Of course Poles are the most morally superior.
Of course Poles are among the most intellectually superior.
Fix my car, stupid Pollack.
Of course Poles are the most morally superior.
Of course Poles are among the most intellectually superior.
Freedom, bitches.
I am not sick. I can't infect anyone, Science Denier.
I am not vaccinated. I have not gotten sick with anything (not even one single time) since COVID fear porn started.
Are you going to force overweight people to undergo gastric bypass surgery? They shouldn't have muh freedom to be a lard ass & get sick & pass on the ER bill to taxpayers, right?
How about forced kidney transplants? Plenty of people on dialysis, eh? That would be "for the greater good", eh? Fuck your tyranny.
I vehemently oppose abortion, dude. It is murder. Murder is morally abhorrent.
I want all illegal immigrants out of this country, dude. I don't support illegal immigrants even BEING here, let alone hiring them.
I vehemently oppose slavery, dude. Slavery is morally abhorrent.
Define "pollute the environment".
I live in the country. I don't have that issue.
Muh freedom to be a liberal jackass.
About halfway through Donald Trump's speech in Alabama on Saturday night, something remarkable happened.
As Trump told the crowd that he would "recommend" they get the Covid-19 vaccine, people started to boo.
Consider how we got to that moment on Saturday night.
Trump spent the entirety of his presidency telling his followers that everything and everyone was fake except for him.
"Stick with us," he said at the time. "Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. ... What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."
The message was simple: Doubt everything. From small facts to big ones -- including that the 2020 election was won by President Joe Biden fair and square.
Elites were always lying to you, always looking to make money or fame or power off of your back, according to Trump, the only way to fight back was to reject everything they told you to do or believe.
But see, the problem with the care and feeding of all those lies -- the Big one and all the rest -- is that the non-belief takes on a life of its own. People told that everything the government and the media say is a lie don't have the ability -- or the inclination -- to differentiate. If the government and the media lied about the 2020 election (sidebar: They didn't) then what wouldn't they lie about?
It's that mentality that leads people to boo vaccines that are more than 90% effective in preventing serious illness and death from a pandemic that has already killed more than 628,000 Americans. And to do so in a state that is fourth in the country in overall cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 people, and fifth in deaths per 100,000 people
Ok, let's see:
Big one was his promise to repeal Obamacare. Never got off the ground. Then there was the promise of a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments - nope. He promised never to take vacations. -Well, he didn't need to since he spent his work days on the golf course, but then he also took time off at Mar-a-Lago. Promised approval of the Keystone pipeline - didn't happen. He promised transparency of health provider costs - didn't happen. Promised a health care savings account - didn't happen. Promised a great border wall, got a half ass one and what there is of it is already falling down; Promised a big infrastructure bill - took Biden and Democrats to get it going. He promised no cuts to Medicaid then let the cuts happen. He promised to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton - didn't happen.
Maybe his biggest and phoniest promise was about unifying country when his whole spiel is about division. He's given rise to the biggest surge in White Supremacy since the 1920's. Trump is a would be autocrat.
He made that clear if he hadn't made it clear before by his refusal to accept the outcome of the election in which he was clobbered. And those that have stood with him in that refusal have sacrificed their own
standing not only as conservatives but as patriots.
Fix my car, stupid Pollack.
Out of 6 people rated as most likely to be like Einstein.
2 are of Polish heritage Nikodem Poplawski & Sabrina Pasterski.
2 are Japanese Hajime Sotani & Shinji Tsujikawa,
1 is Iranian Zahra Haghani
1 is likely British American J. Brian Pitts.
Poland #3 in European PISA math scores & #7 in Global PISA math scores.
USA #35in global PISA math scores
Poland # 3 in European PISA science scores & # 9 in global PISA science scores
US# 16 in global science PISA scores.
Poland # 4 in European PISA reading scores & #8 in global reading PISA scores.
Poland tied in 7th place for highest global literacy rates.
USA tied for 27th globally for literacy.
So anyone who disagress with Marxist morons like you is a monster? Idiot.
gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats
Ok, let's see:
Big one was his promise to repeal Obamacare. Never got off the ground. Then there was the promise of a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments - nope. He promised never to take vacations. -Well, he didn't need to since he spent his work days on the golf course, but then he also took time off at Mar-a-Lago. Promised approval of the Keystone pipeline - didn't happen. He promised transparency of health provider costs - didn't happen. Promised a health care savings account - didn't happen. Promised a great border wall, got a half ass one and what there is of it is already falling down; Promised a big infrastructure bill - took Biden and Democrats to get it going. He promised no cuts to Medicaid then let the cuts happen. He promised to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton - didn't happen.
Maybe his biggest and phoniest promise was about unifying country when his whole spiel is about division. He's given rise to the biggest surge in White Supremacy since the 1920's. Trump is a would be autocrat.
He made that clear if he hadn't made it clear before by his refusal to accept the outcome of the election in which he was clobbered. And those that have stood with him in that refusal have sacrificed their own
standing not only as conservatives but as patriots.
Einstein was white...
