No religion allowed.


Verified User
Here's the deal. Atheists claim that the universe does not require a Creator. Well, here's your chance to prove it. All you have to do is show us how it created itself. No pie in the sky 'theories'. Just scientific data to support such an outrageous claim. I ask that no one bring religion into this debate. I want atheist science to show how the universe created itself. No deflection or insults either. Just show us the evidence. If you cant, then you must admit that your theory is based on faith. Not science.
Here's the deal. Atheists claim that the universe does not require a Creator. Well, here's your chance to prove it. All you have to do is show us how it created itself. No pie in the sky 'theories'. Just scientific data to support such an outrageous claim. I ask that no one bring religion into this debate. I want atheist science to show how the universe created itself. No deflection or insults either. Just show us the evidence. If you cant, then you must admit that your theory is based on faith. Not science.

There is no 'atheist science' any more than there is fantasist biblebasher science. Science deals with likelihood: there was a Big Bang, apparently. You make it? If not, what are you on about?
There is no 'atheist science' any more than there is fantasist biblebasher science. Science deals with likelihood: there was a Big Bang, apparently. You make it? If not, what are you on about?

The big bang is a hypothesis based on observational data. It may or may not have happened. In any event, the law of causality states that it was caused to happen. Who or what caused it? I believe God did it. If you disagree, then who or what do you think caused it?
Here's the deal. Atheists claim that the universe does not require a Creator. Well, here's your chance to prove it. All you have to do is show us how it created itself. No pie in the sky 'theories'. Just scientific data to support such an outrageous claim. I ask that no one bring religion into this debate. I want atheist science to show how the universe created itself. No deflection or insults either. Just show us the evidence. If you cant, then you must admit that your theory is based on faith. Not science.

Thing is, you're too stupid to understand any rational response to your braying.

There is no credible evidence to demonstrate that the universe was designed, created, etc.. by some omnipotent being, nor can you provide any such evidence.

You claim to work in science, and yet you spew bullshit about 'atheist science'.

Why do you guzzle Satan's frothy devil-seed?
The big bang is a hypothesis based on observational data. It may or may not have happened. In any event, the law of causality states that it was caused to happen. Who or what caused it? I believe God did it. If you disagree, then who or what do you think caused it?

There is no 'law of causality', ya silly Christ-hating devil-worshiper.
Thing is, you're too stupid to understand any rational response to your braying.

There is no credible evidence to demonstrate that the universe was designed, created, etc.. by some omnipotent being, nor can you provide any such evidence.

You claim to work in science, and yet you spew bullshit about 'atheist science'.

Why do you guzzle Satan's frothy devil-seed?

I asked you to explain how the universe was created. It's a simple question. And it WAS created. It could not have created itself. This is a question about science. How and why does the universe exist? If you cannot give a scientific explanation, then shut you mouth. Also, the OP stated that no insults will be allowed. Keep it up and you will be reported to admin. We all want a civil discussion here.
I asked you to explain how the universe was created. It's a simple question. And it WAS created. It could not have created itself. This is a question about science. How and why does the universe exist? If you cannot give a scientific explanation, then shut you mouth. Also, the OP stated that no insults will be allowed. Keep it up and you will be reported to admin. We all want a civil discussion here.

There is no evidence that you can cite that definitively demonstrates the universe was created. Zero.

And you wouldn't know science if it were sodomizing you, Christ-hater.

Please prove that the universe wasn't created by La'Zorking, the lizard-god of condiments and jam.
There is no 'law of causality', ya silly Christ-hating devil-worshiper.

If you throw a rock and it breaks a window, what do you call it? Your action caused the window to break. This simple concept underpins all of science. Especially physics. Cause and effect. BTW, that was your second strike. Keep a civil tongue, or you will be reported.
If you throw a rock and it breaks a window, what do you call it? Your action caused the window to break. This simple concept underpins all of science. Especially physics. Cause and effect. BTW, that was your second strike. Keep a civil tongue, or you will be reported.

LOL! You assume that classical Newtonian physics still apply and completely ignore Quantum physics.

IOW, you're simply reasserting the tired, old "Unmoved mover" BS. You're demanding that the infinite regression of movement/causation be terminated in the past by an 'impossible' object not subject to the laws in action upon everything else

IOW, you worship Satan, silly Christ-hater.
LOL! You assume that classical Newtonian physics still apply and completely ignore Quantum physics.

IOW, you're simply reasserting the tired, old "Unmoved mover" BS. You're demanding that the infinite regression of movement/causation be terminated in the past by an 'impossible' object not subject to the laws in action upon everything else

IOW, you worship Satan, silly Christ-hater.

