Norwegian Terrorist Was A Christian Extremist

You don't see a lot of things unless you run into them. I think I'll call you Mr. Magoo.

You lied. You lose again.

I don't know if this has been posted yet, but it looks like from the shooter's own words that he is not a Christian. Sounds kinda mixed up. Likely insane.

"It is not required that you have a personal relationship with God or Jesus in order to fight for our Christian cultural heritage and the European way. In many ways, our modern societies and European secularism is a result of European Christendom and the enlightenment. It is therefore essential to understand the difference between a ‘Christian fundamentalist theocracy’ (everything we do not want) and a secular European society based on our Christian cultural heritage (what we do want). So no, you don’t need to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus to fight for our Christian cultural heritage. It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy (Christian holidays, Christmas and Easter)). The PCCTS, Knights Templar is therefore not a religious organisation [sic] but rather a Christian ‘culturalist’ military order.”
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but it looks like from the shooter's own words that he is not a Christian. Sounds kinda mixed up. Likely insane.

"It is not required that you have a personal relationship with God or Jesus in order to fight for our Christian cultural heritage and the European way. In many ways, our modern societies and European secularism is a result of European Christendom and the enlightenment. It is therefore essential to understand the difference between a ‘Christian fundamentalist theocracy’ (everything we do not want) and a secular European society based on our Christian cultural heritage (what we do want). So no, you don’t need to have a personal relationship with God or Jesus to fight for our Christian cultural heritage. It is enough that you are a Christian-agnostic or a Christian atheist (an atheist who wants to preserve at least the basics of the European Christian cultural legacy (Christian holidays, Christmas and Easter)). The PCCTS, Knights Templar is therefore not a religious organisation [sic] but rather a Christian ‘culturalist’ military order.”

You sound kinda mixed up and likely insane. Does that mean you aren't a Christian, even if you say you are?

You lose again.
It's a false flag attack. The killer said he hates Muslims but what his target were the sons and daughters of the government elites.

He was born in Norway and chose as his targets not Muslims whose presence he detests, but the Labor Party leaders who let them into the country, and their children, the future leaders of that party." (end of quote)

677. Norway terror attack to distract July plot (7/30/2011)

In #675, written on 7/19, I predicted a new plot was coming, the time likely would be around 7/21. My prediction was very accurate. The Feds made it a big plot.

7/21. Court of Canada pronounced deportation of Lai Chang-xing.

7/22. Lai was escorted to Beijing.

7/22. Terror attacks took place in Norway which shocked the world.


7/22. Historical heat dominated New York.

New Yorkers sweltering, and they have company

By Feraldine Baum and Tina Susman (Los Angeles Times)

On Friday, the temperature reached 103 degrees in Central Park and with the humidity, say weather experts, it felt like 115.
(San Jose Mercury News 7/23/2011)

7/23. Trains crashed outside Wenzhou, killed 40 people. It becomes a big case in China.

At that time, my brother is in Europe. My sister joins him in a cruise trip.

I allege the secret police of China and US had created a money laundering case through Lai Chang-xing. They try to frame my family in that case because my mother sold the apartment in Shanghai and got a large sum of money last year.

To cover up the truth, the secret police managed to murder the witness of the house trading. The owner of the apratment in document should be N. Sung (my brother. When my mother bought the house, considering she was old and might pass away anytime, she put my brother's name as owner). My brother then got cancer. He has been arranged a European cruise trip this month which I think is a plot to murder him in boat accident. (see "675. Virus attack and boat sinking (7/19/2011)")

My uncle He Zhi-gang was the man handling the house trading. He was died this February. see "676. Create money laundry case (7/24/2011)")

What I know about the buyer is he is a wenzhounese. I strongly believe he is among the victims of the 7/23 train crash. The odd behave of the Chinese government in this tragedy now causes rage of Chinese people.

As I always said, Feds would create big case to distract the framed case. You all saw it. Norway terror case was a big one. People don't know that if the plot of the Feds had come through, there would have been more big natural disasters - volcano erution, earthquake..... Plus a bigger one - nuclear bomb attack. The heat over New York - would play the same role as the snow storm, would keep people from go outside (stay in air condition situation) and keep tourists away from the city, thus to reduce the casualties if a nuclear bomb attacks. (see post of 2/24/2011 and 3/1/2011)

I will talk about the details of this plot later and how the Feds try to frame me. I worry that they planned different murder tactics such like gaspipe exploision, bank robbery shooting (which they had tried once. see "402. Bank robbery in San Francisco (1) (4/25/06) ", #404, #561, #562)

679. Norway massacre and Virginia Tech massacre (8/4/2011)

I believe the mastermind of the Norway massacre is the same one of the Virginia Tech massacre which happened on 4/16/2007. In that case, gunman killed 32 people. Both cases were used to distract a framed case on me.

