Not even Donald Trump can control the monster he created

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
About halfway through Donald Trump's speech in Alabama on Saturday night, something remarkable happened.

As Trump told the crowd that he would "recommend" they get the Covid-19 vaccine, people started to boo.

Consider how we got to that moment on Saturday night.
Trump spent the entirety of his presidency telling his followers that everything and everyone was fake except for him.

"Stick with us," he said at the time. "Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. ... What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."
The message was simple: Doubt everything. From small facts to big ones -- including that the 2020 election was won by President Joe Biden fair and square.
Elites were always lying to you, always looking to make money or fame or power off of your back, according to Trump, the only way to fight back was to reject everything they told you to do or believe.

But see, the problem with the care and feeding of all those lies -- the Big one and all the rest -- is that the non-belief takes on a life of its own. People told that everything the government and the media say is a lie don't have the ability -- or the inclination -- to differentiate. If the government and the media lied about the 2020 election (sidebar: They didn't) then what wouldn't they lie about?
It's that mentality that leads people to boo vaccines that are more than 90% effective in preventing serious illness and death from a pandemic that has already killed more than 628,000 Americans. And to do so in a state that is fourth in the country in overall cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 people, and fifth in deaths per 100,000 people
If he created the monster, all the building blocks were laying around in plain sight.

Fox Propaganda Channel created the monster. All Trump did was harness it.
If he created the monster, all the building blocks were laying around in plain sight.

Fox Propaganda Channel created the monster. All Trump did was harness it.

Precisely, Prometheus gives too much credit. The fire starter already had the human tinder.

I'll go with Pandora.
About halfway through Donald Trump's speech in Alabama on Saturday night, something remarkable happened.

As Trump told the crowd that he would "recommend" they get the Covid-19 vaccine, people started to boo.

Consider how we got to that moment on Saturday night.
Trump spent the entirety of his presidency telling his followers that everything and everyone was fake except for him.

"Stick with us," he said at the time. "Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. ... What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."
The message was simple: Doubt everything. From small facts to big ones -- including that the 2020 election was won by President Joe Biden fair and square.
Elites were always lying to you, always looking to make money or fame or power off of your back, according to Trump, the only way to fight back was to reject everything they told you to do or believe.

But see, the problem with the care and feeding of all those lies -- the Big one and all the rest -- is that the non-belief takes on a life of its own. People told that everything the government and the media say is a lie don't have the ability -- or the inclination -- to differentiate. If the government and the media lied about the 2020 election (sidebar: They didn't) then what wouldn't they lie about?
It's that mentality that leads people to boo vaccines that are more than 90% effective in preventing serious illness and death from a pandemic that has already killed more than 628,000 Americans. And to do so in a state that is fourth in the country in overall cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 people, and fifth in deaths per 100,000 people

More CNN fake news.

Go watch the actual speech, dumbass.
About halfway through Donald Trump's speech in Alabama on Saturday night, something remarkable happened.

As Trump told the crowd that he would "recommend" they get the Covid-19 vaccine, people started to boo.

Consider how we got to that moment on Saturday night.
Trump spent the entirety of his presidency telling his followers that everything and everyone was fake except for him.

"Stick with us," he said at the time. "Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. ... What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."
The message was simple: Doubt everything. From small facts to big ones -- including that the 2020 election was won by President Joe Biden fair and square.
Elites were always lying to you, always looking to make money or fame or power off of your back, according to Trump, the only way to fight back was to reject everything they told you to do or believe.

But see, the problem with the care and feeding of all those lies -- the Big one and all the rest -- is that the non-belief takes on a life of its own. People told that everything the government and the media say is a lie don't have the ability -- or the inclination -- to differentiate. If the government and the media lied about the 2020 election (sidebar: They didn't) then what wouldn't they lie about?
It's that mentality that leads people to boo vaccines that are more than 90% effective in preventing serious illness and death from a pandemic that has already killed more than 628,000 Americans. And to do so in a state that is fourth in the country in overall cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 people, and fifth in deaths per 100,000 people

Frankenstein couldn't control his monster either and it was the death of both his fiancee and best friend and nearly the death of himself.
/shrugs......doesn't really matter.......what is important is that he carried out the campaign promises he made to conservatives..........

Ok, let's see:

Big one was his promise to repeal Obamacare. Never got off the ground. Then there was the promise of a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments - nope. He promised never to take vacations. -Well, he didn't need to since he spent his work days on the golf course, but then he also took time off at Mar-a-Lago. Promised approval of the Keystone pipeline - didn't happen. He promised transparency of health provider costs - didn't happen. Promised a health care savings account - didn't happen. Promised a great border wall, got a half ass one and what there is of it is already falling down; Promised a big infrastructure bill - took Biden and Democrats to get it going. He promised no cuts to Medicaid then let the cuts happen. He promised to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton - didn't happen.
Maybe his biggest and phoniest promise was about unifying country when his whole spiel is about division. He's given rise to the biggest surge in White Supremacy since the 1920's. Trump is a would be autocrat.
He made that clear if he hadn't made it clear before by his refusal to accept the outcome of the election in which he was clobbered. And those that have stood with him in that refusal have sacrificed their own
standing not only as conservatives but as patriots.
He's just a stupid Pollack....

Lol, Individualists are dumb savages AKA West Euro trash.

Muh freedom, muh freedom to not wear a mask & infect others, muh freedom to not get vaccinated & get sick & pass on the ER bill to taxpayers.
Muh freedom to have an abortion & kill a living being.
Muh freedom to hire illegal immigrants.
Muh freedom to own slaves.
Muh freedom to pollute the environment.
Muh freedom to be a noisy neighbor.
Muh freedom to outsource to China.
Lol, Individualists are dumb savages AKA West Euro trash.

Muh freedom, muh freedom to not wear a mask & infect others, muh freedom to not get vaccinated & get sick & pass on the ER bill to taxpayers.
Muh freedom to have an abortion & kill a living being.
Muh freedom to hire illegal immigrants.
Muh freedom to own slaves.
Muh freedom to pollute the environment.
Muh freedom to be a noisy neighbor.
Muh freedom to outsource to China.

What does that have to do with you being a stupid Pollack?