No smoking in your own house?


Good 'ol Calif ....

The San Mateo County city of Belmont is considering one of the most restrictive smoking bans in the country with an ordinance that would essentially make it illegal to smoke anywhere except in stand-alone single-family homes.

In other words ... if you rent or own a Condo or Duplex... you cant smoke in your own home ..
The Libertarian party is going to grow leaps and bounds with measures like this taking place .....
I know that this ordinance sounds absurd. In fact, I'm pretty sure that it is absurd and I'll be very surprised if it passes. Even so, the idea isn't so farfetched as I suspect some of you are thinking.

This is just a logical extension -- probably too far, but still logical -- of other nuisance abatement ordinances. When you live in a condo or apartment, you can't play your music however loud you wish, for example. You can't dance jigs at 3:00 AM. You can't allow your garbage to pile up for 3 months before taking it out. If you try to do any of these things, you'll get a very unpleasant visit from the police and/or public health officials.
that's just your ego talking mbl. Release your chi!

Chi of love Grind, chi of love. You're an aspen tree just like the rest of us.

I'm just glad the $2 per pack tax failed miserably out here in hell. But if it did, I was seriously considering going into the smuggling business.
They want to stop me from smoking in my home they better be ready to kick down the door and come in with guns blazing. And they need to expect casualties.
I know that this ordinance sounds absurd. In fact, I'm pretty sure that it is absurd and I'll be very surprised if it passes. Even so, the idea isn't so farfetched as I suspect some of you are thinking.

This is just a logical extension -- probably too far, but still logical -- of other nuisance abatement ordinances. When you live in a condo or apartment, you can't play your music however loud you wish, for example. You can't dance jigs at 3:00 AM. You can't allow your garbage to pile up for 3 months before taking it out. If you try to do any of these things, you'll get a very unpleasant visit from the police and/or public health officials.

A logical extension Ornot? Ok... we live side by side in a Duplex... I like to grill my fact I like it so damn much that I do it everyday around 6pm... just when you get home from work... and my grilling prefernce is Charcoal.... Would it be a logical extension of the law to prevent me from doing this...? Or in this because maybe you like to grill your food over charcoal as well .....
They want to stop me from smoking in my home they better be ready to kick down the door and come in with guns blazing. And they need to expect casualties.

Willing to kill and be killed for the right to continue killing himself...and they call us pinheads.
And we should end all takeout junk food for those burger hoarders. No more than 6 whitecastle's to a customer.
There is more than one way to kill yourself.
I went canoeing with my wife this weekend. Way out in the wilderness and all. We pulled over on the riverbank to have a picknick lunch. Two dudes in a fishing boat pulled up next to us and decided to fish right at the exact spot where we were having our lunch.

Then the dudes started smoking. The wind blew that smoke right over to us and made my lunch unplesant. Now, I dont think it should be illegal to smoke outdoors, but I do think these guys should have been a bit more considerate!
I went canoeing with my wife this weekend. Way out in the wilderness and all. We pulled over on the riverbank to have a picknick lunch. Two dudes in a fishing boat pulled up next to us and decided to fish right at the exact spot where we were having our lunch.

Then the dudes started smoking. The wind blew that smoke right over to us and made my lunch unplesant. Now, I dont think it should be illegal to smoke outdoors, but I do think these guys should have been a bit more considerate!
Of course they should have.
I smoked for about a year while I was in law school. It was easy for me to quit, when I got a new car, I did not want it to smell of smoke and I only ever smoked while driving.

I understand that if you dont start till you are an adult it is much easier to quit, than if you start before you are 18 or so!