Notable Republican caught raping puppies.

Yes. Try to change the subject. Your 'Puppy Love' is sick! (try finding a girlfriend)

Projection 101? Again, does THE TRUTH trigger you that much? Puppy love is "sick" but sticking your Johnson up the rear of a 14 year old child is not sick? :readit::dunno: Read the NEW LAW that your guild just signed in the state of Mexifornia reducing the penalty for you no longer have to sign up as a sex offender if you have the consent of the minor. Strange ain't it the age of consent for all other activities is at least 18 years of age....and 21 if you wish to purchase certain products........but its just 14 for perverted sexual activities. I wonder what prompted this SELF DEFENSE from you leftists? Could it be the hammer is about to come down on you perverts? Look at all the arrests recently around the nation after Epstein's bitch was captured....she is spilling her guts and there is a long list of certain politicians and California perverts that has been turned over to the feds.

5,750 arrests for human smuggling, 2,197 arrests for human trafficking, 3,957 child predators arrested, 12,450 lbs. of opioids seized, 145,000 lbs. of meth seized. And this is just from ICE alone.

Just think of the 40k + unsealed indictments from the Feds that are coming down the pike. If I were a leftist....I would be in a state of panic.....and lash out by, I don't know, rioting, looting, murdering, burning down federal forests...etc., just say'n. :bigthink:

I'd attempt to start a civil war and get rid of ORANGE MAN BAD...........bad for business as usual for leftists. And your attack.........Tabloid gossip is going to defend you? LMAO
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This site sucks

You have to just ban and ignore the shitposters and trolls. Here, just ban and ignore these, that way when they take up half the forum you can immediately disregard. I Love America (socks Teflon Don, Joe Hiden), Tifoil, Buck Tucker, Legion, Arminius, Evmetro, Terri4Trump, Overkill, Serenity, MarcusA, IBDaMann, Bobb, CFM, Text Drivers Are Killers, Grajonca, Truth Detector, Steven VanderMolen, Volsrock, USFREEDOM911, bhaktajan, Flanders, Top, Bigdog, Grokmaster, Matt Dillon.
If filing a butthurt complaint wasn't enough might I suggest getting some of this:


OP might use it to lube up poor Fido.
You have to just ban and ignore the shitposters and trolls. Here, just ban and ignore these, that way when they take up half the forum you can immediately disregard. I Love America (socks Teflon Don, Joe Hiden), Tifoil, Buck Tucker, Legion, Arminius, Evmetro, Terri4Trump, Overkill, Serenity, MarcusA, IBDaMann, Bobb, CFM, Text Drivers Are Killers, Grajonca, Truth Detector, Steven VanderMolen, Volsrock, USFREEDOM911, bhaktajan, Flanders, Top, Bigdog, Grokmaster, Matt Dillon.

You forgot 'Ralph'.
You forgot 'Ralph'.

Ad hominem personal attacks from a perverted leftist....who can't face the truth that is documented, testable, reproducible and Objective.....not subjective emotional hate from a snowflake "twat". Who'd thunk it from such a well informed person (male or female UNKNOWN as with all leftists) that presents Tabloid Gossip as an attack. LMAO:laugh: No evidence........this reminds me of the time that your guild attacked Romney (who now is your best friend because he is a never TRUMPER with blue balls because TRUMP called him out on his Bullshit).....why was Romney attacked.....more PUPPY POOP Gossip. Strange that the left pretends to care more about animals than they do human lives. For instance its a crime punishable by fine and or imprisonment to take the life of a GESTATING (unborn) animal that is on some endangered species list........but its not a crime to KILL a human child in a state of pre-birth gestation?

Endangered Species Act. Compared to the leftist radical bench created law concerning gestating human life. One was represented the other non-represented. Congress (the people's representatives) got it is exampled during gestation within any species. The judges ruled contrary to logic and represented law. Abortion was never represented was established via the sound of a gavel.

We are all CREATED EQUAL......unless you are a created unborn child. Creation is established at conception. No life can be established void of conception.:bigthink:

Break an EGG......go to jail. Take a pair of forceps and rip apart a human child in the womb......its a CHOICE.

Now.......someone on the left make the lame ass excuse. Endangered Animal Lives are more important than HUMAN just proves the point. Leftists could care less about lives, of any SKIN COLOR.... How do we know this. The Black Population represents just 13% of the US population. Yet the black population is responsible for 36% of all abortions in the US. Black Lives Matter ........MY ASS.
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Ralph. Stay off the Drugs.

Ad hominem personal attacks from a perverted leftist....who can't face the truth that is documented, testable, reproducible and Objective.....not subjective emotional hate from a snowflake "twat". Who'd thunk it from such a well informed person (male or female UNKNOWN as with all leftists) that presents Tabloid Gossip as an attack. LMAO:laugh: No evidence........this reminds me of the time that your guild attacked Romney (who now is your best friend because he is a never TRUMPER with blue balls because TRUMP called him out on his Bullshit).....why was Romney attacked.....more PUPPY POOP Gossip. Strange that the left pretends to care more about animals than they do human lives. For instance its a crime punishable by fine and or imprisonment to take the life of a GESTATING (unborn) animal that is on some endangered species list........but its not a crime to KILL a human child in a state of pre-birth gestation?

Endangered Species Act. Compare to the leftist radical bench created law concerning gestating human life. Congress (the people's representatives) got it is exampled during gestation within any species. The judges ruled contrary to logic and represented law. Abortion was never represented was established via the sound of a gavel.

We are all CREATED EQUAL......unless you are an created unborn child. Creation is established at conception. No life can be established void of conception.:bigthink:

Now.......someone on the left make the lame ass excuse. Endangered Animal Lives are more important than HUMAN just proves the point. Leftists could care less about lives, of any SKIN COLOR....