No step on snek


Im a bleeding heart liberal

why did you right wing assholes start calling me that when I was a teen back in the 1970s?

because your side claims its BAD for people to care about others
sociopaths don't care about others

the republican party hates it when people care about others

they try to SHAME them for it

like calling them bleeding hearts and snowflakes

the republican party hates their fellow man

the Democratic party loves their fellow man
nobody thinks this flag is racist, it's actually a very commonly used by libertarians, it's sold on mainstream merchendise, no one is offended by it, and it doesn't say anything racial or classist or bigoted, all it says is "dont fuck with me" which can be a message adopted by anyone. Just because you have scatterbrained hang ups doesn't mean everyone else has to. You are the selfish one, not me. You are trying to put your own thoughts on everyone else. You are not the center of the world desh. You don't get to just point at things and vaporize them with your thoughts. Too bad.

The left just doesn't like the flag because they hate America. If it wasn't for us, German socialists would rule the world, and we would have achieved utopia.
sociopaths don't care about others

the republican party hates it when people care about others

they try to SHAME them for it

like calling them bleeding hearts and snowflakes

the republican party hates their fellow man

the Democratic party loves their fellow man

you don't sound very loving to people on here. All you do is insult people and call them names. Perhaps you should get some perspective.