No racial bias in police shootings, study by Harvard professor shows

So, no, it wasn't based on an empirical study of the available data, it was only the ignorant, uninformed opinion of a poor little bitch.

no, that is the gist of your posts- and always from the point of view of a little bitch. if you are so stupid you disagree with what i said, it just proves what a little bitch you are.
All the studies have shown the same thing. I'm surprised this one hasn't been censored by the Left and removed from the internet.
give it time. you can be sure it will be treated as a pariah, and not reported on by Fake News
gotta keep the narrative going!
If the jigaboos would do what they are told the vast majority wouldn't get shot.

if you called some black kid or elderly woman a jigaboo in public, you would be taking your next 4 or 5 meals through a straw, little bitch. that is what drives you little racist bitches- you are wimpy chickenshits. you are afraid of blacks, latinos, muslims, women, gays who you do not pay for sex, your own shadow. what a sissy little bitch you are.

My poor little bitch.
give it time. you can be sure it will be treated as a pariah, and not reported on by Fake News
gotta keep the narrative going!

why not link to a bunch of videos or court cases of cops killing white males who pose no real threat...and then talk shit, stupid ass trump stooge racist.
If the jigaboos would do what they are told the vast majority wouldn't get shot.
no need for the racist language -but you do make a point. and there instances of unprovoked shootings

But by and large I learned a LONG TIME AGO to fully cooperate; you put my hands on the wheel of a traffic stop and do what is told and you're much likely to get out of there or white..
This is what "the talk"should be

Instead we get BLM crap that puts people at risk
why not link to a bunch of videos or court cases of cops killing white males who pose no real threat...and then talk shit, stupid ass trump stooge racist.
so you think that doesnt happen?
Good luck trying to find it though -cops killing a white guy who is no threat is not news
give it time. you can be sure it will be treated as a pariah, and not reported on by Fake News
gotta keep the narrative going!

It should be ignored, the paper didn’t conclude racial bias wasn’t a factor, but rather that there is no quantitative proof it does or doesn’t exist, and secondly, his paper never received peer review (, meaning, it is his opinion, and that is all, just like your barber’s opinion
so you think that doesnt happen?
Good luck trying to find it though -cops killing a white guy who is no threat is not news

you are crazy. seriously. totally nuts. a cop shooting a white guy who is no threat, where there is video, or other evidence, the cop being suspended, at least until he gets cleared or charged, is EVERYDAY NEWS? good god. you are mentally impaired. of course it happens, but way less than to black folks. dumbass.
And your implication that the “fact-hating left got him fired” because of the paper is bogus, just like the rest of the topic post

When did I imply that, Anchovies?

What part of the topic post is supposedly "bogus", Anchovies?
if you called some black kid or elderly woman a jigaboo in public, you would be taking your next 4 or 5 meals through a straw, little bitch. that is what drives you little racist bitches- you are wimpy chickenshits. you are afraid of blacks, latinos, muslims, women, gays who you do not pay for sex, your own shadow. what a sissy little bitch you are.

I hope they are immune to 230 grain jacketed hollow points, jig pecker smoker.