Notable dissident Russell Brand under attack

Here's a summary of allegations against Brand. Having said that: Brand is innocent until proven guilty. Brand has admitted to a sex addiction and past promiscuity. And if the "dating the 16 year-old is true, legal or not, barf!

"Nadia, a woman who had been intimate with Brand, describes being raped by him in his home after rejecting his suggestions of a threesome. She was treated by a rape crisis center following the alleged attack but declined to file a police report at the time due to concerns about her reputation and the backlash she could face. Nadia provided reporters with screenshots of text messages written after the incident, during which she wrote “when a girl says no, it means no,” and Brand replied that he was “very sorry.” Investigators also reviewed her medical records from the crisis center and subsequent counseling sessions to corroborate her account.

Alice was 16, the age of consent in the UK, when she dated Brand, who was 31 at the time, and says that he once forced his penis down her throat.

Alice said that she dated Brand for three months, during which she alleges that he “groomed” her and told her how to frame the relationship to her parents. In one sexual encounter at the end of their relationship, Alice said Brand sexually assaulted her when he shoved his penis in her mouth, even as she was pushing him away. She says she had to punch him in the stomach to get him off of her.

Phoebe had previously had a sexual relationship with Brand, and described a sexual assault that occurred after it had ended. She says that she was working on a project at Brand’s house, during which he removed his clothes, pinned her down on his bed, and put his hand down her pants as she screamed for him to get off of her. She also says she encountered people outside Brand’s home as she was leaving, including one person who later said he heard screaming and apologized for not helping.

A fourth person in the article described allegations of being sexually assaulted, as well as physical and emotional abuse.

In addition to the reporting on the allegations, the investigation included hundreds of interviews with people who knew Brand or had previously worked with him. This reporting also included descriptions from other women of abuses by Brand, including that he flashed his penis at a person on the BBC set and that he threatened and shouted at women who refused to have sex with him. Additionally, it stated that Brand’s approach toward women was an “open secret” among those who worked with him in the industry and that past colleagues at Channel 4 felt their role was to help Brand meet young women.

Only one comedian, Daniel Sloss, spoke on the record about his knowledge of the allegations against Brand. He discussed hearing rumors about Brand and said female comedians warned each other about his predatory behavior."
All he does is take the most extreme trumptard position on everything and claim fact is fiction and visa versa. Agree, I just ignore him now.

Also, he calls everyone with a different opinion from his "a liar". As if he's some kind of all-true soothsayer. What a joke!

I would love to start a joke account that would just give Hawkeye answers. Like:

'We've all been lied to. I did my part to warn you. Buckle up!'
'I am known for telling the truth'
'The Regime demands consent'.
'America is dead. This is going to hurt'

I think I'd only have to program about ten phrases. He's like a chatty cathy doll. Just pull the string. And a sick pervert to boot. Good riddance.
Here's a summary of allegations against Brand. Having said that: Brand is innocent until proven guilty. Brand has admitted to a sex addiction and past promiscuity. And if the "dating the 16 year-old is true, legal or not, barf!

"Nadia, a woman who had been intimate with Brand, describes being raped by him in his home after rejecting his suggestions of a threesome. She was treated by a rape crisis center following the alleged attack but declined to file a police report at the time due to concerns about her reputation and the backlash she could face. Nadia provided reporters with screenshots of text messages written after the incident, during which she wrote “when a girl says no, it means no,” and Brand replied that he was “very sorry.” Investigators also reviewed her medical records from the crisis center and subsequent counseling sessions to corroborate her account.

Alice was 16, the age of consent in the UK, when she dated Brand, who was 31 at the time, and says that he once forced his penis down her throat.

Alice said that she dated Brand for three months, during which she alleges that he “groomed” her and told her how to frame the relationship to her parents. In one sexual encounter at the end of their relationship, Alice said Brand sexually assaulted her when he shoved his penis in her mouth, even as she was pushing him away. She says she had to punch him in the stomach to get him off of her.

Phoebe had previously had a sexual relationship with Brand, and described a sexual assault that occurred after it had ended. She says that she was working on a project at Brand’s house, during which he removed his clothes, pinned her down on his bed, and put his hand down her pants as she screamed for him to get off of her. She also says she encountered people outside Brand’s home as she was leaving, including one person who later said he heard screaming and apologized for not helping.

A fourth person in the article described allegations of being sexually assaulted, as well as physical and emotional abuse.