Like this one, I, too, had predicted something would have happened on 4/17/2007. Four days before 4/17, in "478. April plot and tax return (4/13/07)" I wrote," That's why five days ago, I related the Attorney General Gonzales' hearing of April 17 to the final date of tax return. I have to say again I was very correct. Two days ago, I learned that my wife will have a tour started on April 17. She refuses to tell me where she will go. The tour will last 2 weeks or so. Unusual long compare with her former travels. So framed case will happen in later April. (from Apr. 17)".

The Feds made the Virginia Tech. massacre on 4/16. It played its distract function most in next day because Newspaper started to report it next day.

The two shooting cases were designed by military expert. In Virginia Tech killing, the criminal locked the exit gates of the building with chains in advance, entraped the students who tried to escape. In Norway, they chose an Island. That make the killing number high. It is out of a military tactic to entrape the enemy and eliminate them.

The gunman in both cases were psychological trained. They were cold blood to the victims.

Quote, "Several witnesses gave accounts to news media of how the gunman would mow down bystanders in a hail of bullets, then coolly pull out his pistol to finish off the wounded and dying who lay heaped on the Ground." (Norway, Mercury News July 24/2011.)

In VA Tech killing, Quote, "He seemed very thorough about it, getting almost everyone down. I was trying to act dead," the freshman mechanical engineering student says. "He left for about 30 seconds, came back in, did almost exactly the same thing. I guess he heard us still talking.

Shoot repeatedly on wound and dying people to make the death rate as high as possible. That's their mission. To make the distract to the utmost.

Though Anders Breivik said he hated Muslims, the target he chose was not a mosque but a summer camp held by ruling Labor Party.
He was born in Norway and chose as his targets not Muslims whose presence he detests, but the Labor Party leaders who let them into the country, and their children, the future leaders of that party." (end of quote)


There is political factor in it. I'll talk about it later.

Read my analysis about Virginia Tech. killing at: "480. The real killer behind Virginia Tech. massacre (1) (4/23/07)" to "498. Why VT shooting planned on 4/16 (12) (7/23/07)".
cnbc just did a special on the right wingnut. He picked a left wing childrens vacation camp to kill the lefts future leaders.
The riechwing faggot posed in his Knights Templar uniform, spewing much the same muslim hate the rightie assholes here spew
cnbc just did a special on the right wingnut. He picked a left wing childrens vacation camp to kill the lefts future leaders.
The riechwing faggot posed in his Knights Templar uniform, spewing much the same muslim hate the rightie assholes here spew

Oh my God, take a couple tokes and a shot of JD and have a nap. You're scaring "the children".
Rightwingers are the ones cowering in fear, clutching their guns in their sweaty hands.

Rightwingers fear Muslims, immigrants, non-whites, and liberals. This one acted out the sick rightwing fantasy.

Every time a JPP Teatard posts a denial they look foolish.
680. Lai Chang-xing and money laundering case (8/10/2011)

Lai Chang-xing was a smuggling head - a China most wanted escapee. His case was always a big news in Chinese newspaper. Nine years ago, I found his deportation date coincided with the action date of the plot applied on me. The deportation was always cancelled at last minute(in air port) when the plot on me went soured. I realized he became a payment chip in secret deal between US and Chinese secret police. I wrote down my allegation first in "94. Interest exchange (10/19/2002)".

The same show staged again and again whenever there was a renewed plot fell on me. The most drammatical one happened in 2007. In airport before he was escorted to the plane to Beijing, in desperation, Lai hit the pillar with his head to resist the deportation. He knew what waited for him was torture and death. It was a shocking to Chinese media. So the reporters puzzled this time - how could Lai left for Beijing this time (7/22/2011) with smile on his face?

My interpretation is that Lai, from being a payment chip, becomes a co-operator of the Feds' plot. He was charged by Canadian government of money laundering. He should know as a China most wanted, he was under surveillance. How could he go on to commit crime?

On 7/10/2011, my mother told me she had given a sum of money (about $50,000) to my wife, and my wife had remitted it to her cousin in Fujian. (her countryland) The money was from by selling an apartment in Shanghai which we had lived for decades. What alarms me was two days later, my daughter told my wife she got a trophy from the Internet - 16 free tickets for a Mexico cruise. For me, this is obviously a murder arrangement. The Feds intend to eliminate all witness of the house trading and turn the money into illegal money laundering.

