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Way back in 2003, I printed out a copy of an article by Keith Burgess-Jackson, a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Texas, Arlington, titled Why Liberals Think Conservatives are Stoopid sic. No, unfortunately, I can't find it online today--which is why I printed a copy.
The gist of his article is that he found, believed, that Liberals (the Left) thinks they hold the moral high ground and that their views of morality represent not only righteousness, but progress. That is, they see their morals as not only right and good but leading the way to change for the better.
That means, in their view, that Conservatives are not only wrong and imperfectible, but corrupt and evil. Liberals see humanity as flawed but malleable at the same time. They think their morals are reasoned and correct.
The result is that Liberals come to believe that they can change human nature, bend it to their will, as humanity can be made to be a blank slate and remade in their image. Every law, institution, value, belief, is up for grabs and can be torn down and discarded, however widely held, no matter how long it has been accepted, and humanity will meekly and willing accept the new, Liberal (Leftist) world order.
Self-righteousness is a property of moralists on the right and the left.