Note to Dems, Bush Is Not Running For President!

Like what?

Answer my questions and I will answer yours.

Indisputable, what political party do you back and who did you vote for in the last election? And who do you intend to vote for in this election?

Why do you keep asking irrelevant questions ?
He's asked dozens of times. If indisputable would just answer, he would stop asking.

Why don't you ask why indisputable would be afraid to answer such a thing?

The reason why is quite simple. When Indisputable asks questions about Obama, he gets to take cheap shots in the WAY he asks, he gets to dismiss the answers as incorrect or irrelevant, AND he gets to do so with the impunity that comes with no one know his political affiliations or beliefs.

After all, when someone tried to connect him with McCain or republicans, he answered with basically "You are assuming my beliefs, but you don't know".

Which is why I started asking. I think standing on the outskirts and taking potshots without being willing to enter the debate in earnest is simply cowardice on his part. The way he plays it, he gets to be the obnoxious agitator but doesn't have to actually have any answers or even back anyone who does. Its all negative with him. Which is much easier.