Norah Jones

Aaaaahhhh Tooo Slow!

[nomedia=""]YouTube - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down[/nomedia]


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i think norah is kinda cute in an odd sort of way. Still out of my league obviously but then again who isn't these days.
LOL. Norah Jones drives me insane. She looks good, IMO, but her songs are just too slow... I mean, it's so slow they even slow down the tumble weed in the video making it go slower than normal...
LOL. Norah Jones drives me insane. She looks good, IMO, but her songs are just too slow... I mean, it's so slow they even slow down the tumble weed in the video making it go slower than normal...

It's definitely mood music; think a bottle of Chianti in front of a fire with your main squeeze and Norah Jones singing “Come Away with Me”. I love her voice and her revisions to some old classics like Williams “Cold Cold Heart” are just way cool.
[ame=""]YouTube - Norah Jones - That's The Way That The World Goes 'Round[/ame]

How about Nora Jones doing a John Prine classic?
I don't get it. What was the ticket for?

A friend of my parents had a Caddy just like that. He had me drive it when we went to NH skiing one time, and I had my learner's permit. What a bomb!

My interpretation is that her and her man were running away The ticket happened because they were going too slow, caught up in their own world....

Come on, it's a chick thing :p
Well for female folk music I like Emmylou

[ame=""]YouTube - Emmylou Harris - Leaving Louisiana[/ame]
I saw her, Willie Nelson and others at a concert in 1978. It was at a high school hockey rink, they served beer and I saw the longest line to the woman's room that I had ever seen.

I saw her at a concert in Grass Valley CA in 1982 (I think that was the year) She was quite the entertainer! Very personable.

:clink: Beer and lines to the restroom seems to me to be a predictable
I saw her at a concert in Grass Valley CA in 1982 (I think that was the year) She was quite the entertainer! Very personable.

:clink: Beer and lines to the restroom seems to me to be a predictable
No kidding, especially with the ladies. I designed a bar one time and tried to convince the owner to double the number of stalls in the women's room. My reasoning was that the women would want to go there since it there would be no waiting and also likely to be a lot cleaner. And of course the guys would want to go were the women were. He wouldn't do it, and the place went bankrupt. *shrug*
No kidding, especially with the ladies. I designed a bar one time and tried to convince the owner to double the number of stalls in the women's room. My reasoning was that the women would want to go there since it there would be no waiting and also likely to be a lot cleaner. And of course the guys would want to go were the women were. He wouldn't do it, and the place went bankrupt. *shrug*

Hey, now there's a concept---<LOL>---Men drinking near the ladies room entrance!
i think norah is kinda cute in an odd sort of way. Still out of my league obviously but then again who isn't these days.
Don't sell your self short Grind. No woman is out of your league. You only need to do two things to have more women throwing themselves at you then you could possibly deal with. Earn lots and lots of money and go insane. :)
Hey, now there's a concept---<LOL>---Men drinking near the ladies room entrance!
My wife freaks out at American night clubs. All the ladies go out on the floor dancing in a group. The guys stand or sit at the edge of the dance floor and watch. When a guy eventually gets the courage up to ask a lady to dance he usually gets shot down like a Sopwith Camel. Where she comes from if the ladies are dancing in a group like that it would be assumed their lesbians.
My wife freaks out at American night clubs. All the ladies go out on the floor dancing in a group. The guys stand or sit at the edge of the dance floor and watch. When a guy eventually gets the courage up to ask a lady to dance he usually gets shot down like a Sopwith Camel. Where she comes from if the ladies are dancing in a group like that it would be assumed their lesbians.

American women dance in groups like that because they want to be able to just enjoy dancing without having to be hit on. Women out in groups often just wish to hang with one another, especially if they are married.