"No" to globalization

Screw how they see it. We don't have to be bullied based on the propaganda of internationalist fascists. Mandatory trade is not "free trade" now is it. They always lie. Why do you believe them?

Straight up fear mongering. Congratulations, you suck. Stop being a little republican light fascist. Being a little emo faggot doesn't make up for being an internationlist fascist. Seek change within yourself. Yes you can.

How does wanting to maintain a peaceful world make me a fascist? That doesn't even make sense asshat.
Who is this "we" that you want to be able to decide about trade deals?

Is it the uneducated worker making $30 an hour doing assembly line work? His job could have been replaced by a robot 20 years ago.

Is it the people who make the stuff for a higher price without the quality being any better?

Are you suggesting that every retailer be forced to support workers inside the USA, whether they make a profit or not?

Are you suggesting that some empty headed government bureaucrat decide how businesses are run, despite the fact that have no real knowldge about it?

Time to face facts, we live in a global economy. There is no way to close our borders without destroying our society.

Its time to expect our people to get an education and have some skills that are worth being paid for, instead of relying on misplaced patriotism.
Who is this "we" that you want to be able to decide about trade deals?
I mean some group LARGER than the corporate fatcats who buy legislators who craft policy in their favor.
Is it the uneducated worker making $30 an hour doing assembly line work? His job could have been replaced by a robot 20 years ago.
He could then be retrained as a robot repair technician. The point is he wouldn't be cast aside simply for not being as desperate as someone living in a totalitarian state, or in country with an artificially devalued currency.
Is it the people who make the stuff for a higher price without the quality being any better?
Workers who want to afford to live, yes. It's not wrong. It's not socialism.
Are you suggesting that every retailer be forced to support workers inside the USA, whether they make a profit or not?
I'm saying overall trade policy should be formulated with long term consideration in many areas factored in.
Are you suggesting that some empty headed government bureaucrat decide how businesses are run, despite the fact that have no real knowldge about it?
No. I'm saying more often than not, that empty headed politicians policy wonks are stealth agents from some internationalists fascist think tank, and he puts their insidious laws on the books with little consideration of their content.
Time to face facts, we live in a global economy. There is no way to close our borders without destroying our society.
We can still choose trade that is intelligent instead of suicidal and detrimental to mankind. For instance, many would consider it wrong to do business with a society as totalitarian and devoid of human rights as china. It is wrong, and stupid, we're willing to embargo iran over issues, why not anyone else? It is simply irrational to insist that free trade means stupid trade.
Its time to expect our people to get an education and have some skills that are worth being paid for, instead of relying on misplaced patriotism.

Techies are being outsourced the most, you shit-eating sellout.
I said an education, not necessarily a techie trade.

But you cannot outsource jobs that have to be done here.

The bulk of what has been outsourced is the customer service/techical service bullshit jobs.

I'm not selling out. I am expecting people to be able to help themselves.

This constant cry that the sky is falling and the constant rants against these global forces that want to rule us is a waste.

The majority of the people in the USA will be happy to have a decent job, cable tv, two cars and a week or so of vacation. They are willing to give up control over their careers to get these things.

But those are choices that the majority of the people make. If THEY choose that, then neither you nor I have the right to tell them any different.
Feel the fist.

(you may have a polyp.)

You have a real fetish there, don't you?

And you can only dream about being man enough to try it. But somedayyou'll grow up and find someone willing to bend over for you.
I said an education, not necessarily a techie trade.
But education doesn't protect you from outsourcing. That's the point.
But you cannot outsource jobs that have to be done here.
Well in that case they just lobby for changes in immigration law to import your replacement.
The bulk of what has been outsourced is the customer service/techical service bullshit jobs.
Not true. All kinds have been.
I'm not selling out. I am expecting people to be able to help themselves.
People cannot help themselve when entire industries are outsourced to a more desperate populace, turned into slaves by autocratic fascist conspiracist states.
This constant cry that the sky is falling and the constant rants against these global forces that want to rule us is a waste.
Nope. I am having an amazing impact.
The majority of the people in the USA will be happy to have a decent job, cable tv, two cars and a week or so of vacation. They are willing to give up control over their careers to get these things.
But perhaps they shouldn't. I am for a more informed populace, unlike you, who chooses to prey on them.
But those are choices that the majority of the people make. If THEY choose that, then neither you nor I have the right to tell them any different.
I have a right, no, a duty, to highlight the possible negative outcomes of current policy. Drug addicts choose drugs, that doesn't make it wrong to counsel them to take a different course of action; in fact, that's the right thing to do.
AssHat how do you manage to stay this crazy?

You would think that talking to politically informed people on a regular basis would convey at least some sense of reality to you.
AssHat how do you manage to stay this crazy?
What are you referring to? It is you who is brainwashed. Your mind is crammed with a lot of false dichotomies and wrong conclusions.
You would think that talking to politically informed people on a regular basis would convey at least some sense of reality to you.

It doesn't seem to be working on you.
The only false dichotomy I see is that you have an irrational fear of globalization, Jews, and secret societies.
The only false dichotomy I see is that you have an irrational fear of globalization, Jews, and secret societies.

Being outsourced and replaced due to currency and market manipulations is a very valid fear. It happens all the time, to good, competent people. But of course, you don't care. You're not enlightened and forward thinking. You're just an asshole.
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Being outsource and replaced due to currency and market manipulations is a very valid fear. It happens all the time, to good, competent people.

Which is a perfectly legitimate gripe to have with the way the world works. However, an embargo would be a tad bit overkill, and I have a sincere belief that it would cause more harm than it would fix. You inability to comprehend this belief is troubling.
Which is a perfectly legitimate gripe to have with the way the world works. However, an embargo would be a tad bit overkill, and I have a sincere belief that it would cause more harm than it would fix. You inability to comprehend this belief is troubling.

I comprehend the belief, i think it's globalist hysterics and fearmongering.
I don't believe we have reptilian overlords, either. Which automatically makes my opinion more qualified than yours.

Stick to the issues at hand. Globalization is nothing more than an insistence that all worldly loyalties be to the multinational corporation only. Any other loyalty is labelled with an -ism and deemed a thought crime. The only word they forgot is fascism, because that's what they are, fascists.
Stick to the issues at hand. Globalization is nothing more than an insistence that all worldly loyalties be to the multinational corporation only. Any other loyalty is labelled with an -ism and deemed a thought crime. The only word they forgot is fascism, because that's what they are, fascists.

I think his statement pretty well outlines your credibility.

That you believe we have reptilian overlords who suck the life out of people to maintain their human disguise shows you are delusional and are willing to believe anything.

Your globalist, jewish conspiracy theories are just less humorous. No less crazy, just not as funny.
I think his statement pretty well outlines your credibility.
I disagree.
That you believe we have reptilian overlords who suck the life out of people to maintain their human disguise shows you are delusional and are willing to believe anything.
You cannot prove there are no aliens.
Your globalist, jewish conspiracy theories are just less humorous. No less crazy, just not as funny.

The globalist conspiracy can be easily discerned, just listen to anybody supposedly educated on "business" and they will recite the delusional screeds for you.
I also cannot prove that the earth isn't hollow and filled with subterranian fairies either. But it does not add credibility to the theory.

Like most conspiracy theorists, you hear what you want and ignore the rest.

Tell us again about the reptilian hybrids who rule us? That might clarify your globalist theory.