No smoking in your own house?

I did not start till after 18, I think it is how long you have smoked and not the start age that impacts difficulty in smoking cessation more.
Also I suspect mental makeup and even genetics has an impact as well.
The reason I asked is that reformed smokers tend to be the most offended by smokers.
My sister is the most offended Person I know re: smoking... A hard core conservative btw. She can smell it in a locked car two away in traffic. If it were up to her smoking would be banned anywhere!

She never smoked in her life.
I am glad your sister does not run things ;)
I can smell exhaust fumes for quite a ways as well, should we ban internal combustion engines ? They are known to produce carceniogens.
I am glad she does not run things... as she is a hard core social conservative.

She still belives AIDS was sent by God to punish gays.

I never really considered myself a smoker, although I smoked one or two a day for maybe as long as a year. They would make me sick if I tried it today.
It is a bad habit.... but also a legal one at that. People in this country have turned into neurotics and smokers are getting the brunt of their mental problems. The point I was trying to make in a previous post.. most people love barbecue and you wouldnt hear them complain about the poisenous fumes ommitted from the backyards of millions of Americans each day.
Smoking laws are getting ridiculous .... and it is the bombardment of anti smoking commericals and litigation that is causing the paranoia and general unacceptance of the smoker. What pisses me off are the legislators who approve of some of these laws.... how many of them are lighting up in their publicly financed office after they sign approval? Kind of like Clinton signing off on anti-smoking legislation when we know he smokes cigars.....and apparently he smoked them in the oval office.
How many non cigerette smokers like to blow their minds with Marijuana?

Yes...lets shield this country under a plastic bubble....