Notice how the left throws bad people into the white supremacy basket ?

Examples? Andy Ngo doesn't count because he got beat up for trying to dox people and get them beaten up.

And my team is America. You put party before country, I don't.

Journalist beaten here in Richmond VA filming antifa beating other people and the asian guy does count.
Journalist beaten here in Richmond VA filming antifa beating other people and the asian guy does count.


The reason Andy Ngo doesn't count is because they weren't beating him for political reasons. They were beating him because he has a history of doxing people and getting them attacked by extremists.
It is the fact that Trump made immigration his biggest cause and used the language of violence and fear. A mature person would have done real work at the border and not stirred up shit. Do you think any other president would have been so crude? It fits into his election appeal. Trump thinks hate of "others"is a winner for him.
I am not feeling a need to shoot up a shopping center and kill people due to immigration problems. Trump's rhetoric does not work on people who are in control of their emotions.

At least he is doing something. More than anyone else has.