No religion allowed.

The Big Bang was a reaction ,not a action!

Reaction to what? First time I ever heard of there being a REACTION form "nothing". Explain just how that do you get a reaction from nothing. Something according to Science and Logic had to pre-exist the supposed BIG BANG. MASS MATTER just don't materialize from NOTHING. Simply look at the law of Causality. There has to be CAUSE in order to get an EFFECT....and that cause by logic must be superior to the effect...the result. Save your one wants to hear what Causality is not......just prove that anything can come from a state of nothingness. If you cannot you can't explain how the Universe came into existence, you can't use quantum physics in order to present an appearance of intelligence, you can't use THEORY to explain away physics and the laws that governs that which is physical.

And you can't prove that the Universe is ETERNAL as it must be if you can't explain its existence. You can declare, all you want the Universe is a Closed System and the laws of physics don't apply. As I said, CIRCULAR REASONING. :palm: Stephen Hawking died attempting to disprove the existence of a creating force....with almost his last breath he declared, TO HELL WITH....THE UNIVERS CAME FROM NOTHING, IT CREATED ITSELF FROM NOTHING. Hawking died an angry man refusing to believe in a creating force that would create something such as his physical body.
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Here's the deal. Atheists claim that the universe does not require a Creator. Well, here's your chance to prove it. All you have to do is show us how it created itself. No pie in the sky 'theories'. Just scientific data to support such an outrageous claim. I ask that no one bring religion into this debate. I want atheist science to show how the universe created itself. No deflection or insults either. Just show us the evidence. If you cant, then you must admit that your theory is based on faith. Not science.

Reaction to what? First time I ever heard of there being a REACTION form "nothing". Explain just how that do you get a reaction from nothing. Something by Science and Logic had to pre-exist the supposed BIG BANG. MASS MATTER just don't materialize from NOTHING. Simply look at the law of Causality.

The Big Bang was a reaction to a Spiritual event!
Lucifer and a third of the Angels trying to overthrow YHWH.
At the exact second,Lucifer Attempted to take YHWH's Throne,two things happened,The Big Bang,creating the physical universe.And the creation of Michael the Archangel.
Here's the deal. Atheists claim that the universe does not require a Creator. Well, here's your chance to prove it. All you have to do is show us how it created itself. No pie in the sky 'theories'. Just scientific data to support such an outrageous claim. I ask that no one bring religion into this debate. I want atheist science to show how the universe created itself. No deflection or insults either. Just show us the evidence. If you cant, then you must admit that your theory is based on faith. Not science.

who created your God idiot
Pro-Jewish = antiChristian to you!

Yes, but you're a fcktard that doesn't even know what a Jew is, even when I and every Jew tells you. Fckard, a Jew is Antichristian, academically. Moron. But, even though no Jew has ever told you that a Jew is Judah's ancestor, regardless of religion, you are just too much a piece of worthless fcktard shit to accept basic facts.
who created your God idiot

The Creator is one created HIM. Unlike the physical universe which did require a CAUSE and in no way as demonstrated via the laws of physics can possibly be eternal.

Read a scripture every non and then. God is everlasting. (Gen. 21:33) The eternal God. (Deut. 33:27) God inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15). No man is capable of grasping this reality (Eccl. 3:11)

Though God gave us slight understanding of His one fully comprehends the true nature of God, we know only what has been revealed, what He wants us to comprehend. ;)

Ya see Christians are not the ones making claims of being able to prove that everything we see in the reality that surrounds us......was just some accident of nature....and then cannot produce the objective evidence to prove this faith based conclusion. Only the fool thinks they can accurately determine all truth thru science.....why? Science is simply a way of thinking, or a Carl Sagan once said, "Science is a way of thinking, an error correcting process by which we figure out what is true and what is not true."