The handler of the house trading, my uncle, died this Februry. He was the main witness. My brother, the former paper owner of the sold apartment, was arranged in a European travel with a cruise trip in later July. He might die in "travel accident" if the main plot went through. The buyer of the house was a Wenzhonese. I allege he died in the train crash in Wenzhou on 7/23. One day after Lai Chang-xing's deportation.

My uncle's children and my aunt will come to Bay Area this month (August) to bury my uncle's ash in a cemetery. What waiting for them and other witness are that free cruise tickets. Now the 7/22 plot went soured. New plot are in planning, I believe. How many people have died in 7/22 plot? (Norway massacre and Wenzou train crash) How many people would have died if 7/22 plot had gone through? (Big disaster like earthquake, and nuclear bomb attack on New York)
I also worry the Feds may create a gaspipe explosion near that cemetery because it is not far away from San Bruno where a gaspipe explosion killed 7 people eleven months ago. Since then the media kept on talking about the danger of a gaspipe explosion. I view it as a psychological preparation for a gaspipe exploision murder.

681. Norway police is complicity of Anders Breivik (8/15/2011)

Norway police helped Breivik in his terror attack and cover up the plot.

1. Breivik was in police uniform that helped him in his terror attack.

2. Two days before the Norway terror attack, a special police unit conducted a bombing exercise in downtown Oslo which was in same area where Breivik detonated a bomb. The drill was a cover up operation to ensure the success of terror attack case. Breivik was in police uniform. He would have been misunderstood as being a policeman in anti-terror exercise if he was checked or discovered by security guards. The same tactic was used in 7/7/2005 London subway bombing. That criminal style was out of the same handler.

3. The seemingly incompetence of police assured the slaughter going on in Island. It took police one hour to reach Utoya after they received shooting report. In Virginia Tech.killing, Police blocked an information of shooting death of a student (murderer was at large) Which guaranteed the shooting spree could be carried out two hours later. Quote, "Feds Ordered VA Police To Stand Down
Local authorities were told to take no action to pursue killer by Federal agents.
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, April 20, 2007

4. Hide other shooter.

Witnesses said there were two shooters:

Marius Helander Roset said, “I am sure that there were shots from two different places on the island at the same time”, he said.

The person was following them around was 180 centimeters tall (5’9″), had thick dark hair and non-Nordic appearance. He had a pistol in his right hand and a rifle on his back.
“I believe that there were two people who were shooting”, says Alexander Stavdal (23).

Yet Police said there is only one - Breivik. He was immediately described as “a lone wolf assassin”, who “acted alone” (BBC July 24, 2011)

In Feds planned case, there used to be back-up team to assure the success of the operation. In Virginia case, I alleged the real shooter was a Chinese man. There were at least two others as support group members: Cho Seung Hui and Emily Hilscher. (see my analysis #480 -#498) Of course, Authorities, like their countparter of Norway, said there was only one shooter.

5. Police knew he was Breivik before they arrested him.

“He surrendered the moment police called his name 3 minutes after they arrived. What we don’t know is how the police knew the terrorist’s name before they arrested him,” said Snow

Police knew him. There was a tacit understanding between them. They called his name, he dropped the weapon immeddiately to avoid a friendly killing.

This was a terror attack co-operated (planned) by police. You can see the trace of the Feds in it.
682. 7/23 Wenzhou train crash (8/20/2011)

7/22 Norway killing was a sub-plot to distract the main plot - a framed money laundering case. In that case the Feds have to turn a sum of legal money (money from house sale) into illegal money. (laundering money from Lai Chang-xing). They must kill the witness of house trading.

In China, there is a famous group - Wenzhou real estate speculation group. The buyer of the apartment was a Wenzhounese. On 7/22, Lai Chang-xing was deported to China. I was worring my brother's safty - he was the paper owner of the sold apartment and was arranged in a cruise trip in European at that time. Then Wenzhou train crash news came.

I allege it was a murder case because things were odd in that crash.

1. Rescue delayed. When the relatives of the victims heard the news and arrived at the scene, they found the rescue police troops still stood down there. The explaination: they were waiting for their official for instruction.

2. Hurried to finish the rescue earlier. About ten hours after the crash, the authority announced that "There is no more trace of life. The rescue stops." A police captain refused the order to push the wreckage from the bridge (15 meterts high), insisted to going on the search on field. Later, a two years old girl was found still alive in the wreckage. The early order to stop the rescue angers the Chinese people.