In addition to the reporting on the allegations, the investigation included hundreds of interviews with people who knew Brand or had previously worked with him. This reporting also included descriptions from other women of abuses by Brand, including that he flashed his penis at a person on the BBC set and that he threatened and shouted at women who refused to have sex with him. Additionally, it stated that Brand’s approach toward women was an “open secret” among those who worked with him in the industry and that past colleagues at Channel 4 felt their role was to help Brand meet young women.

Only one comedian, Daniel Sloss, spoke on the record about his knowledge of the allegations against Brand. He discussed hearing rumors about Brand and said female comedians warned each other about his predatory behavior."

Not ary a bit of that is provable.
And how do you know it isn't provable?

ROTFLMFAO!!!!! Sheriff Woody, that tin badge you have doesn't mean you are in law enforcement. It just means you bought a box of cracker jacks.

It's just an avatar, you dumbfuck.

Meanwhile, you have serious reading comprehension deficiencies.
I would love to start a joke account that would just give Hawkeye answers. Like:

'We've all been lied to. I did my part to warn you. Buckle up!'
'I am known for telling the truth'
'The Regime demands consent'.
'America is dead. This is going to hurt'

I think I'd only have to program about ten phrases. He's like a chatty cathy doll. Just pull the string. And a sick pervert to boot. Good riddance.


"I'm highly educated"

"The woke <blah blah blah>"
"The revolution <blah blah blah>"

Those last 2 things I think he brings up when anyone tries to contradict or bring to justice his con-men totalitarian nazi heros like tucker, trump, or ramaswamy.
There are more women talking about Brand's rape and abuse. He has actually talked about how wild he was. I am sure he crossed some lines. But since he is a righty, it is OK. It is acceptable behavior if you spout right-wing propaganda for a living. Trump spearheaded that.
Brand absolutely did groom and have sex with a 16 year old girl. He left a record of it.

His defense? He says he was "promiscuous", which is more a confession of guilt than a defense. His defense is that technically in England it is not illegal for a 31 year old man to have sex with a 16 year old girl, just immoral.

Brand also had trouble with being very aggressive with women. He might be able to say that was not rape, just extremely immoral and boorish behavior.

Russell Brand warns our freedoms are being stripped one by one, as we are led from one crisis to the next.

What crisis is next? Brand fears we are being prepped for a hot war with Russia.

Brand warns authoritarianism is no longer a boot on the neck but “deliberately veiled in the insidious language of care, concern, safety and convenience.”

“It seems to me that we are in a time where we lurch from one crisis to another, that the crisis is always used to legitimize certain solutions, and a docile or terrified public is willing to participate in this. Proposed solutions that usually involve giving up their freedom.

“We are continually being invited to give up our freedom in exchange for safety or convenience. And it seems that this process is radically escalating. And I feel that this is something that we will see yet more of in the coming year.”


Very interesting and entertaining interview.
Men: I have said this before and I will say it must be extremely careful now when picking your women....if they decide that they want to hurt you with lies they can now easily do it.....if power comes to take you out they will offer big incentives for your women to lie about you.

Any guy that marries one of these whores today is in for a world of hurt.
I'm struggling of late because Russel Brand seems to be re-branding (see what I did there?) himself as a counter-narrative public intellectual. It just doesn't fit. I'm sure he often means well but he's getting more strident and seems to actually believe he is this new "public intellectual". At the end of the day he's still the random comic whose brand of humor didn't always land. He always seemed like an Eddie Izzard wannabe but with less education.
What Rusty is not saying is that he was so fucked up on Drugs and Alcohol through most of his sex life, he has no idea who all he has even had sex with, much less being able to remember, or even know if he forced himself on anyone or not.

But Good Luck with your Jury of peers Rusty! Your Jury, may be more forgiving of you, in your case.

But Trump does not do Drugs or Alcohol, so he is talking about gone Bananas Vs. Orange Idiot here, comparing himself to Donald Trump.
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What's this guy opposing lately to earn him the dissident label?

Is he being charged for some alleged sexual misconduct
that was never reported when it supposedly happened?

How do those "Me Too" broads get away with that shit?

I only know him from his reprising a Dudley Moore role some time ago.

I liked Moore's Arthur a lot more, but that's just a subjective opinion, of course.

You hate rape victims too huh
Under attack means some people have the temerity to disagree and argue with him. Brand is a clown not much removed from Alex Jones.
Not sure who "they" are or even from where they are coming or why,

but I will be honest---

you lost me at Tucker Carlson.:laugh:
LOL. Same. Although I was amused by the Rogan reference. I love him as a UFC commentator, but by his own admission 'nothing I say should be taken seriously'.

Really? Is it because you smoke weed and drink liquor during your podcasts?