North Korean Missile Alert! Bush/Repubs for Missile Defense / Kerry-Dems against


In light of the current North Korean threat to test nuclear bombs and their testing of long-range missiles, let us not forget that in the 2004 election a CLEAR difference between Bush and Kerry was Bush wanted to support missile defense, while Kerry was against it.
Repubs and Dems generally split along the same lines too.

Who's got your safety better in mind?
The program that "President Bush supports" on Missle Defense is a waste of money imo.

They in North Korea, are testing their nukes just to show their supposed power to remind the agressive USA that they won't mess around if WE GO AFTER THEM imo...they are letting out a Lion's Roar....and guess what? When the Lion is Roaring....he's NOT ATTACKING and he is NOT DEVOURING HIS PREY....

Let the Lion Roar.....that is a better position for us to be in than for the Lion to be Silently approaching it's prey and then devouring it, is how I look at it....

The program that "President Bush supports" on Missle Defense is a waste of money imo.

They in North Korea, are testing their nukes just to show their supposed power to remind the agressive USA that they won't mess around if WE GO AFTER THEM imo...they are letting out a Lion's Roar....and guess what? When the Lion is Roaring....he's NOT ATTACKING and he is NOT DEVOURING HIS PREY....

Let the Lion Roar.....that is a better position for us to be in than for the Lion to be Silently approaching it's prey and then devouring it, is how I look at it....

Well you could well be to bet millions of lives on that?

Missile defense is PURE defense and isn't just limited to North Korea anyway, there is Iran, maybe Venezuela, maybe Al-Qaida in the future, and who knows who else will come along?
Well we won the bet against China and the former USSR. And Pakistan is an ally according to Bush ;)
The countries that threaten today have maniacal/paranoid leaders like Kim Jong-Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. These are not rational people like the leaders of major former Communist countries.

Ever been to a casino? You're not going to win every bet...
The countries that threaten today have maniacal/paranoid leaders like Kim Jong-Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. These are not rational people like the leaders of major former Communist countries.

Ever been to a casino? You're not going to win every bet...
LMAO, reasonable leaders in red china and commie USSR?? Your tune changes to fit your rationalizations.
I'd rather be dead than red ;)
I guess the repubs have just made us so weak that North Korea appears to be a bigger threat than the former USSR and China ever were ? ;)

but then I guess North Korea will park nuke missles in cuba ?

On the Casino thing, How about our gamble in Iraq ? Just stay at the table till the money runs out ? or cut our losses and pull out of the game ?
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The dems want to go back to the cold war days, that was their glory period in history. They were able to sit back and do nothing and keep the soviets, who didn't really want to do anything either, at bay through MAD.

Today we have suicidal fanatics, lunatics and wannabe dictators who want to unite and take us on. NK exports missiles to anyone that wants em. They are planning a test of a nuke. Iran is building a nuke arsenal. venesuela is providing oil money and would like to aquire missiles and nukes. Syria is considering attacking Israel. Pakistan is a rented ally only.

But lets not do anything about any of this. Lets just sit back and quietly watch them all. maybe they will all go away if we don't insult them by standing up to them.

Would someone please tell me what is wrong with having a missile defense system?
Oh nothing is wrong with having a missle defense system, I think it is foolish to think one willo make us safe though. Things like that never work as well as advertised.

All the hype gets me, every generation hears the same hype , and we are still here.
And to get to this point we did not have to invade or bomb any of the other Nuke powers did we ?
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Dano/Gaffer...Answer me this:

Why would Iran or North Korea send a Nuke in to the usa?

Do you think that their countries would be TOTALLY ANNIALATED off the face of the earth if they fired a nuke upon us?

Don't you think they know that they would be VAPORIZED if they sent a bomb our way?

you guys are such fear mongerers ....all to get your thrill of kill, I guess...

