But only if every other country that has a few to spare drops a few too.
Russia sanctions!!!!
trump wants to REMOVE THEM
maybe Russia bombed SA
But only if every other country that has a few to spare drops a few too.
They sell it to China, Japa, India,and South Korea. A little to the US. Yep it is their business. It belongs to the Saudis and is not our problem. We would love a steady and predictable supply, but that is up to them and OPEC. They did withhold it a few years ago and made a mess in America with soaring prices and gas lines. They can do that when they want to.
I don't see what Iran gains from this.
If anyone fucks with the world's oil supply, it's the duty of a coalition of democratic nations to stop them, ala Desert Storm 1990 - 1991.
You are right they easily can make a mess in america with soaring prices and gas lines. How do you conclude that isn't our problem?
republicans JUST LIED US TO WAR
I will NOT back this UNTIL they give the public all the intel that PROVES it actually happened
republicans are lying fucking evil assholes
why should anyone trust them
NO ACTION until we see the proof
no more being lied to war by republicans
Im not taking the word of any republican Administration EVER
the people need to see the intel that proves what is being claimed
this republican admin would lie us to war without qualm
the last republican admin lied us to war without qualm
I remember when the liberals were anti-war.
I can't agree more but for some reason i get the feeling that is impossible for you. What would it take for you to say wow, Iran did do it.