north american union

simpleminded people use the evil corp card you moron.
Face it, you know from working at office depot. Products sell because people have a need for them.:clink:
simpleminded people use the evil corp card you moron.
Face it, you know from working at office depot. Products sell because people have a need for them.:clink:

Society does have an interest in keeping corporate activities and practices inside some form of moral framework. Not everything profitable is unconditionally good. Some profitable things are determined to be "wrong" or harmful to society in the long term and therefore undesirable. Take selling crack, for example, it's profitable, but so addictive that it could ruin vast sections of the populace, though yes, drug dealers would make money. Things are not as simple as you pretend, Topspun.
what a moron, your comparing the criminal selling of crack to corporations. LOFL
is your job that bad???:clink:
what a moron, your comparing the criminal selling of crack to corporations. LOFL
is your job that bad???:clink:

No. Idiot. Im saying profitable things are not automatically justified by their profitability. There are other factors which should be considered when placing parameters around the conduct of business.
If it's legal profit from it.
Screw you and your morals.
Everybody has different moral values.
Stop blaming corporations for your failures in life.:readit:
this is not just baselss panic. Mortgage lenders are having a real problem with the functionality and viability of their operations. So many loans are being defaulted upon because people did adjustable rate mortgages and there have been many hikes in the interest rate since they took their loans. The only way these lender could keep viability is if the government conspired with them to put all defaulting homeowners in debtors prison until they work off their debt.
wow you can read
many thousands of bankers have been fired cause their bosses took bad risk
many people will lose thier homes for biting off more than they could chew
As usually the gov will protect millions they shouldn't.