3. Cover up the casualty. The official news was there were forty deaths. But the insurance company said there were more in their list.
"7/25 9:50am Hospital staff said, "In fact, until this morning more then hundred had died. They brought the victims here so they would be counted as dying in hospital not on field."
7/25 22:55: A friend of insurance company told me: "Confirmed death so far is 216".
(Watch China, 8/5/2011, A5, "The black curtain of operation after train crash")

4. Destroy the evidence. Hours after the incident, the engine carriage of the train was smashed and cut into pieces and were buried in a ditch. People puzzled. Government had no motive to do so. To check the wreckage to find the cause of accident would help government to improve the train security later on.

Only I know why. It's a crime committed by the secret police. To assure the murder target's death, they delayed the rescue and postpone the rescue earlier. They knew it was not an accident but a perpetration so they buried the engine car to destroy the evidence. They knew the cause already.

For the Feds, people's lives worth nothing. When they want more power, they could kill hundred of Federal employees for an Act. (Patriot Act. OKC bombing was the first attempt to get that act passing through). They succeeded to get it by 911 attack. Virginia killing and Norway killing were both used as distract in thier plots.

683. The rare seen natural disasters aim at New York (8/26/2011)

US economy now is at the edge of a cliff. The Feds is eagerly to seek a war to help it from falling to another economic downturn. That is war on Iran. The main purpose of Iran war is not for oil but for saving the dollar. Iran started to use Euro and Japanese Yen in oil trading in 2007. US had its first financial crisis in 2008. Because the dollar is unstable since then. The debt of the US rapidly piles up. Now it faces another economic crisis.

To start a war needs reason. "Operation Geronimo" was planned to justify a false flag nuclear attack on US. Bin Laden was dead ten years ago, it was a corpseless show. The Feds would blame the nuclear attack as "revenge of the Al Qaida" and the nuclear bomb is "from Pakistan". That's why they chose Abbottabad (Pakistan) as the site where "Bin Laden lived".

The effort to start war on Iran is restless since Bush's second term. It intensifies recently when US debt problem reaches high point. One of the main nuke targets is New York. We saw big natural disaster which ever happened now takes place this year. Severe snow storm attacked New York in December, (Christmas holiday plot, see 2/24/2011 post) Historical heat dominated New York, (7/22 plot signaled with Norway killing, see #677). Now we saw rare earthquake this week and the Hurrican Irene.

Hurricane Irene brings rain, heavy seas to coast

By MITCH WEISS - Associated Press 8/26/2011

On Friday morning, FEMA Director Craig Fugate and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano pleaded with people to heed warnings.
"People need to leave early, travel a safe distance and get somewhere safe," Fugate said. 'All the preparation and planning will be in vain if people don't heed those evacuation orders."

Nuclear bomb is WMD. To avoid a huge compensation they will face later on, the Feds are using their climate weapons to create natural disaster to evacuate people. The above news is a plain description of their purpose.

Next month is anniversary of 911 attack. It's a time fits for the "Al Qaida revenge" described by the Feds. It's a time people should alert the false flag attack from its own "government". Especiallly when there is unusual "natural disaster".

684. Norway killing - eliminate opposition (9/1/2011)

Norway terror attack was created to distract the main plot - the elimination of Kat Sung. There was also another purpose - to punish a satellite country that is disobedient.

The current Norway government is a center-left coalition government. It has a pro-Arab foreign policy and tries to be independent from the US led NWO.(New World Order) It planned to withdraw from the attack on Libya on Aug. 1.

Norway has been resisting that pressure and pushing for a more peaceful approach to the US-led NATO attacks on Libya and refused to provide weapons to NATO, finally announcing last month that Norway would quit its military role in Libya by August 1.

War now is the core policy of the US ruling class. Even when it is in a economic down turn and facing a debt crisis and budget problem, it still keeps its huge war and military spending. They still have one unfinished plan in Mid-East - war on Iran. Any defiance from that policy is not allowed. That's why Norway was selected as the target of a "terror attack".

Norway killing is malicious. The camp in Ytoya was organized by the ruling left party. The dead youth are the generation of the future leader. The NWO tyrant eliminate their potential opposition in advance.

In domestic US, their plan to eliminate opposition is evident too. Study and understand the meaning of the following news.
FBI's Mueller: Bin Laden Wants to Strike U.S. Cities With Nuclear Weapons
Ronald Kessler
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Osama bin Laden and his terrorist group desperately want to obtain nuclear devices and explode them in American cities, especially New York and Washington, D.C., FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III tells NewsMax.

Al-Qaida Plans Nuclear Attacks on 7 U.S. Cities

NewsMax Wires

Williams maintains that al-Qaida is not content on blowing up one nuclear device or even simply a "dirty" nuke - but wants to explode real nuclear devices in seven U.S. cities simultaneously

If you have noticed, the relation of recent earthquak, hurricane and FBI Chief's "especially New York and Washington, D.C., "
685. From schzopherenic to intelligence (9/8/2011)

Someone said he doesn't believe government would spend that much money to frame a case on me. He said a bullet would be much efficient for them.

