Let's go Brandon!
Obviously, you can’t answer a simple question, dumbfuck. We know why.
I answered it, just not the way that you preferred. Now answer mine, if you dare.

Obviously, you can’t answer a simple question, dumbfuck. We know why.
I answered it, just not the way that you preferred. Now answer mine, if you dare.
Prove it.
Liar can’t back up his claim.
.......Oh what a night.....late December back in sixty three....she was everything she claimed to be.....what a Commie traitor- what a night.... Ohhhh I...I got a funny feeling when she blew...up the room....
Prove it.
I have not overlooked it, but will say the rioting by antifa is far more limited than the right likes to put on. I look at to by the goals of the violence and the number of hurt and dead. Should be interesting to see who is worse in 2021.
Why do you love socialism?
Just did.
Because I like having police, fire departments, roads, bridges, highways, schools, dams, parks, a military, a border wall with Mexico, border patrol agents, drug enforcement agents, jails, prisons, highway patrol, courts of law, an agency to identify infectious diseases, airports, disaster relief, hurricane research and monitoring, sewers, waste water treatment plants, refuse dumps, code enforcement for safe structures, inspectors for buildings, bridges and highways, inspectors for safe food and drugs, red lights for highway intersections, lights for highways and roads, stop signs, directional road signs, speed limit signs, road maintenance, all the everyday stuff, teabaggers consider the enemy.
Sure did, liar.
Waiting for the Sanders quote, lying bitch.
Why do you like socialism?
No one's against that. Name some things that are different than capitalism.
Where’s the quote that incited violence, lying bitch?
Dictatorships but even dictators use capitalism.
All the above mentioned are provided by federal, state and local government via taxation of citizens, that's socialism, according to teabaggers.
Let me guess, socialism is like pornography, teabaggers know it when they see it.