Noahide Goy Logic

Is it possible for you to post without being spiteful? It's much more interesting to read a response that stimulates thinking than just a one-line throwaway insult. But if all you have is personal spite then I'll bear that in mind when I respond to you.

Get bent, dickface. I've trounced your arguments all to hell. Stop playing hurt little victim like Kathianne.
Get bent, dickface. I've trounced your arguments all to hell. Stop playing hurt little victim like Kathianne.

You've trounced nothing because you haven't heard my arguments yet. You need to work on that attention span deficit. As for playing victim, wrong yet again. What I am doing is pointing out that you can't post without spite. That suggests to me that you have a serious personality disorder. When you're getting your attention span checked you might want to bring that up. Narcissistic personality I'd think, but I'd need a bit more information of course. In the meantime you can wait until I'm ready to present my argument, then you can try to trounce it, that would be welcome, far more welcome than insults and premature announcement of victory, no "Mission Accomplished" banner for you, you haven't won anything yet.
You've trounced nothing because you haven't heard my arguments yet. You need to work on that attention span deficit. As for playing victim, wrong yet again. What I am doing is pointing out that you can't post without spite. That suggests to me that you have a serious personality disorder. When you're getting your attention span checked you might want to bring that up. Narcissistic personality I'd think, but I'd need a bit more information of course. In the meantime you can wait until I'm ready to present my argument, then you can try to trounce it, that would be welcome, far more welcome than insults and premature announcement of victory, no "Mission Accomplished" banner for you, you haven't won anything yet.

So where is that link to the fact that "Jews Invented Western Culture"? Pony up, you defeated piece of trash.
So where is that link to the fact that "Jews Invented Western Culture"? Pony up, you defeated piece of trash.

Attention span problems again? And comprehension problems? And personality problems? You really are a mess aren't you?

I didn't mention a link.

Now go back, re-read it and pause before you launch your next spray.
Wow--were they the cowboys or the Indians?

Dillo, if you can tell me who Duncan Renaldo was and who Leo Carillo was I'll tell you all about cowboys and Indians. But do that bit of homework first. It'll make sense when I tell you all about how the west was won :D
Right, I've had a think. It's definitely monotheism that's the key. i'll stand corrected of course but I'm pretty sure the Jews invented monotheism. I reckon that has to be a key in this discussion. I reckon that the Jews invention of a one true God (G-d) is the key to the advancement of western culture.
Right, I've had a think. It's definitely monotheism that's the key. i'll stand corrected of course but I'm pretty sure the Jews invented monotheism. I reckon that has to be a key in this discussion. I reckon that the Jews invention of a one true God (G-d) is the key to the advancement of western culture.

They didn't.

Even if they had, that wouldn't be enough to give them credit for the entire western culture, you human dunce cap.
They didn't.

Even if they had, that wouldn't be enough to give them credit for the entire western culture, you human dunce cap.

"Human dunce cap" :D That's very good!

I'm only just starting out though. I'm now thinking about monotheism as against polytheism. I'm going to look for any evidence of polytheist cultures providing the basis for western culture. Now I know Abraham preceded Aristotle but Aristotle (who I don't think was sucked in by the polytheism of the ancient Greeks in any case) gave us the basis for our thinking. I'm going to have to dig around and see if I can find any evidence of similar thought - sort of like Aristotle's naturalism/objectivism - in Hebrew thought.

Bear with me. You'll get your chance to meet the argument head on soon. Meanwhile keep yapping from the sideliness puppy, it's funny :D
"Human dunce cap" :D That's very good!

I'm only just starting out though. I'm now thinking about monotheism as against polytheism. I'm going to look for any evidence of polytheist cultures providing the basis for western culture. Now I know Abraham preceded Aristotle but Aristotle (who I don't think was sucked in by the polytheism of the ancient Greeks in any case) gave us the basis for our thinking. I'm going to have to dig around and see if I can find any evidence of similar thought - sort of like Aristotle's naturalism/objectivism - in Hebrew thought.

Bear with me. You'll get your chance to meet the argument head on soon. Meanwhile keep yapping from the sideliness puppy, it's funny :D

THere is no ONE BASIS for western culture. That's why you're doomed to failure with your Judeo-Supremacist Hypothesis.
THere is no ONE BASIS for western culture. That's why you're doomed to failure with your Judeo-Supremacist Hypothesis.

