Nonfarm payrolls rise 180,000 in March

yes and soe are sales accociates in retail stores. I nknow for a fact that in Lexington KY the over 80% of the new jobs created in the past 3 years have been in the retail industry. A New big shopping area opened up.

And yes typically people who are laid off becauce of mergers, downsizing, offshoring, etc do wind up with lower paying jobs.

I have said a couple of times in theis threads that the new jobs are good , just not something to crow about. Why do you always only see the negative aspects of my posts Spin ? Just an elitist attitude thing ?
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Assmunches like you call successful people elitist.

I'm very up on the economy. 180,000 is a dam good number and most certainly something to crow about. We have been getting a lot of bad news in housing, too much. So the best number in jobs in months and months is very good.
Ohh, now I understand, you have to have something to crow about to offet the negive happenings in the economy...