No, undocumented immigrants don’t commit more crime.

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
It’s an article of faith in some corners of politics and the media: All those undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border are making crime much worse in the United States.

But new research gives the lie to that assertion. And, some border officials say, continuing to promote it will only lead to another racist massacre like the one that occurred in El Paso two years ago today.

The notion that undocumented immigrants bring crime has a healthy pedigree.

Former President Donald Trump in 2015 said, “They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Referring to “the staggering number” of “perpetrators of state and federal crimes,” the governors of Texas and Arizona in June appealed to all other states to send their cops to the border to help. Their counterparts in Ohio, Iowa and Nebraska complied. Ohio’s state troopers, at least, are still in Texas.

One problem, though: Peer-reviewed, largely overlooked research published in December shows that undocumented immigrants in Texas likely aren’t part of a crime wave. In fact, they’re much less likely to be arrested for serious crimes than are people born in the United States.

Between 2012 and 2018, U.S.-born people were twice as likely as the undocumented to be arrested for violent crime in Texas and two-and-a-half times as likely to be arrested for drug crimes.

That might show that undocumented immigrants are more concerned with the consequences of arrest than they are motivated to steal, Light said.

“They may be thinking, ‘I’m going to get deported if I have run-ins with the law,”
Bobby bait thread. He'll be here soon.

The premise of the OP is completely correct. Catching a lunker like BulletBob is just icing on the cake.
Texas authorities have for years been making flimsy claims about lawlessness at the border that local law enforcement has angrily denied. But the Department of Public Safety, the director of which is appointed by the governor, seems unlikely to consider the University of Wisconsin study — even though it was done using the department’s own data.

El Paso is a border town and was recently ranked as the fourth safest large city in America,” Blanco said in an email. “The rhetoric around immigration, including calling immigrants criminals, is dangerous and wrong. As we come up on the second anniversary of the Walmart shooting, El Paso knows firsthand what that rhetoric can drive people to do.”
Hello guno,

It’s an article of faith in some corners of politics and the media: All those undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border are making crime much worse in the United States.

But new research gives the lie to that assertion. And, some border officials say, continuing to promote it will only lead to another racist massacre like the one that occurred in El Paso two years ago today.

The notion that undocumented immigrants bring crime has a healthy pedigree.

Former President Donald Trump in 2015 said, “They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Referring to “the staggering number” of “perpetrators of state and federal crimes,” the governors of Texas and Arizona in June appealed to all other states to send their cops to the border to help. Their counterparts in Ohio, Iowa and Nebraska complied. Ohio’s state troopers, at least, are still in Texas.

One problem, though: Peer-reviewed, largely overlooked research published in December shows that undocumented immigrants in Texas likely aren’t part of a crime wave. In fact, they’re much less likely to be arrested for serious crimes than are people born in the United States.

Between 2012 and 2018, U.S.-born people were twice as likely as the undocumented to be arrested for violent crime in Texas and two-and-a-half times as likely to be arrested for drug crimes.

That might show that undocumented immigrants are more concerned with the consequences of arrest than they are motivated to steal, Light said.

“They may be thinking, ‘I’m going to get deported if I have run-ins with the law,”

Makes total sense. If you were in a foreign country without papers, and very concerned about getting deported, the last thing you want to do is anything which might bring the attention of law enforcement and possible deportation.
Of course they commit more crime. Every illegal in America is here illegally. Entering the US illegally is a crime and they committed it making 100% of them criminals for that act...
Hello T. A. Gardner,

No, a straight up fact. If you entered the US illegally as a foreign national, then you committed a crime. That's true for all illegal entrants.

OK, got it. So the main 'crime being brought by illegals' is nothing more than the fact that they are here.

Makes total sense. If you were in a foreign country without papers, and very concerned about getting deported, the last thing you want to do is anything which might bring the attention of law enforcement and possible deportation.

So let's just look at every other crime besides illegal entry, shall we? What about rape, theft, robbery, murder, etc. The kind of crime implied by the oft repeated meme forwarded by Trump.

Natural born Americans commit more crimes besides illegal entry than illegal immigrants do.

And it is only logical that they are better behaved than Americans are. The last thing they want is the scrutiny of officials.
Illegal immigrants are not 'bringing crime.' In many cases they are escaping from it. They are leaving places that are very dangerous with unchecked gang activity and non existent to corrupt cops, often under personal threat of violence or family violence, to try to go to a place where they can just find work. Any low paying tough job will do, so they can create a safer life to take care of their family.

The guys hanging out on the corner by Home Depot are not there looking to get picked up to commit crimes. They just want work.
Of course they commit more crime. Every illegal in America is here illegally. Entering the US illegally is a crime and they committed it making 100% of them criminals for that act...

When you pull shit out of your ass all you end up with is an empty ass. Prove it you inbred
It’s an article of faith in some corners of politics and the media: All those undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border are making crime much worse in the United States.

But new research gives the lie to that assertion. And, some border officials say, continuing to promote it will only lead to another racist massacre like the one that occurred in El Paso two years ago today.

The notion that undocumented immigrants bring crime has a healthy pedigree.

Former President Donald Trump in 2015 said, “They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Referring to “the staggering number” of “perpetrators of state and federal crimes,” the governors of Texas and Arizona in June appealed to all other states to send their cops to the border to help. Their counterparts in Ohio, Iowa and Nebraska complied. Ohio’s state troopers, at least, are still in Texas.

One problem, though: Peer-reviewed, largely overlooked research published in December shows that undocumented immigrants in Texas likely aren’t part of a crime wave. In fact, they’re much less likely to be arrested for serious crimes than are people born in the United States.

