North America Has Lost 3 Billion Birds, Scientists Say

They are learning about government and our right to protest! Protest is what started our beginnings. It’s an excellent opportunity for young people. It’s always good to participate in Democracy.
They should be in school....90% of them are just there because they had an out for the day....they'll show up for a pic to prove they were there...then off to Starbucks...and home;)
They are learning about government and our right to protest! Protest is what started our beginnings. It’s an excellent opportunity for young people. It’s always good to participate in Democracy.

Obviously I can't speak for what other universities do, but here some of our profs offer extra credit for those who attend various protests, speeches, seminars, etc. on political issues of the day. I've gotten credit the last two Octobers, for instance, for attending Indigenous People's Day activities on campus. Just another example of that evil liberal higher education thing promoting discord and unAmerican activities. lol
Here is the original Science journal article regarding this massive loss.
Species extinctions have defined the global biodiversity crisis, but extinction begins with loss in abundance of individuals that can result in compositional and functional changes of ecosystems. Using multiple and independent monitoring networks, we report population losses across much of the North American avifauna over 48 years, including once common species and from most biomes. Integration of range-wide population trajectories and size estimates indicates a net loss approaching 3 billion birds, or 29% of 1970 abundance. A continent-wide weather radar network also reveals a similarly steep decline in biomass passage of migrating birds over a recent 10-year period. This loss of bird abundance signals an urgent need to address threats to avert future avifaunal collapse and associated loss of ecosystem integrity, function and services.
I'm pretty sure that I donate far more to environmental groups than your license fees amount to.

Not to mention you actually vote for, and support, candidates and policies that actually make the environment a priority and a top tier concern.

Other posters do not do that - they support candidates and policies intent on weakening environmental safeguards, weakening endangered species protections, and cheerleading for forms of energy that contribute to relentless environmental degradation, aka oil and coal. Should we even go down the road about which posters support a president who turns a blind eye - and shows no concern towards - to trophy hunting?

I am going to judge posters on what they actually think are important issues, and what their personal priorities are, based on the posts they make and the threads they start.

You would be hard pressed to find hardly any threads started by conservatives over the 14 year history of this board where they articulate and demonstrate genuine concern for the environment, for wildlife, for ecological systems.

They might yelp about some license fee they paid out of a self-serving interest in being able to shoot deer or catch fish.
But their utter silence, their lack of posting history, the abject absence of any threads they start demonstrating sincere interest and concern for the environment says more than a supposed license fee ever will.
All these deluded souls have been taught that they are like God; able to change the course of nature. It is great delusion . When judgement begins, all these believers will not repent because they BELIEVE in climate change. These are those with the mark of the beast in their foreheads (minds). All these things are right on schedule and i dare not interfere other than testifying truly as always. It is good...
They sure did. In Kenya. Pakistan. Bangkok. Germany. Poland. South Africa. India. Australia. America. Greece. Ukraine. Bolivia.

Fucking bullshit, I was on Bangkok yesterday and never saw any demos!!

It was a Global Climate Picnic Day: Go on — show us you mean it guys — cut the cord to the coal fired grid

Anyone can say fossil fuels are evil. But let’s count the protestors living without them?

Every kind of motherhood spirit and mass delusion was at the Global Climate Picnic today. It was all things to all people, a day to absolve guilt about living rich, while simultaneously earning social status miles in the Flying Socialite Program. (Or perhaps that’s the Flying Socialist Program). The Climate Picnic was green and fluffy, nice and sunny, and a walk in the park with the distant promise of free perpetual motion machines. What’s not to like about a day off school feeling like a rebel for conforming with the throng?

It was a chance to complain about corporate greed, and do a cathartic exorcism of smoke and black stuff, which everyone knows must be bad. It was a spiritual event, a social event, and faked up as a science event too. The dumb could feel smart, the rich could feel pious, and everyone could feel so important. They were of course superheroes saving the whole goddam planet.

Fighting Climate Change is morally right, just like the battle against slavery — says someone in The Guardian, as if setting people free is like liberating electrons. Lordy! Those exploited subatomic particles imprisoned in solar panels would feed the world if only we let them!

So nice, but poorly educated kids skipped getting a bit more education while their overly educated parents acted out a pagan ritual drilled into them during the degree in landscape architecture that they didn’t need and never used. And the luckiest generation on Earth found reasons to panic and emote about balmy weather.

With rather meaningless lives in a civilization they’ve been taught is a toxic imperial invader, the gullible, the lost and the resentful were easy pickings to be swept up into a fake movement promising salvation, better weather, nicer insects and less jellyfish. The nonsense runs wild, and placards prophesy a dying Earth in a game of theatre designed to spook weak politicians. This was climate propaganda week after all. These people were part of the advertising, let’s see some real climate action

Anyone can wave a banner at a climate picnic. True believers need to prove they care and show us the way. None of this one-day walk-in-the-park stuff. If solar is so cheap — let’s see those leaders go off the grid. No more coal fired electricity. No more gas back up. No more frequency stability for free. Let them put the wind turbines on their own roofs and run their cars on solar powered battery packs.

Years from now PhD students will pore forth over the historic artefacts of The Great Global Warming Delusion and wonder how so many thousands of people got swept into the witchdoctor cult that stops storms with magic PV panels.

Coincidentally this week snow fell in Australia right down to 560m in one area, and it was also starting to fall already in the Northern Hemisphere, in Sweden, China and California. Not that means anything. Just another #climateemergency. They’re everywhere you know.

These people are calling for the end of coal, but they have no idea what that means.
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All liberals can do is say how much they care, and accuse conservatives of not caring. They never propose workable solutions. Are they just dumb?