What then is Sagan really saying? He is implying that Science does not always hold the truth....but man is constantly searching for truth, and they do this by correcting the mistakes made by those of the past....mistakes made by men of science. This is seems like every other day some new discovery of science contradicts what was held as truth years, or decades earlier.....take for instance the age of the earth. During my lifetime along Science has told me several things as truths. When I was a child the earth was billions of years younger than its stated age does the earth advance billions of years in age in decades?

Sagan also address this reality, "Science thrives on errors, cutting them away one by one. False conclusions are drawn all the time, but they are drawn tentatively. Hypothesis are framed so they are capable of being disproven.....Science groups and staggers towards understanding." -- Carl Sagan

In other words in plain English. Science might not have the truth right now, and will not in the future, but we are getting closer all the time.

Just as I concluded. If science is not capable of being applied to reality and subject to regulation via the laws of physics...then its not real science at all, its philosophy dressed up like science, existing only in the mind as a theoretical science ….that which I call PSEUDO SCIENCE....anything other than applied science is pseudo if it declares itself truth void of being confirmed through application of the scientific method. :bigthink:
Yes, but you're a fcktard that doesn't even know what a Jew is, even when I and every Jew tells you. Fckard, a Jew is Antichristian, academically. Moron. But, even though no Jew has ever told you that a Jew is Judah's ancestor, regardless of religion, you are just too much a piece of worthless fcktard shit to accept basic facts.

Does your Jesus like when you talk about him using profanity?
The Creator is one created HIM. Unlike the physical universe which did require a CAUSE and in no way as demonstrated via the laws of physics can possibly be eternal.

Read a scripture every non and then. God is everlasting. (Gen. 21:33) The eternal God. (Deut. 33:27) God inhabits eternity (Isaiah 57:15). No man is capable of grasping this reality (Eccl. 3:11)

Though God gave us slight understanding of His one fully comprehends the true nature of God, we know only what has been revealed, what He wants us to comprehend. ;)

Ya see Christians are not the ones making claims of being able to prove that everything we see in the reality that surrounds us......was just some accident of nature....and then cannot produce the objective evidence to prove this faith based conclusion. Only the fool thinks they can accurately determine all truth thru science.....why? Science is simply a way of thinking, or a Carl Sagan once said, "Science is a way of thinking, an error correcting process by which we figure out what is true and what is not true."

What then is Sagan really saying? He is implying that Science does not always hold the truth....but man is constantly searching for truth, and they do this by correcting the mistakes made by those of the past....mistakes made by men of science. This is seems like every other day some new discovery of science contradicts what was held as truth years, or decades earlier.....take for instance the age of the earth. During my lifetime along Science has told me several things as truths. When I was a child the earth was billions of years younger than its stated age does the earth advance billions of years in age in decades?

Sagan also address this reality, "Science thrives on errors, cutting them away one by one. False conclusions are drawn all the time, but they are drawn tentatively. Hypothesis are framed so they are capable of being disproven.....Science groups and staggers towards understanding." -- Carl Sagan

In other words in plain English. Science might not have the truth right now, and will not in the future, but we are getting closer all the time.

Just as I concluded. If science is not capable of being applied to reality and subject to regulation via the laws of physics...then its not real science at all, its philosophy dressed up like science, existing only in the mind as a theoretical science ….that which I call PSEUDO SCIENCE....anything other than applied science is pseudo if it declares itself truth void of being confirmed through application of the scientific method. :bigthink:

Using the bible to 'prove the claims of the bible is really quite stupid, Walph.

Please be less so.
The big bang is a hypothesis based on observational data. It may or may not have happened. In any event, the law of causality states that it was caused to happen. Who or what caused it? I believe God did it. If you disagree, then who or what do you think caused it?

Trumpf, obviously. He caused God as well.
Using the bible to 'prove the claims of the bible is really quite stupid, Walph.

Please be less so.