It's true. Feds did prepared such economic way for me. The most drammatical one was on 1/15/1999 in a form of "bank robbery". The plot was interrupted by a good samaritan which led to the death of the robber (alleged asset of the Feds). Police captain died hours later after his squad killed the robber. (alleged revenge from the Feds) (see "402. Bank robbery in San Francisco (1) (4/25/06) ", #404, #561, #562))

Another shooting death plot took place on 4/13/2006. (see "400. Bank robbery created for "mis-shooting" (4/20/06)")

The third attempt was in June 2008.( see "559. Plan to murder in the name of "Bank robbery" (7/19/08)")

I feel the similar danger recently. I stay home when it's bank's business hour to avoid a "bank robbery" murder. Then someone suggest that:


Senior Member 07-24-2011, 06:50 PM

Mr.Sung would you be interested in running for president.I am sure you would do a better job than those that have been in office for the last 11 years."

"CinderAsh Senior Member 08-05-2011, 11:32 AM

You have the intelligence. Presumably some answers. Gain some heart and run as a representative for government yourself."

My communication in the Internet are scrutinized by the Feds. They used to call other members of the forum to intimidate them in the name of "investigation". People scared. They either leave the forum or remain silent. Occasionally, the agents and their followers dialogue with me with smear and ridicules such like "mental problem", "Schzopheric"..... Suddenly, some people suggest "running for president", "Start in your local area. Be seen and heard.". What's your think?

Criminal style from the assassination of JFK and M.L.King to anthrax letters to Senators and Washington D.C. sniper shooting spree, has its own way. It reminds me of the shooting case that led to the death of Fedral judge Roll and wounding the representative Giffords. The Feds just want to arrange another one like Arizona shooting case. I also worry the attempt of murder with gaspipe exploision.

686. Camp Utoya and Camp Casey (9/15/2011)

The tyrant of the NWO hate peace loving people that much that they put them as hitting target in their plot. We saw it in Norway killing (7/22/2011) and Hurricane Katrina event. (9/24/2005, a failed plot) The 7/7 London bombing was created to justify a dirty bomb attack on an anti-war gathering in US on 9/24.

With my own experience, I found the Feds had framed a case on me. The action date was 9/24/2005. (see detail in #342 and #343) Under my constant pre-warning, the plot went soured.

Quote, "342. Homeowner Association again (9/12/05)

A notice from H.A. forced a new requirement to clean the back yard before 11/1.
City offers a free dumping in time on 9/24.

I don't think it was a coincidence. Feds arranged me to do the dumping work on 9/24. I believe they plan a framed case on that day.
343. Killing two birds by one stone (9/17/05)
if the framed case goes on successfully, on 9/24 there will be a big terror attack in US to distract. "

9/24/2005 also was a day significant with: the landing day of Hurricane Rita and a big anti-war protest in Washington DC.

In early August 2005, Cindy Sheehan had set up a protest camp - Camp Casey (in memory of her dead son Casey) at Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tex.. She left there on 8/30 for a big protest planned on 9/24 in Washington. Her anti-war bus trip hadn't become a news issue. Why? It was distracted by Hurricane Katrina.

On 8/29, Hurricane Katrina drowned New Orlean. News of Katrina also drowned the news of Sheehan's anti-war bus trip. Following Sheehans north bound bus trip, another hurricane Ophelia in parallel way drew the eye balls of public. Three weeks later hurricane Rita which was blew up by the media as stronger than Katrina landed on Texas same day (9/24) the peace demonstration took place in DC. Today, media still talked about Katrina sometimes. Rare people knew there was a big anti-war protest in Washington at the same time. This was how an anti-war movement was distracted by Pentagon's climate alteration weapon.

On 9/17/2005, I warned that a terror attack would happen on 9/24 if a framed case on me would have gone through. I quote the article here: "Have you ever noticed that there will be a big anti-war protest on 9/24? Is that a coincidence? No, it's not. We know FBI infiltrate almost every organization. It is said the leadership of US Communist Party is controlled by FBI. Without the financial aid from FBI, US Communist Party can't survive. So it's natural that the leadership of anti-war movement are infiltrated by FBI too. Is 9/24 a particular day? No. Why it is selected for demonstration? Because Feds arranges a big terror attack on that day. It will not only distract the public attention from a framed case, but also will humiliate the anti-war movement to prove Bush is political correct."

If the framed case had been successful, then Camp Casey would have become Camp Utoya.