Reported. Placed on ignore. You will also be banned from any thread I start. Have a nice day.
Here's the deal. Atheists claim that the universe does not require a Creator. Well, here's your chance to prove it. All you have to do is show us how it created itself. No pie in the sky 'theories'. Just scientific data to support such an outrageous claim. I ask that no one bring religion into this debate. I want atheist science to show how the universe created itself. No deflection or insults either. Just show us the evidence. If you cant, then you must admit that your theory is based on faith. Not science.

So is your argument that if you cant prove how the universe was created, God must have done it? Silly.

Just because modern science is not advanced enough to prove something does not mean God must have done it.
I asked you to explain how the universe was created. It's a simple question. And it WAS created. It could not have created itself. This is a question about science. How and why does the universe exist? If you cannot give a scientific explanation, then shut you mouth. Also, the OP stated that no insults will be allowed. Keep it up and you will be reported to admin. We all want a civil discussion here.

Was this universe creator of yours the same one that is around today? The one that is omnibenevolent, omniscient, omnipotent? And you buy that bullshit?
This exchange has sunk fast, it went from Aquinas's Prime Mover to "your mother is a whore"

Amazing after all this time some still attempt to explain religion in Aristotlelian terms, it is Platonic, you either have faith,or you don't, really is that simple
This exchange has sunk fast, it went from Aquinas's Prime Mover to "your mother is a whore"

Amazing after all this time some still attempt to explain religion in Aristotlelian terms, it is Platonic, you either have faith,or you don't, really is that simple

^^^ Likely the funniest summation of a thread that I've ever seen, and I mean that.

Thanks, I needed that.
This exchange has sunk fast, it went from Aquinas's Prime Mover to "your mother is a whore"

Amazing after all this time some still attempt to explain religion in Aristotlelian terms, it is Platonic, you either have faith,or you don't, really is that simple

And no one has offered a plausible explanation for how the universe can exist without a Creator. Just as I expected.
And no one has offered a plausible explanation for how the universe can exist without a Creator. Just as I expected.

Of course not, no one will, Aquinas couldn't, Scholasticism faded quickly, but it doesn't make any difference, as I said, you either have faith or you don't, none of it can be proven rationally, why it is called religion and not science
Here's the deal. Atheists claim that the universe does not require a Creator. Well, here's your chance to prove it. All you have to do is show us how it created itself. No pie in the sky 'theories'. Just scientific data to support such an outrageous claim. I ask that no one bring religion into this debate. I want atheist science to show how the universe created itself. No deflection or insults either. Just show us the evidence. If you cant, then you must admit that your theory is based on faith. Not science.

Its a waste of time....all you will get is Circular Reasoning from the Darwinian Cultists, in attempting to explain just how the matter/energy came about that fueled/Caused the BIG BANG (you will hear conjecture and speculation ranging from multi-verses, to that argued by Stephen Hawking "THE UNIVERSE CREATED ITSELF FROM NOTHING".

They must ignore this paradox and say, "SCIENCE SEARCHES FOR ANSWERS....but because we don't have those answers does not mean they don't exist (in other words WE DON'T KNOW...lets move on as if we do)". Next you might confront them with asking them to explain through the scientific method just how all the mass/energy/elements in the entire world was formed from the two basic elements after the BIG BANG.....just how did the entire periodic table of elements come about through two basic elements HYDROGEN and HELLIUM" You will hear more conjecture about all the matter in the Universe was once STAR DUST.....and it was nuclear fussed into all the different elements in the known universe (people are a product of star dust)….yet they refuse to preproduce the making of these elements from Hydrogen and Helium.....they can't turn Hydrogen into carbon, the building block of lifeitself….no more than they can turn lead into gold or create life from non living matter in the lab.....So they move on from this paradox...….

They claim that life was created from dead matter and it first appeared in the oceans of the earth....and this aquatic life EVOLVED in more advanced stages of biological life. Hell they used to point to the fossil record and declare …."Look at this can clearly see the beginning of legs beginning to form so they can walk on land...…" The Problem? They were pointing to the Coelacanth and claiming the last one disappeared some 65 Million years ago.....then they caught a living fossil Coelacanth in the early 20th century off the coast of Africa, it had the same strange features that evolutionists claimed were LEGS.....we suppose it was just to stupid to evolve all the way after 65 Million years.

You can go on and on pointing out these paradoxes that can't be answered....all you will get is CIRCULAR REASON. Its a waste with these religious nuts (yes Darwinian Cultism is just as much a religion as is any other religion on earth)….who HOPE to prove they are correct at some point in the future, they will one day declare the Theory of Evolution is no longer a theory but a law....its just that have not found that proof as of yet. If that's not a faith based ideology, nothing is...…….
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