I would suggest you stop being cowards and start using your brain to protect us and not your cowardice heart.
Care, you do bring up a good point, all this islamofascist and axis of evil stuff is based on fear. The bushies are cowards ?
iran and NK would be love to send a lot more than just one nuke. That's what they are working towards. NK just wants to extort aid and make themselves look tough. iran on the other hand wants to start an apocolyptic war to bring on the 12th imam. Don't worry care4, just keep your hands over your eyes and keep repeating "I hate Bush" and it will all go away.

usc, you have a weapon or two around the house? Are they infalible? do hit hit something everytime? Does the idea that you have them keep others from coming after you?

If we don't take offensive action we have to at least be prepared for defensive action.
Dano/Gaffer...Answer me this:

Why would Iran or North Korea send a Nuke in to the usa?

Do you think that their countries would be TOTALLY ANNIALATED off the face of the earth if they fired a nuke upon us?

Don't you think they know that they would be VAPORIZED if they sent a bomb our way?

you guys are such fear mongerers ....all to get your thrill of kill, I guess...

I would suggest you stop being cowards and start using your brain to protect us and not your cowardice heart.

Think a little Care, it is not "North Korea" that rationalizes over what would result if they sent nukes. It is ONE man with absolute control (Kim Jong-Il) who has been described as being very eccentric, that would ONLY decide on sending nukes.
Even if they didn't, did you see their missile tests? They fucked up and if they fucked up in a bad way, one could accidentally hit land of us or an allied country.

Don't pull shit about fearmongering with you supporting the party that hypes fear over healthcare, SS, education unless we dole out giant increases in taxes to save us all.
usc, you have a weapon or two around the house? Are they infalible? do hit hit something everytime? Does the idea that you have them keep others from coming after you?

I am not in the self defense mode with my guns, just like to shoot them at targets and stuff, don't even hunt, just shoot nusiance critters that bother me.
I hope to never have to harm another human as long as I live. I do have a concealed carry permit, but have never used it.
I will not start the fight as Bush seems to want to do, and has in Iraq.
I don't run around the neighborhood saying so and so is a dangerous low life that beats his wife, etc....
Trouble is easy to find if you try to stir it up.
Care, you do bring up a good point, all this islamofascist and axis of evil stuff is based on fear. The bushies are cowards ?
You are a fool. History is riddled with examples of people who chose not to fear and pretend problems didn't exist and whom paid the price (ie: Hitler, Francisco Pizarro, Pol Pot, etc...).
You are a fool. History is riddled with examples of people who chose not to fear and pretend problems didn't exist and whom paid the price (ie: Hitler, Francisco Pizarro, Pol Pot, etc...).

there is quite a difference between those who ignore situations and those who fear and try to generate more fear and hatred, thus escalating the situation. ie the attitude that I am scared so everyone should be.

One instance you describe would be the Regan/Bush adminstration ignoring Sadams ambitions and invasion of Iran thus embolding sadam to invade Kuwait as well.
The whole idea of a good and strong foreign policy is to keep the peace and protect us in America WITHOUT HAVING TO USE FORCE....

A PISS POOR foreign policy involves WARRING the way we are in Iraq...
usc, you have a weapon or two around the house? Are they infalible? do hit hit something everytime? Does the idea that you have them keep others from coming after you?

I am not in the self defense mode with my guns, just like to shoot them at targets and stuff, don't even hunt, just shoot nusiance critters that bother me.
I hope to never have to harm another human as long as I live. I do have a concealed carry permit, but have never used it.
I will not start the fight as Bush seems to want to do, and has in Iraq.
I don't run around the neighborhood saying so and so is a dangerous low life that beats his wife, etc....
Trouble is easy to find if you try to stir it up.

But if it comes to you, you have the means to defend against it. That's my point. The missile defense system is the same thing on a grander scale.

If you leave the nusiance critters alone they won't bother you. Just let them multiply. I wouldn't want to be a fearmonger and suggest they might take over your home and hurt you in anyway.

If all you use them for is target shooting there's no need for them so you should get rid of the guns as quickly as posible.