ballot efforts, and several states are mulling whether to conduct elections by mail.

“In light of the threats that this virus poses, every American should be able to cast a ballot by mail without excuse,” Klobuchar and Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., wrote Friday, urging Congress to include funding for vote-by-mail elections in emergency packages.

"That means states will have to scale their vote-by-mail processes in a way that hasn’t been done before."

I think it's a mistake to focus on this sort of thing. We know the changes to election law made by executive authorities in swing states were not Constitutional therefore the election wasn't kosher. That's all we need to hammer on, over and over because there is no defense against it.

Explain how they were not Constitutional.

I'll wait.

Your article is losing its shit over the fact that 1.8M people registered to vote between 2016 and 2020.

I have news for's actually much higher than that.

PA added 922,000 new registered voters itself between 2016-2020, which is more than half the number you're soiling your diaper over here.
Voting by mail is illegal in many nations. Many nations require voter ID


Over 1.21 billion people are enrolled in the world’s largest biometric identification system.

The Indian government’s Aadhaar identification initiative has now reached a new milestone. Almost eight years after the first Aadhaar card was issued (in September 2010), the total number of enrollees in the program has crossed 1.21 billion, according to the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

According to the 2011 Census, this is what India’s population was at the time.

According to official projections from the UIDAI, nearly 92% of India’s current population now has an Aadhar card.

The data suggests that Indian residents who are still without Aadhaar cards are mostly children.
Your article is losing its shit over the fact that 1.8M people registered to vote between 2016 and 2020. I have news for's actually much higher than that. PA added 922,000 new registered voters itself between 2016-2020, which is more than half the number you're soiling your diaper over here.

Judicial Watch Voter Roll Study Oct 2020

If you can’t beat em’, cheat em’.

Voter fraud has been one of those things that the DEMOCRAT party has denied doing for decades, yet we continuously find evidence of it.

This is the same political party that also tries to prevent the implementation of a more secure voting system, going so far as to call things like voter ID “racist” despite the fact that it’s been proven to increase minority voting.

Wookie Michael Obama has been pushing for a very insecure way of voting with the vote-by-mail option.

Her organization “When We All Vote” has backed legislation backed by DEMOCRATS and no Republicans. The idea is a path to voter fraud.