Uwaa OmO
No I mean like this one...Blah blah blah I'll just pretend I don't know what you're talking about.
No I mean like this one...Blah blah blah I'll just pretend I don't know what you're talking about.
No I mean like this one...
No I mean like this one...
No I mean like this one...
Having a loaded gun in his hand didn't prevent Chris Kyle from being killed by another gun.
Are you deliberately missing the point? Being armed or being surrounded by people with arms is no guarantee against being killed by arms.
We have dead politicians and celebrities who were surrounded by armed bodyguards. Chris Kyle was an armed sharpshooter who was killed by another person who was armed.
How can you prove that being armed is guaranteed to keep you safe?
The most ridiculous argument being made on this forum is that Obama and liberals are trying to take your guns. The government isn't trying to stop you from defending yourself, except in tinfoil hat world.
You mean like this one? I thought everyone supported confiscating illegal guns.
SACRAMENTO – The Assembly today passed legislation that would take illegally possessed firearms off the streets and out of the hands of potentially dangerous people who are prohibited from having them. Senate Bill 140, authored by Senator Mark Leno and Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg, appropriates $24 million to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) to enhance the identification and confiscation of handguns and assault weapons that are in the hands of convicted felons, persons who are determined to be mentally unstable, and others who have criminal backgrounds that prevent them from legally possessing guns.
This refers to assault weapons, not all guns. And it's from the state of Georgia. And their constitution reads "The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, but the General Assembly shall have the power to prescribe the manner in which arms may be borne."
So Obama is not trying to take away guns from Georgians. Link fail.
So you believe nobody should have an assault weapon, is that correct?
So you believe nobody should have an assault weapon, is that correct?
well maybe a few people could prove a real need for one and get a special permit.
but racists like you should not be allowed any weapons.
You are insane
Just dickless losers.
The most ridiculous argument being made on this forum is that Obama and liberals are trying to take your guns. The government isn't trying to stop you from defending yourself, except in tinfoil hat world.
If you like your gun you can keep your gun, loser.