No scientific consensus on Global Warming

Jack, you're a idiot, here is the real Chinese Hoax ffs

China’s Use of Traditional Energy Resources Is on the Rise

China is still planning to build over 100 gigawatts of new coal capacity that operate efficiently for 40 to 60 years. It supports its economy by consuming large amounts of coal, which represents 57 percent of its energy supply.

Petroleum Refineries

To process its domestic oil and its oil imports, China has been building refineries. According to the International Energy Agency, China is expected to dethrone the United States as the number one petroleum product producer in 2021, a historical first. About 50 years ago, the United States had 35 times the refining capacity of China. But today, oil exporters are selling more crude to a growing Asia and less to customers in North America and Europe.

China’s refiners are becoming a growing force in international markets for gasoline, diesel, and other fuels, putting other refiners out of business. Chinese refining capacity has nearly tripled since 2000 as it worked to keep pace with the rapid growth of diesel and gasoline consumption. The country’s crude processing capacity is expected to climb to 20 million barrels per day by 2025 from 17.5 million barrels per day at the end of 2020.

New Coal Capacity

China’s provinces are planning to construct over 100 gigawatts of new coal-fired generating capacity despite a decline in approvals in the first half of 2021. Local planning agencies approved 24 new coal-fired power plants with a total capacity of 5.2 gigawatts in the first six months of 2021–down about 80 percent from a year earlier when new projects surged to help China’s recovery from coronavirus lockdowns. The planned capacity on China’s provincial project lists total 104.8 gigawatts, which is enough new capacity to power the entire United Kingdom. The 104.8 gigawatt figure includes plants that have been approved and are in construction as well as those still at the planning stage. The provinces with the most planned projects are Shaanxi, Guangdong, Gansu and Guizhou.

China is the world’s biggest energy consumer and emitter of greenhouse gases. But, China does not plan to start cutting coal consumption until 2026. Until then, the central government has pledged to “control” the number of new coal projects going into operation. But ‘control’ does not mean not approving new coal power plants.

