North Korean Missile Alert! Bush/Repubs for Missile Defense / Kerry-Dems against

The whole idea of a good and strong foreign policy is to keep the peace and protect us in America WITHOUT HAVING TO USE FORCE....

A PISS POOR foreign policy involves WARRING the way we are in Iraq...

What the heck does "good and strong foreign policy" mean? That's just a bunch of feel good mush that means nothing concrete.

We are in Iraq because we thought they had WMD, so did Dems even before Bush was prez, trying to mold that mistake into your wildest fantasies of anti-American conspiracy theories is disingenuous and seems to have the effect of making the left sheep believe anything you want them to, no matter how wild or deluded.
But if it comes to you, you have the means to defend against it. That's my point. The missile defense system is the same thing on a grander scale.

If you leave the nusiance critters alone they won't bother you. Just let them multiply. I wouldn't want to be a fearmonger and suggest they might take over your home and hurt you in anyway.

If all you use them for is target shooting there's no need for them so you should get rid of the guns as quickly as posible.

If I only target shoot with them then get rid of them ?
What kind of logic is that, what you been smokin guy ?

I just kill the critters that bother me. and I have pretty much the same outlook on world politics.
What the heck does "good and strong foreign policy" mean? That's just a bunch of feel good mush that means nothing concrete.

We are in Iraq because we thought they had WMD, so did Dems even before Bush was prez, trying to mold that mistake into your wildest fantasies of anti-American conspiracy theories is disingenuous and seems to have the effect of making the left sheep believe anything you want them to, no matter how wild or deluded.

I didn't think they had WMD's and much of the rest of the world did not either. Only those wussies that were sucked by bush rhetoric believed in them.
The rest of us said it might be possible, lets let the inspectors from the UN find out.
I didn't think they had WMD's and much of the rest of the world did not either. Only those wussies that were sucked by bush rhetoric believed in them.
The rest of us said it might be possible, lets let the inspectors from the UN find out.

I'm sure you had so much more intelligence informatuion than the white house. I'm sure Bush would ahve been happy for your input into the situation. As for the rest of the world. They all believed saddam ahd wmd's the brits, the russians the french, everyone believed it was so. The russians and french were working hand in hand with him. Our intelligence and dozens of other countries intelligence said he had them. The dems said he had them. But since they weren't found Bush lied. That's a simpletons way of looking at things.

Everybody recite the democratic mantra, Bush lied. That's the party line now be sure to follow it. And don't forget to create conspiracy theories to go along with the party line.
well why did Bush have to cajole a few countries to join the "coalition of the willing", even cutting off foreign aid to those who did not join. Why such a small turnout Gaffer ?

And I don't know about my having more intelligence information, but more intelligence , that is for sure . and has been proven, I was right and Bush was wrong.