No, you don’t have a right to happiness


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We have allowed the idea that happiness is within everyone’s reach to lodge itself in the collective psyche. But as most philosophical schools will tell you, other things should come first

After life and liberty, the US Declaration of Independence identifies “the pursuit of Happiness” as an “unalienable Right”. No nation, however, has been foolish enough to assert the right to possess, rather than just pursue, happiness.

Aristotle is often said to have considered happiness the highest good. In fact, the word he used was eudaimonia, better translated as “flourishing”. As for the hedonist *E

In the west today, however, happiness is often what people say they most want. The philosophical basis of this comes from utilitarianism, which promotes “the greatest happiness of the greatest number” and was founded in the 18th century by Jeremy Bentham before being developed by John Stuart Mill.

I do not agree with the author, but worth considering.
Happiness, for some, is about the appreciation for who you are and the things you have accomplished in life.

For others, it is the love of a cat or dog.

Obviously, for some, "Happiness is a WARM GUN! MAMA"!
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The PURSUIT of happiness is completely different than happiness
By the same token, the vast majority of Global Warming and Climate Change worshipers (all leftists) are too stupid to grasp the idea that the FLOW of thermal energy is completely different from thermal energy. I'm not surprised that there are some leftists who simply cannot grasp the idea that the PURSUIT of happiness is completely different from happiness.

Note: correct: "different from", incorrect: "different than"
By the same token, the vast majority of Global Warming and Climate Change worshipers (all leftists) are too stupid to grasp the idea that the FLOW of thermal energy is completely different from thermal energy. I'm not surprised that there are some leftists who simply cannot grasp the idea that the PURSUIT of happiness is completely different from happiness.

Note: correct: "different from", incorrect: "different than"

I don’t take science advice from know nothing idiots like you

It has been proven to be real in real time asshole

But you are too fucking lame to know that fact huh

You shit ball stupid fucks are meaningless to reality
We have allowed the idea that happiness is within everyone’s reach to lodge itself in the collective psyche. But as most philosophical schools will tell you, other things should come first

After life and liberty, the US Declaration of Independence identifies “the pursuit of Happiness” as an “unalienable Right”. No nation, however, has been foolish enough to assert the right to possess, rather than just pursue, happiness.

Aristotle is often said to have considered happiness the highest good. In fact, the word he used was eudaimonia, better translated as “flourishing”. As for the hedonist *E

In the west today, however, happiness is often what people say they most want. The philosophical basis of this comes from utilitarianism, which promotes “the greatest happiness of the greatest number” and was founded in the 18th century by Jeremy Bentham before being developed by John Stuart Mill.

I do not agree with the author, but worth considering.

Thats true there is no right to happiness so fuck leftists and their being offended by words.
Jordan Peterson says that we should not aim for happiness.....we dont know what will make us happy generally, most people never get to be that is too hard to tends to not last long....and there are other goals that bring more value to life.

I mean I suppose, but it was always one of my goals, I got to be very good at getting there, and I have not regretting doing it.
Happiness doesn’t come to you just because you Pursue it

But it will likely never find it if you don’t pursue it

It’s a journey not a destination
I don’t take science advice from know nothing idiots like you
You have demonstrated quite aptly that you won't learn science from anyone. Nobody can force you to learn any science or math, nosiree.

It has been proven to be real in real time asshole
Your WACKY religion is just a religion. There is no science. I created a thread Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science for the express purpose of giving you warmizombies and climate lemmings a convenient location to post all the science you insist you have that supports your totally WACKY beliefs.

As one would expect, the thread is into its 45th page and remains completely devoid of any science.

There is no such thing as any science of a religion. You were hornswoggled. You were so stupid and unedcated that it rendered you totally gullible to the first person or website that came along and used the most ridiculous gibberish to maniulate you into believing as ordered and into allowing yourself to be bent over furniture to be reamed at will.

You have demonstrated quite aptly that you won't learn science from anyone. Nobody can force you to learn any science or math, nosiree.

Your WACKY religion is just a religion. There is no science. I created a thread Why Does the Global Warming Faith Claim to be Science for the express purpose of giving you warmizombies and climate lemmings a convenient location to post all the science you insist you have that supports your totally WACKY beliefs.

As one would expect, the thread is into its 45th page and remains completely devoid of any science.

There is no such thing as any science of a religion. You were hornswoggled. You were so stupid and unedcated that it rendered you totally gullible to the first person or website that came along and used the most ridiculous gibberish to maniulate you into believing as ordered and into allowing yourself to be bent over furniture to be reamed at will.


It is a very low quality religion, one that only unformed half wits and other morons would join.
Way back in 2003, I printed out a copy of an article by Keith Burgess-Jackson, a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Texas, Arlington, titled Why Liberals Think Conservatives are Stoopid sic. No, unfortunately, I can't find it online today--which is why I printed a copy.

The gist of his article is that he found, believed, that Liberals (the Left) thinks they hold the moral high ground and that their views of morality represent not only righteousness, but progress. That is, they see their morals as not only right and good but leading the way to change for the better.

That means, in their view, that Conservatives are not only wrong and imperfectible, but corrupt and evil. Liberals see humanity as flawed but malleable at the same time. They think their morals are reasoned and correct.

The result is that Liberals come to believe that they can change human nature, bend it to their will, as humanity can be made to be a blank slate and remade in their image. Every law, institution, value, belief, is up for grabs and can be torn down and discarded, however widely held, no matter how long it has been accepted, and humanity will meekly and willing accept the new, Liberal (Leftist) world order.