Timmy McVeigh's flag
Timmy McVeigh's flag
Are you claiming that McVeigh was an American patriot?
really ? cause it seems minorities are the ones always freaking out about things
really ? cause it seems minorities are the ones always freaking out about things
You evil shits destroyed the good in that flag symbol
Don't expect it to mean what it USED to mean now
if you think that is wrong then try tattooing a swastika on your forehead and explain to every person who sees it that you are NOT trying to honor hitler
your bullshit don't fly
it can mean whatever i want it to mean to me. it's a cool flag.
and you yet again prove your sociopathy
its all about you huh dickweed
really ? cause it seems minorities are the ones always freaking out about things
fucking sociopath denying what others think
this is why your life is a wreck grind