Using the Bible to explain just why faith rests in your heart is stupid only to the foolish. Why? Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. But your response is typical of a Darwinian Cultist....when you can't refute the evidence that exists in an objective format YOU ATTACK THE MESSENGER and launch an ad hominem personal attack....Alinsky 101 rules for radicals. (as the scriptures read the same for anyone that would read them....proving there is no subjective opinion but documented evidence). You have provided no objective evidence that the Bible's history is false...none.

Debating the TRUTH of the scriptures is not based upon unproveable truth (faith)…..its based upon PRIMA FACIE evidences. Can you prove that God is not eternal.....can you refute the evidence provided via a demonstration of the Scientific Method? If you can proceed (I am not the one claiming TRUTH based upon Scientific Proof....YOU ARE) Simply prove that anything, any type of mass/matter/energy can create itself from NOTHING as suggested as truth by the greatest Darwinian Cultist mind ever to exist on earth.....Stephen Hawking.

If you cannot prove that the Universe came about by an act of NOTHING exploding (Big Bang)…...then you must logically conclude that some force superior to nature (a Super Natural force) was responsible for the effect known as the physical universe and all its contents and the laws of physics that govern and regulate its physical existence.

What is Prima Facie truth? Its a type of truth accepted in court rooms all across this nation on a daily basis. Its truth as it first appears when first looked upon (via eye witness testimony) and it stands as truth until the Objective, Reproducible evidence comes forth that can vacate that appeared conclusion of truth. ;) The record found in the Holy Bible is based upon recorded eye witness testimony.

The Lord God declared to those inspired to record His message "You are My witnesses...." -- Isa. 43:10-11 The scriptures of record testify concerning Jesus Himself, "You search the scripture hoping to find in them eternal life; it is these that testify of Me...….." -- John 5:39-40. And the record of the acts of the Apostle Peter himself declare that eyewitness testimony best, "We did not follow cleverly devised tales when we (the apostles) made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; BUT WE WERE EYEWITNESSES OF HIS MAJESTY." -- 2 Peter 1:16 Those eyewitness testimonies of record stand as prima facie truth until YOU can disprove them beyond a shadow of doubt via a presentation of objective, reproducible evidences debunking them as absolute untruths.

I accept the History of the Bible as truth because not one passage has ever been subject to refutation through Applied Science or History Actual where the scriptures can be tested by such physical laws and records. As far as the supernatural events. I can no more prove their existence than you can disprove them via application of the inferior laws of physics that can't even define their own existence and how they came to exist. There is no such test available...there is not such thing as a Super-natural-O-meter.

But where the scriptures are testable and measurable via history and applied science.....they have never been refuted as truth (in other words there has been no objective, repeatable evidence to absolutely disprove one word of the Holy Bible as being a falsehood.) :bigthink:

There is nothing CIRCULAR about using the Bible as evidence....because its based upon eyewitness testimony. No more than a jury believing someone is guilty or innocent based upon the eyewitness testimony of 3 or more eyewitnesses. People are jailed and/or gain their freedom everyday in this nation based upon such testimony. Why? Because no one can disprove those testimonies beyond a shadow of doubt. The Bible is not 1 is a collection of Books written by at least 36 different writers.....from all walks of life, from Kings to sheep herders, to simple carpenters, from physicians to tax collectors.....but they all agree in their history and record concerning the Majesty of our Lord God Creator. It is a record of things they personally witnessed in the New Testament....and a record of oral and personal eye witness testimony going back to a time before history was ever subject to recording (The Old Testament).
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Here's the deal. Atheists claim that the universe does not require a Creator. Well, here's your chance to prove it. All you have to do is show us how it created itself. No pie in the sky 'theories'. Just scientific data to support such an outrageous claim. I ask that no one bring religion into this debate. I want atheist science to show how the universe created itself. No deflection or insults either. Just show us the evidence. If you cant, then you must admit that your theory is based on faith. Not science.

It wouldn't matter what evidence is offered, you'll find some specious excuse to disbelieve. So why even bother?