No, undocumented immigrants don’t commit more crime.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

Hey, nice job. Good imagination. Check under the carpets for all those hidden crimes. Crimes by definition, but victimless non violent crimes just the same. I hope you don't think that's what Trump was referring to when he said 'they are bringing crime.'

It is exactly what Trump was referring to, along with the drugs, the gangs, the violent criminals, etc.
Immigrants commit less crime than regular Americans. They start more businesses. The economic success of America has always depended on immigrants.
The right has pushed a dishonest and harmful meme to make rightys angrier. They are playing the right as suckers. It is very easy.

Yeah, if you include Asian immigrants.
Texas authorities have for years been making flimsy claims about lawlessness at the border that local law enforcement has angrily denied. But the Department of Public Safety, the director of which is appointed by the governor, seems unlikely to consider the University of Wisconsin study — even though it was done using the department’s own data.

El Paso is a border town and was recently ranked as the fourth safest large city in America,” Blanco said in an email. “The rhetoric around immigration, including calling immigrants criminals, is dangerous and wrong. As we come up on the second anniversary of the Walmart shooting, El Paso knows firsthand what that rhetoric can drive people to do.”

Latinos ( illegals) don't commit that much crime, unlike Blacks ( citizens)
the study has a statistical fallacy built into measures the incidents of crime per 100,000 persons overall.......for a true comparison of which class causes more crime you would have to compare legal residents committing crimes per 100,000 legal residents with illegal immigrants committing crimes per 100,000 illegal immigrants......

statistics aren't provided, but if for example, one in one thousand people are here illegally then, if 96 illegals commit crimes versus 216 legal residents, then illegals are actually 2,000% more likely to commit violent crime than legal residents.......