So, are Poles ( White)
silly cunt......he kept all his promises except the ones you demmycunts spent all your energy blocking.......he did approve the Keystone pipeline, O'Biden cancelled it again.........he gave us three SC justices and 300 federal judges, he gave us tax cuts, he gave us the best economy in decades, he gave us improved border security, he gave us equity of support in NATO.......he filled more promises than any other president since I started voting and kept trying even when you idiots blocked him from filling the rest........its a pity you didn't have the brains to realize how good we had it.......now look at the shit we are stuck with until Congress forces his handlers to put him in dementia care.....
Ok, provide just one example of this then.You only support freedom.when it suits you.
I'm not.You might not be sick now.
I might. So?? I'm not going to spend my life in fear of getting sick. The LORD has work for me to do.But, you might get sick in the near future.
Asymptomatic is just a "scary sounding" word for 'completely healthy'. I can't spread a disease that I don't have.Also asymptomatic people can spread Covid- 19.
No. I am asking you to define your terms... Define "pollute the environment". WTF are you even talking about...So, you're saying there's no such thing as pollution!?
Yes, you are.Science denier.
About halfway through Donald Trump's speech in Alabama on Saturday night, something remarkable happened.
As Trump told the crowd that he would "recommend" they get the Covid-19 vaccine, people started to boo.
Consider how we got to that moment on Saturday night.
Trump spent the entirety of his presidency telling his followers that everything and everyone was fake except for him.
"Stick with us," he said at the time. "Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. ... What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening."
The message was simple: Doubt everything. From small facts to big ones -- including that the 2020 election was won by President Joe Biden fair and square.
Elites were always lying to you, always looking to make money or fame or power off of your back, according to Trump, the only way to fight back was to reject everything they told you to do or believe.
But see, the problem with the care and feeding of all those lies -- the Big one and all the rest -- is that the non-belief takes on a life of its own. People told that everything the government and the media say is a lie don't have the ability -- or the inclination -- to differentiate. If the government and the media lied about the 2020 election (sidebar: They didn't) then what wouldn't they lie about?
It's that mentality that leads people to boo vaccines that are more than 90% effective in preventing serious illness and death from a pandemic that has already killed more than 628,000 Americans. And to do so in a state that is fourth in the country in overall cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 people, and fifth in deaths per 100,000 people
Learn your history, dimwit, before you expound on it.
Congress needed to do that. Democrats blocked it.Ok, let's see:
Big one was his promise to repeal Obamacare. Never got off the ground.
Yup.Then there was the promise of a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments - nope.
He never promised to never take vacations.He promised never to take vacations. -Well, he didn't need to since he spent his work days on the golf course, but then he also took time off at Mar-a-Lago.
It did.Promised approval of the Keystone pipeline - didn't happen.
It did.He promised transparency of health provider costs - didn't happen.
It did.Promised a health care savings account - didn't happen.
500 miles of additional wall isn't half ass'd.Promised a great border wall, got a half ass one
None of the wall is falling down except where it hasn't been upgraded. Democrats blocked construction for two years.and what there is of it is already falling down;
The so-called 'infrastructure' bill has almost nothing to do with infrastructure.Promised a big infrastructure bill - took Biden and Democrats to get it going.
Medicate was not cut.He promised no cuts to Medicaid then let the cuts happen.
True. It should have.He promised to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton - didn't happen.
He did.Maybe his biggest and phoniest promise was about unifying country
Nope. That's the DEMOCRAT spiel.when his whole spiel is about division.
Democrats again.He's given rise to the biggest surge in White Supremacy since the 1920's.
Democrats again.Trump is a would be autocrat.
There was no election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.He made that clear if he hadn't made it clear before by his refusal to accept the outcome of the election in which he was clobbered.
They are patriots, AND they are conservatives.And those that have stood with him in that refusal have sacrificed their own
standing not only as conservatives but as patriots.
STFU you idiot.
I don't have covid19. I can't infect anyone, whether I wear a mask or not. Masks are completely ineffective against viruses. They will not protect you. Apparently you feel your mask doesn't work. Paradox M.Lol, Individualists are dumb savages AKA West Euro trash.
Muh freedom, muh freedom to not wear a mask & infect others,
So the problem is welfare and communism. I agree.muh freedom to not get vaccinated & get sick & pass on the ER bill to taxpayers.
You are free to murder. You are free to make that choice. You are not free of the consequences of that choice.Muh freedom to have an abortion & kill a living being.
You are free to make that choice too. You are not free of the consequences of that choice.Muh freedom to hire illegal immigrants.
You are free to make that choice also. You are not free of the consequences of that choice.Muh freedom to own slaves.
Define 'pollution'.Muh freedom to pollute the environment.
You are free to make that choice. You are not free of the consequence of that choice.Muh freedom to be a noisy neighbor.
You are free to make that choice. You are not free of the consequences of that choice.Muh freedom to outsource to China.
I'm not stupid..
Of course west Europeans are complete stupid savages.
What could possess a people to go from looting & shooting other nations in racist genocide destroying cultures.
To do a 180
Now allow a bunch of other races looting & shooting your own nations in anti racist suicide destroying cultures.
We will await your extinction from the planet.
Only a complete worthless peoples would support their own extinction.
That's your people the West Euro trash heap.
He started it all because I bashed Trump supporters.
I don't know how these people support Trump.
Trump is to the Left of Obama by implemented policy.
Trump outdid Obama on Stimulus freebies.
Obama outdid Trump on deporting illegal immigrants.