Insult fallacy.
The Republican Party deregulated everything
No, but what they did deregulate was correct. Much of what they deregulated was unconstitutional in the first place. They did what was constitutionally correct.
Which is why they get so much corporate money
What is it with you and this particular form of business? What's wrong with corporate money?
Which is why the need fox to lie for them
FOX news is fake news many times.
Because Republican voters are stupid enough to believe fox over facts
Buzzword fallacy. A 'fact' is not a proof nor a Universal Truth. Learn what 'fact' means. FOX news is fake news just like any other much of the time. They're not as bad as it as CNN, MSNBC, ABC or CBS though.
The Democratic Party didn’t comit these crimes
Deregulation is not a crime. Redefinition fallacy.
Deregulation is not a crime. Redefinition fallacy.
The Democratic Party is fighting your party’s evil
What evil? You don't think Democrats taking over the federal government illegally, discarding the Constitution and all State constitutions, and converting it into an oligarchy isn't evil?
We are the heros not your complicit co criminals
No, you are a mindless chump. You are a useful idiot.
Every time the republicans get caught outright doing evil
What evil?
They try real hard to get the Democratic Party blamed along with them
The Democrats have been bigots and racists the entire time they have existed, since Pres Jackson. They ignore the law, do not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State constitution, have managed to successfully conduct a coup of the federal government and two States governments, and have converted them into oligarchies so they can implement their fascism and communism.
It is the Democrats that have done this. Not Republicans.
Fuck you
We are not working with you evil fucks
You never did. Big hairy deal.
We are working to destroy you ass plugs
We know. You are the party of hate.
Insult fallacy.