Between 2012 and 2018, U.S.-born people were twice as likely as the undocumented to be arrested for violent crime in Texas and two-and-a-half times as likely to be arrested for drug crimes.

That might show that undocumented immigrants are more concerned with the consequences of arrest than they are motivated to steal, Light said.

“They may be thinking, ‘I’m going to get deported if I have run-ins with the law,”

the minute they cross the border they have committed a crime, what a stupid ass thread
It’s an article of faith in some corners of politics and the media: All those undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border are making crime much worse in the United States.

But new research gives the lie to that assertion. And, some border officials say, continuing to promote it will only lead to another racist massacre like the one that occurred in El Paso two years ago today.

The notion that undocumented immigrants bring crime has a healthy pedigree.

Former President Donald Trump in 2015 said, “They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Referring to “the staggering number” of “perpetrators of state and federal crimes,” the governors of Texas and Arizona in June appealed to all other states to send their cops to the border to help. Their counterparts in Ohio, Iowa and Nebraska complied. Ohio’s state troopers, at least, are still in Texas.

One problem, though: Peer-reviewed, largely overlooked research published in December shows that undocumented immigrants in Texas likely aren’t part of a crime wave. In fact, they’re much less likely to be arrested for serious crimes than are people born in the United States.

Between 2012 and 2018, U.S.-born people were twice as likely as the undocumented to be arrested for violent crime in Texas and two-and-a-half times as likely to be arrested for drug crimes.

That might show that undocumented immigrants are more concerned with the consequences of arrest than they are motivated to steal, Light said.

“They may be thinking, ‘I’m going to get deported if I have run-ins with the law,”

Crossing the border illegally is a crime.
Immigrants commit less crime than regular Americans. They start more businesses. The economic success of America has always depended on immigrants.
The right has pushed a dishonest and harmful meme to make rightys angrier. They are playing the right as suckers. It is very easy.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

OK, got it. So the main 'crime being brought by illegals' is nothing more than the fact that they are here.

Makes total sense. If you were in a foreign country without papers, and very concerned about getting deported, the last thing you want to do is anything which might bring the attention of law enforcement and possible deportation.

So let's just look at every other crime besides illegal entry, shall we? What about rape, theft, robbery, murder, etc. The kind of crime implied by the oft repeated meme forwarded by Trump.

Natural born Americans commit more crimes besides illegal entry than illegal immigrants do.

And it is only logical that they are better behaved than Americans are. The last thing they want is the scrutiny of officials.

That would be a 'starter' crime. Then toss onto the list obtaining a job using either a phony or stolen SSN, they may have to lie about their name and other personal information for the same reason, etc. So, illegals have now committed more crimes in order to just continue to live and work in the US.
Illegal immigrants are not 'bringing crime.' In many cases they are escaping from it. They are leaving places that are very dangerous with unchecked gang activity and non existent to corrupt cops, often under personal threat of violence or family violence, to try to go to a place where they can just find work. Any low paying tough job will do, so they can create a safer life to take care of their family.

The guys hanging out on the corner by Home Depot are not there looking to get picked up to commit crimes. They just want work.

Yea, sure... That's why when I've got tools, equipment, and materials in the back of my truck I leave a worker bee to watch the truck while I'm in Home Depot or the like... You don't and those "guys hanging out on the corner by Home Depot" will rob you blind in an instant.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Yea, sure... That's why when I've got tools, equipment, and materials in the back of my truck I leave a worker bee to watch the truck while I'm in Home Depot or the like... You don't and those "guys hanging out on the corner by Home Depot" will rob you blind in an instant.

Prejudice works in strange ways.

I would be vastly more concerned about the fired loser white guy in the old pickup with the Trump sticker who parks nearby than the friendly group on the corner with no car, no place to conceal stolen goods, no easy escape, and everything to lose.

Better yet, just get a lockable work van like all the other electricians. And that will protect the stuff from the elements as well.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

That would be a 'starter' crime. Then toss onto the list obtaining a job using either a phony or stolen SSN, they may have to lie about their name and other personal information for the same reason, etc. So, illegals have now committed more crimes in order to just continue to live and work in the US.

Hey, nice job. Good imagination. Check under the carpets for all those hidden crimes. Crimes by definition, but victimless non violent crimes just the same. I hope you don't think that's what Trump was referring to when he said 'they are bringing crime.'
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Prejudice works in strange ways.

I would be vastly more concerned about the fired loser white guy in the old pickup with the Trump sticker who parks nearby than the friendly group on the corner with no car, no place to conceal stolen goods, no easy escape, and everything to lose.

Better yet, just get a lockable work van like all the other electricians. And that will protect the stuff from the elements as well.

I had two thefts in the last two weeks in the scummy parts of town. One was a hammer drill a transient grabbed. My truck watch guy went to the bathroom. The other was more expensive. They got a three piece case of mostly parts but some expensive test equipment too. The cops are looking for that equipment to show up at a pawn shop because its all very unusual stuff except for an high end electrician to have.

My carry mix varies considerably from day-to-day. I also can't carry a 7.5 KW portable generator in a van (gasoline in an enclosed space is a no-no). It's something you frequently need because you are working on putting in the electrical power so there is no on-site electrical power.

In Arizona, anybody who's lived here awhile will have stories about illegals. Hit and runs, accidents, car theft where you vehicle ends up in Mexico.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Prejudice works in strange ways.

I would be vastly more concerned about the fired loser white guy in the old pickup with the Trump sticker who parks nearby than the friendly group on the corner with no car, no place to conceal stolen goods, no easy escape, and everything to lose.

Better yet, just get a lockable work van like all the other electricians. And that will protect the stuff from the elements as well.

That's because you're a fucking prejudiced lunatic and communist yourself.