This reminds me of that great cartoon a few years ago, when that idiot Reagan was blaming trees for pollution. Behind the Great Dork at he podium was a tree (Douglas Fir from memory) and it was leaning out from behind the Old Faker and hanging from the branches was a sign, "Stop Me Before I Kill Again!". It was great, particulary as the cartoonist caught Reagan's really dopey look, the stupid smirk, the twinkling eyes that were vacant and only twinkled because someone shot some vaseline into them before the pic was taken.

So - stop me before I get it wrong.

Oh and if you think I'm running a Judeo-Supremacist Hypothesis then you're on the wrong track. I'm not starting with a conclusion and trying to prove it. I'm thinking as I go along. You might like to try it, in your case it would be a first but it's old hat rather than Arse Hat.

Anyway, keep going grasshopper. This could be your greatest learning experience :D
This reminds me of that great cartoon a few years ago, when that idiot Reagan was blaming trees for pollution. Behind the Great Dork at he podium was a tree (Douglas Fir from memory) and it was leaning out from behind the Old Faker and hanging from the branches was a sign, "Stop Me Before I Kill Again!". It was great, particulary as the cartoonist caught Reagan's really dopey look, the stupid smirk, the twinkling eyes that were vacant and only twinkled because someone shot some vaseline into them before the pic was taken.

So - stop me before I get it wrong.

Oh and if you think I'm running a Judeo-Supremacist Hypothesis then you're on the wrong track. I'm not starting with a conclusion and trying to prove it. I'm thinking as I go along. You might like to try it, in your case it would be a first but it's old hat rather than Arse Hat.

Anyway, keep going grasshopper. This could be your greatest learning experience :D

But you are starting with a conclusion and trying to prove it. What's funny about you is you obviously recognize your own idiocy, yet just insist it isn't there.

Thanks for the irrelevant crap about reagan. It didn't help your case either.
I thought Europe got most of it's knowledge back from the Muslims that had occupied Spain and such after the dark ages....
Could this mofo feel the sting of my pimpslap any harder? This thread is great.

It's fun. I quite enjoy your self-delusion, I shouldn't, I really shouldn't but I just can't help it. But I'm honest, the moment you lay a glove on me, I'll admit. But I'm still waiting. You see grasshopper, you have blood in your eye when you see the nick "Diuretic" and your brain ceases to function properly, being flushed with hatred. Then you post rubbish.

If you're going to be a lawyer you need to know a few things. Keep calm. Don't let your opponent antagonise you or you will pay for it. If you're going to actually go to court to work rather than push paper around in an overheated office, remember that piece of advice.

And don't lose your temper. Juries hate it when a lawyer loses their temper and begins to badger a witness under cross-examination.

Be understated. Rhetorical flourishes look fine in a tv courtrdoom drama but in a court with a real jury it makes them want to puke so keep it understated.

Pay attention to detail. Peruse, don't read. You must pay attention to detail as a lawyer, it will be the one little thing that you miss that will bring you undone in your lawyering.

There, no need to thank me, just benefit from my experience. Experience is something you don't yet have, but that's not your fault, it's just chronology at work. You have much youthful arrogance but that'll disappear as you mature and gain life experience. You can have a good career.

If you get your head our of your arse right now :D
I thought Europe got most of it's knowledge back from the Muslims that had occupied Spain and such after the dark ages....

Damn right they did! But let's not forget Maimonides who was a Jew.

And of course it was Acquinas who found Aristotle (The Philosopher) courtesy of the Muslim philosophers. But I'm thinking way back before Islam and Acquinas, I'm thinking back to Ur and Abraham (Avraham) and the idea of monotheism as against conventional pantheism.
Damn right they did! But let's not forget Maimonides who was a Jew.

And of course it was Acquinas who found Aristotle (The Philosopher) courtesy of the Muslim philosophers. But I'm thinking way back before Islam and Acquinas, I'm thinking back to Ur and Abraham (Avraham) and the idea of monotheism as against conventional pantheism.

Maimonides is a racist asshole.

nothing here resembles anything close to "inventing western culture". Monotheism is not the "the source of western culture" regardless of how self-aggrandizing jews are.
Maimonides is a racist asshole.

nothing here resembles anything close to "inventing western culture". Monotheism is not the "the source of western culture" regardless of how self-aggrandizing jews are.

Patience grasshopper, patience. I need to work on this.